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Summary of Contents for 247.886940

Page 1: ...efore using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE ESPAIRIOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 09905 June25 2014 ...

Page 2: ...ave plate shear pins spark plug aircleaner belts andoilfilter Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepaircaused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepairresulting fromnormalwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse including butnot limited to damage caused by...

Page 3: ... PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect theareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperationandwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injury to theeyes Donotoperate without wearingadeq...

Page 4: ...ector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineis running Shutoff engineandremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefaste...

Page 5: ...TICE REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certifiedto complywith California andfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE Sinai Off RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR o Thismachineisequippedwith ani...

Page 6: ...mpeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLiNE ISFLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust contai...

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Page 8: ...d a Place theshift everintheF6position SeeFigure 1inset b Puffupandbackonupperhandleasshownin Figure 1 Asyouare raisingthehandleupward makesurethat bothendsof thecenter cablearepositionedproperly in thebrackets Alignupperhandle withthe lowerhandle c Tighten handknobs securingupperhandleto lowerhandle Remove anddiscard anyrubberbands if present They arefor packaging purposes only Remove cotterpin w...

Page 9: ...ethechuteby handto faceforward Theholesinthechutecontrolinputwill befacingup SeeFigure 5 NOTE The chutewill notrotatewithoutsqueezing thetriggeronthejoystick 6 Rotatethejoysticktotheoneo clock positionsothesliverindicator arrowon theinputshaftbelowthecontrolpanelpointsupward SeeFigure 6 NOTE The joystickwill beangledslightlyto theright SeeFigure 5 Figure 6 f Figure 4 TopView Figure 5 f _ FrontView...

Page 10: ...hthechutecontrolrodback towardsthehandlepaneluntil the holeintherodlinesupwith theholeinthechutecontrolinputclosest to the chutecontrolhead Insertthecotterpin SeeFigure 8 NOTE Thesecond holeisusedto achieve furtherengagement of the chutecontrolrodintotheinputshaftifrequired andcanbeusedlater foradjustmentifthechutedoesnotfully rotate Referto theService Maintenance section for ChuteControl Rod adju...

Page 11: ...controlisnotassembled correctlyitwill notmovefreely norwill it movefully to therightandleft Set Up ShearPins Holes arelocated intheplastic dashpanelfor convenient shear pinstorage See Figure 11 Refer to theOperation sectionfor moreinformationregarding shearpin replacement Figure 10 J f Figure 11 J 11 ...

Page 12: ...nflate thetiresasnecessary NOTE Equal tire pressure isto bemaintained at alltimesforperformance purposes Adjustments Skid Shoes The snow thrower skid shoes areadjusted upward atthefactory forshipping purposes Adjust them downward if desired prior tooperating thesnow thrower It is notrecommended that youoperatethis snowthrower on gravelas it caneasilypickupandthrow loosegravel causingpersonalinjury...

Page 13: ...thrower engage theauger 4 Allowtheaugerto remainengaged for approximately ten 10 seconds beforereleasing theaugercontrol Repeat thisseveral times 5 Withtheaugercontrolin thedisengaged up position walkto thefrontof themachine 6 Toreadjust thecontrol cable loosen theupper hexboltontheauger cable bracket See Figure 14 Position thebracket upward toprovide more slack ordownward toincrease cable tension...

Page 14: ...ixforward F speeds Positionone 1 is the slowest andpositionsix 6 isthefastest Reverse Your snowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 istheslowerandtwo 2 R 1 isthefaster R 2 6 Thekeyisasafetydevice It mustbefully inserted in Ii 5 orderfor theenginetostart Remove thekeywhenthe snowthrowerisnotinuse _ O 4 NOTE Donotturn theignition keyinanattemptto start 3 theengine Doingsomaycause itto break t2 Choke...

Page 15: ...k f DRIVE CONTROL Thedrivecontrolislocatedontheright handle Squeeze thecontrolgripagainst the handle to engage thewheeldrive Release tostop Thedrivecontrolalsolockstheaugercontrolsoyoucanoperatethechute directionalcontrolwithoutinterruptingthesnowthrowingprocess Iftheauger controlisengaged simultaneously withthedrivecontrol theoperator canrelease theaugercontrol ontheleft handle andtheaugerswill r...

Page 16: ...el in awell ventilated areawith theengine stopped Donotsmokeor allowflamesorsparks in thearea wheretheengineisrefueled orwhere gasoline isstored Donotoverfillthefueltank Afterrefueling makesurethetankcapisclosed properly andsecurely Becarefulnotto spillfuelwhenrefueling Spilled fuelorfuelvapormay ignite If anyfuelisspilled makesuretheareaisdry before startingthe engine Avoidrepeatedorprolonged con...

Page 17: ...e into RUN position Toavoidunsupervisedengineoperation neverleavethe machine unattendedwith theenginerunning Turnthe engineoff after useand removekey Stopping TheEngine Afteryouhavefinishedsnow throwing runenginefor afewminutesbefore stoppingto helpdryoffany moisture ontheengine 1 Movethrottle controlto OFF position 2 Remove thekey Removing the keywill reduce thepossibility of unauthorized startin...

Page 18: ...o acompletestop NOTE Check theoillevelbeforeeachuseto besurecorrectoillevelismaintained Whenaddingoilto theengine referto viscosity chartbelow Engine oilcapacity is600ml approx 20oz Donotover fill Usea4 stroke oranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements forservice classification SG SEMotoroilsclassified SG SF will showthisd...

Page 19: ...n thesparkplugmustbeproperlygapped andfreeof deposits 1 Remove thesparkplugbootandusea sparkplugwrenchto remove the plug SeeFigure 19 2 Visually inspect thesparkplug Discard thesparkplugifthereisapparent wear orif theinsulatoriscracked orchipped Clean thesparkplugwith a wirebrushifit isto bereused 3 Measure thepluggapwith afeelergauge Correct asnecessary bybending sideelectrode SeeFigure 20 Thegap...

Page 20: ...els AugerShaft Atleastonceaseason remove theshearpinsonaugershaft Spray lubricantinside shaft andaroundthespacers andflangebearings foundat eitherendof theshaft SeeFigure 22 ShavePlateand Skid Shoes Theshave plateandskidshoesonthebottomof thesnowthroweraresubjectto wear Theyshouldbechecked periodically andreplaced whennecessary NOTE Theskidshoes onthismachine havetwo wearedges Whenonesidewears out...

Page 21: ...ower forward Thewheelsshouldnotturn Theunitshouldnotroll freely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movetheshift leverback andforthbetween theR2positionandthe F6positionseveral times There shouldbeno resistance intheshift lever 4 If anyof theabove testsfailed thedrivecableisin need of adjustment Proceed asfollows a Shutoff theengineasinstructed inthe Operation section b Loosen thelowerhexboltonthedrivec...

Page 22: ...asfollows I Topreventspillage remove allfuelfromtankbyrunningengineuntil it stops 2 Remove theplasticbeltcoveronthefrontof theenginebyremoving thetwo self tapping screws SeeFigure 27 3 Loosen andremove thetwo boltsandflat washers securing thebeltguide SeeFigure 28 Remove beltguide 4 Rolltheaugerbeltoffthe enginepulley SeeFigure 29 5 Carefully pivotthesnowthrowerupandforwardsothat it restsontheauge...

Page 23: ...elt Contact thenearest Sears Parts Repair Center to have thedrivebeltreplaced FrictionWheelinspection If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewith thedrivecontrolengaged andperforming theDrive ControlCable Adjustment failsto correctthe problem thefrictionwheel mayneedto bereplaced Examine thefrictionwheelrubberforsignsof wearor cracking andreplace wheelifnecessary NOTE Several components mustberemoved andsp...

Page 24: ...sfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoil onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated PreparingSnowThrower Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilated o...

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Page 26: ...tension cordtotheelectric starter button onmodels soequipped 1 Engine running onCHOKE 2 Stale fuel 3 Waterordirtinfuelsystem 4 Carburetor outofadjustment S Over governed engine 1 Loose partsordamaged auger 1 Spark plugwireloose 2 Gas capventholeplugged 1 Drive cableinneedofadjustment 2 Drive beltloose ordamaged 3 Wornfrictionwheel outletandtheotherendto athree prong 120 volt grounded AC outlet 1 M...

Page 27: ...a stick 2 Stopengine immediately anddisconnect sparkplugwire Remove objectfromaugerwithclean out toolorastick 3 Adjust augercontrolcable Refer to Assembly section 4 Replace auger belt Refer to Service andMaintenance section 5 Replace withnewshear pin s 1 Disassemble chutecontrolandreassemble asdirectedinthe Assembly section NEED MORE HELP o Firid this arid air your other product manuals online Get...

Page 28: ...quent purchaser that the outdoor equipment is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain condit...

Page 29: ...eplacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering System Col...

Page 30: ...lution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund O...

Page 31: ...aca deraspado lospasadores decuchilla labujia elfiltro deaire las correas yelfiltro deaceite Servicios demantenimiento est_ndar cambios deaceite oafinaci6n Cambio deneum_ticos oreparaciones porpinchaduras conobjetos externos como clavos espinas tocones ovidrios Reemplazo oreparaci6n deneum_ticos oruedas como resultado deldesgaste normal unaccidente ofuncionamiento omantenimiento incorrectos Repara...

Page 32: ...damente Nopermitanunca quelosni_osmenores de14a_osutilicenestam_iquina Los ni_osde14a_osenadelante debenleeryentenderlasinstrucciones deoperad6nynormas deseguridad contenidas enestemanual yenla m_iquina ydebenserentrenados ysupervisados porunadulto Nunca permitaquelosadultos operenestam_iquina sinrecibirantesla instrucci6n apropiada Los objetos arrojados porlam_iquina pueden producirlesiones grave...

Page 33: ...6n dedesengrane cuando selassuelta Nunca operelam_quina sifaltaunmontajedelcanalo sielmismoest_ daffado Mantenga todoslosdispositivos deseguddad ensulugaryen funcionamiento Nunca endendaelmotorenespados cerrados o enunazonaconpoca ventilad6n Elescape delmotorcontienemon6xido decarbono ungas inodoroyfetal Noutilicelam_iquina bajolainfluendadel alcohol o lasdrogas Elsilendador yel motorsecalientan y...

Page 34: ...lsor Segtin laComisi6n deSegufrdad deProductos paraelConsumidor delos Estados Unidos CPSC ylaAgendadeProtecd6n AmbientaldelosEstados Unidos EPA esteproductotJeneunavidatitil media desiete 7 afros 6 60horas defundonamiento AI finalizarlavidatitil media adquiera una m_quina nueva ohagainspecdonar anualmente 6staporundistribuidorde servkioautofrzado paracerdorarse dequetodoslossistemas mec_nicos yde ...

Page 35: ...A TALADRO ROTATIVO No ponga manos o pies cerca del giro de partes en el alojamiento de taladro aspa o asamblea de tolva Contacto con las partes rotativas puede amputar manos y pies OBJETOS LANZADOS POR ADVERTENClA Esta m_quina puede recoger y lanzar objetos que pueden causar la herida personal seria GASOLINA DE ADVERTENCIA ESINFLAMABLE Permita que el motor se enfrfe al menos dos minutos antes del ...

Page 36: ...r_sdelamanijasuperior tal ycomose muestra enlaFigura 1 Cuando ustedlevantaelmangohacia arriba asegtirese queambos finalesde cabledecentrosoncolocados correctamente enlossoportes Alineelamanijasuperiorconla manijainferior c Apriete asperillasmanuales quesujetan la manijasuperior a a manijainferior Retire ydescarte todos asbandas depl_stico si Las hubiera Onicamente seutiiizanparaelempaque 2 Retiree...

Page 37: ... Losodficiosenelcabezal decontroldelcanal estar_n mlrandohadaarriba VealaFlgura 5 NOT 4 Elcanalnogirar_sinquesehayaapretadoeldlsparador enlapalanca decontrol f 6 Girelapalanca decontrola launaposld6ntanquelaflechaindkadora plateada enelengranaje del plh6npordebajodelpaneldecontrolseffale haciaarriba VealaFigura 6 NOT 4 Lapalanca decontrolgirar_ligeramente hacia laderecha Veala Figura 5 laFigura 6 ...

Page 38: ...onal seaJinee conelorJfJdo en aentrada decontrolde canalIo m4s cercaposible delcabeza decontrolde canale inserte el pasador dechaveta VealaFigura 8 NO Elsegundo orifJciopuedeutilizarsem4stardeparareaJJzar ajustes si elcanalnogiratotalmente Vealasecci6n deServicio yMantenimiento para oreferente a Ajustes de aVarilJa deControl de Canal 9 Termine asegurando elcabeza decontrolde canal a lam_nsuJa deso...

Page 39: ...ento loscables debenestaralaizquierda delavarillahexagonal Configurad6n Pasadorde cuchilla Enelpaneldelnstrumentos depl_stico hayorlfldosparaelalmacenamlento conveniente del pasador decuchilla Yealafigura11 Consulte lasedondeservido ymantenimiento param_sinformaci6n encuantoelreemplazo delpasador de cuchilla f Figura 10 J Figura11 J 39 ...

Page 40: ...kos segun seanecesado NO La gualdad delapresi6n delosneum_tkos debesermantenlda entodo momentoparalosefectos delaperformance Ajustes Zapatasantideslizarites Las zapatas antideslizantes dela m_quina quitanieveseajustanparaardbaen f_bricaparaelenvio SiIo desea puedeajustarlas hacia abajoantesdehacer fundonarlam_quina quitanieve Noserecomiendaqueopereestam_quina quitanieve sobregrava ya que esposible...

Page 41: quitanieve engrane labarrena 4 Dejelabarrenaengranada duranteaproximadamente diez 10 segundos antesdesoltarelcontroldelabarrena Repita estaoperad6nvarias veces 5 Con labarrenaenposici6n desengranada arriba camine alfrentedela m_quina 6 Confirme quela barrena hadejadodegirarporcompletoynomuestra NINGUN signodemovimiento Silabarrenamuestra CUALQUIER signoderotaci6n vuelvaa laposid6ndeloperador ya...

Page 42: ...6nuno 1 eslam_slenta yla tt 2 posici6n seis 6 esla m_sr_pida F 1 Retroceso il 1 Haydosveloddades deretroceso R Launo I eslam_slenta ylados 2 es lam_sr_pida 112 lave de Encendido LaIlaveesundispositivo deseguridad Debe estar completamente insertada paraqueelmotorarranque RetirelaIlave cuandonousela m_quina quitanieve NOTE NogirelaIlaveparaintentar arrancar elmotor AI hacerlopodr a romperla Control ...

Page 43: ...rda Aprietelaempu6adura decontrolcontralamanijaparaengranar labarrenayempiece a quitarnieve Suelte paraquesedetenga Controlde iaTransmisi6n Control de ia Barrenade Cerradura f CONTROL DiE LA TRANSMI 1ON Elcontroldetransmisi6n est_ubicado enlamanijaderecha Presione la empufiadura decontrolcontralamanijaparaengranar laruedadetransmisi6n Suelte paraquesedetenga Elcontroldelatransmisi6n tambi_nbloquea...

Page 44: osusvapores sepueden incendlar Sisederrama combustible asegurese dequeel_reaest seca antesdearrancar elmotor Evite elcontactorepetido o prolongado conlapielo inhalarlosvapores Tenga extremocuidado cuandomanipuiegasoiina Lagasoiinaes altamenteinflamabley susvapores puedencausarexplosiones Nunca agreguecombustiblea am_iquinaeninteriores omientras el motor est_ calienteo enfuncionamiento Apaguelos...

Page 45: ...iode ventilad6ncuandoIohaga Sielmotorest_caliente presione elcebador una solavez Cubra siempre el orifido deventilad6ncuando oprimaelbot6ndel cebador Sihacefriopuederesultarnecesario repetirelcebado 5 Presione elbot6ndelarrancador paraarrancar el motor Una vezencendido elmotor suelteinmediatamente elbot6ndelarrancador Elarrancador el ctrico tieneunaprotecci6n contrasobrecarga t rmica elsistema se ...

Page 46: ...1 Cambio 1 Comprobar 2 Lubricaci6n conpetr61eo ligero 3 Lubricaci6n conautomotores multiusos 4 Lubricad6n conpetr61eo Iigero 5 Cambio elestancamiento decable 1 Cambio 1 Cambio 1 Elmotordirigidohastaqueestosepareafalta delcombustible Mantenimientode Motor Antesderealizartareasdelubricaci6n reparaci6no inspecci6n desengranetodos loscontrolesydetengael motor Espere a quese detengantodaslaspiezasm6vil...

Page 47: ... yajt_stelo bien Rellene el motorconelpetr61eo recomendado VetlacartadeUsodelAceite Recomendada Lacapacidad delaceitedelmotores20onzas 40 o 20 o 0o 200 400 oc 300 200 10 0 NOutilice aceitessindetergenteoparamotor dedostiempos Podria acortar avida util del motor Z Vuelva acolocar yajustareltap6ndeIlenado la varilladeniveldeaceite Control de la Bujia NOpruebela chispasi noest_la bujiadeencendldo NOd...

Page 48: ...a sobrelacajadelabarrena 3 Retirelacubiertadel marco inferiorquitandolostornillosquelaaseguran 4 Aplique alejehexagonal unacapaligeradeunagrasamultiusos aptapara condiciones clim_Jticas mt Itiples VealaFigura 20 NOTA Evitelosderrames deaceitesobrelaruedadefdcci6ndecaucho ysobrela placadetransmisi6n dealuminio Hadendo tandificultar_J elsistemadepaseo del lanzador denieve Borrecualquier exceso o pet...

Page 49: ... yest_enposid6ndesenganchada arriba elcabledebetenetmuypocojuego NO debeestartenso Tambi_n slhay excesivo flojo enelcabledepaseo o silaunidadexperimenta el paseo intermitente usando elcablepuedetenetquesetajustado Compruebe elajustedelcontroldelatransmisidn delasiguiente forma 1 Cuando suelteelcontroldelatransmisidn empujesuavemente lam_quina quitanievehadadelante Launidaddeber a avanzar librement...

Page 50: ...rillade controldelcanal Controlde la Barrena Consulte lasecion demontajeparaajustardichocontrol ZapatasAntideslizantes Consulte lasecion demontajeparaajustarLas zapatas antideslizantes Reemplazode la Correa LaCorreadela Barrena Para retiraryreemplazar lacorrea delabarrenadesum4quina quitanieve proceda comoseindicaacontinuaci6n I Para prevenir el derramamiento elimJne todoelcombustible deltanque ha...

Page 51: ...haciadelantede manera quequedeapoyada sobrelacajadelabarrena 6 Saque lacubiertadelmarcodesde debajo delam_quina quitanieve retirandoloscuatrotornillosautorroscantes quelaaseguran VealaFigura 29 Afloje y retire eltornillo conreborde que actua como guarda delacorrea Yea laFigura 30 Figura 28 Figura30 Figura29 51 ...

Page 52: ...entas especiales parareemplazar laruedaestam_quina quitanievefricci6n Silarueda defricci6ndebesetreemplazada p6ngase encontacto conlaspiezas m_scercana centrodeservicoSears Para examinar laruedadefricd6n seguirdelaformasiguiente 1 Dejequeel motorfuncionehastaqueseacabe el combustible 2 Gireconcuidadolam_quina quitanievebadaarribayhaciadelantede manera quequedeapoyada sobrelacajadelabarrena 3 Saque...

Page 53: ...adadeaceiteentodaslas_reas que pueden Ilegaraoxidarse Almacene enunsector limpio seco y bienventilado lejosdecualquier artefactoquefuncioneconunallamao luzpilotocomounhomo calentador deaguaosecador deropa Evite cualquiersector conunmotoreldctrico que produzca chispas odondeseutilicenherramientas eldctricas Nuncaalmacenela m_quinaquitanieveconcombustibleenel tanque en un espaciocerradoo en_reasconp...

Page 54: ...ibraci6n I Hay piezas queest_nflojasolabarrena est_dafiada I Ponga elinterruptorenlaposicidn CHOKE obturacidn 2 Conecte elcablealabujJa 3 Limpie ajusteladistanda dJsruptiva ocambie 4 Lleneel tanquecon gasolina limpiayffesca 5 Cebe elmotortalycomoseindica enlasecci6n deoperaci6n 6 Inserte lallavetotalmente dentrodelinterruptor 7 Conecte unextremo delcable deextensi6n alasalida de arranque el_ctrico...

Page 55: ...ados l 2 3 Ajuste elcable delcontroldetransmisi6n Consulte lasecd6n de Servido yMantenimiento Hareempiazado lacorrea detransmisi6n Contacte con sucentro departes yreparaciones Sears Hareemplazado larueda defricci6n depiezas enunCentro de Servicio Sears 3 4 5 Detenga elmotordeinmediato ydesconecte elcable delabujia Limpieelmontaje delcanalyelinteriordelacajadelabarrena conlaherramienta delimpieza o...

Page 56: ... cabo en un lapso razonable que no exceda de 30 dias Si tiene alguna pregunta respecto de la cobertura de la garantia pongase en contacto con el Departamento del Servicio T_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc al tel_fono 1 800 800 7310 o por correo electrdnico en http support mtdproducts com COBERTLIRA DELAGARANTiA DEEMISIONES GENERALES MTD Consumer Group Inc garantiza al comprador final y a cada comp...

Page 57: ... cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el equipos de exteriores es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa de la necesidad de reparaci6n o reemplazo de dicha pieza No obstante Io antedicho cualquier ajuste de un componente con un dispositivo de limitaci6n de ajuste inst...

Page 58: ...pida e apoyote ef6nico de unChamusca a representante Piense ennosotros comoe manual deundueffohab ador UnavezadquiridoelAcuerdo puedeprogramar elservicio contan s61o realizarunaIlamada telef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodeldfao delanocheoprogramar unservidoenIfnea ElAcuerdo deProtecd6n deReparad6n esunacomprasinriesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteelperfodo de garantfa deproducto propor...

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