Craftsman 247.881701 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 247.881701

Page 1: ...fore using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman corn FormNo 769 08167B August1 2013 ...

Page 2: ...or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident or improper operationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse including butnot limitedto damagecausedby over speeding the engine or from impacting objectsthat bendthe frame augershaft etc Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradean...

Page 3: PREPARATION Thoroughly inspecttheareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperationandwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injuryto theeyes Donotoperate without wearingadeq...

Page 4: ...ector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineisrunning Shutoff engineandremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefaster...

Page 5: ...E REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith Californiaandfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR e Thismachineisequippedwith aninter...

Page 6: ...impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can causeserious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

Page 7: in place on therightsideof thelowerhandle SeeFigure 3forreference IMPORTANT It will be necessary to lift the upper handle while sliding up this cable tie to prevent damage to the cable 3 Lift theupperhandleupandpositionit overthelowerhandle aligningthe holeswherethewingknobswereremoved 1 SeeFigure 2 Becarefulnotto bend orkinkthe cables 4 Inserta carriage screwfromtheoutsidethroughahandletab the...

Page 8: ... thefour hexnuts twooneachside andcarriage bolts Moveskid shoes to desired position SeeFigure 4 iii Clean OutTool Thechuteclean out tool isfastened to thetopof theaugerhousingwitha mounting clipandacabletie at thefactory Cutthecabletie before operatingthe snowthrower SeeFigure 5 ChuteClean out Tool Figure5 Tire Pressure Theproperinflation pressure isbetween 15 psiand20psi Check thetire pressure pe...

Page 9: ... fluid Vaporsareflammable I 2 Clean aroundfuelfill before removingcapto fuel Afuellevelindicator islocatedinthefueltank Filltankuntil fuelreaches the fuellevelindictor Figure 6 Becarefulnotto overfill Fuel Level Indicator TopView CheckingOilLevel Theengineisshippedwith oil intheengine Youmust however check the oil level priorto operatingthe snowthrower Runningthe engine with insufficient oil canca...

Page 10: ...10undertheheadingStartingEngine Makesurethethrottle issetin the FAST_j_ t position 3 Whilestandinginoperator s position behindunit engage auger 4 Allowaugerto remainengaged forapproximately ten 10 seconds before releasing theaugercontrol Repeat thisseveral times 5 Withtheenginerunningin theFAST 4_1 positionandtheaugercontrolin thedisengaged up position walkto thefrontof themachine 6 Confirmthatthe...

Page 11: ...ratorisstanding besidetheunit IMPORTANT Referto AugerControl Testin theAssembly sectionofthis manual priorto operatingyoursnowthrower Read andfollowallinstructions carefully andperformalladjustments to verifyyoursnowthrowerisoperatingsafely and properly ChuteHandle Thedirectionofsnowthrowingcorresponds to thedirectionof thechuteopening Use thechutehandleto turn thechuteassembly inthedirectionyouwi...

Page 12: ...Before Starting Engine Electric Starter Outlet Requires theuseof athree prongoutdoorextension cord included anda120V powersource wall outlet Primer startingPressing the primerforces fueldirectlyinto engine Soperation I _ TP _ carburetor to aidincold weather starting Refertothe instructionsinthe sectionof thismanual forproperprimerusage Theimage to the rightcorresponds with thelabelontheengineident...

Page 13: ...yourhome s wiringisa three wiregrounded system Askalicensed electrician ifyouarenotcertain Ifyouhaveagrounded three prongreceptacle proceed asfollows If youdonot have the properhouse wiring DO NOT usetheelectricstarterunderanyconditions 1 Plugtheextension cordintotheoutlet located ontheengine ssurface Plug theotherendof extension cordintoa three prong120 volt grounded AC outlet inawell ventilated ...

Page 14: ... largevolumes of snow immediately disengage thedrivecontrolandallowthe rotatingaugerto discharge snow fromthe housing Reduce theclearingwidth andcontinueoperation Oneachsucceeding pass readjustthechuteassembly to thedesiredposition andslightlyoverlapthepreviously clearedpath PositioningDischargeChute Loosen thechuteknobandpivotupperchuteto desired position Tighten thechute knobmakingsurethecarriag...

Page 15: ...o a compete stop NOTE Check theoillevelbeforeeachuseandaftereveryfive hoursofoperationto besurecorrectoillevelis maintained Whenaddingoilto theengine referto viscosity chartbelow Engine oilcapacity is600ml approx 20oz Donotover fill Usea4 stroke oranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements forservice classification SG SEMoto...

Page 16: ...beenrunning the muffler willbeveryhot Becarefulnot to touchthe muffler NOTE Check thesparkplugonceaseason orevery25hours of operation Change thesparkplugonceaseason orevery100hours Toensureproperengineoperation thesparkplugmustbeproperlygapped and freeofdeposits 1 Remove thesparkplugbootandusea sparkplugwrenchto remove the plug SeeFigure13 2 Visually inspectthesparkplug Discard thesparkplugif ther...

Page 17: ...Pin SkidShoe Carriage Bolt ShavePJate Lock Nut Carriage Bolt _ Lock Nut 4 Figure 15 Reassemble newshaveplate making sureheads of thecarriageboltsareto theinsideofthehousing Reinstall skidshoes Tighten securely Lubrication Foraviewof thelubricationpointsonthesnowthrower seeFigure 16 1 Lubricate pivotpointsontheaugercontrolanddrivecontrolwith a light engineoilonceaseason 2 Lubricate theauger idlerbr...

Page 18: ...lyleak from the carburetor 3 Remove theself tapping screwshownin Figure 17 andpresstheplastic tabsto release thebeltcover Pullthebeltcoverupandoutfromaroundthe engineandchuteassembly Setit aside andsave J AugerBelt IMPORTANT Because gascouldleakfromthecarburetor whenservicing augerbelt runtheengineuntilthefueltankis dry aspreviously instructed in Replacing Belts 1 Tipthesnowthrowerupandforwardsoth...

Page 19: ...ringandremove frombolt AdjustingTheAugerCable Refer to theAssembly sectionfor instructions onadjustingtheaugercontrolcable Spring Figure 19 3 Pivotthetransmission forwardto release pressure onthedrivebelt Remove beltfromtransmission pulley 4 Remove thedrivebeltfromaround theenginepulley andawayfromthe unit 8 9 10 5 Place thenewdrivebeltintothegrooveontheenginepulley SeeFigure 18 6 Tiltthetransmiss...

Page 20: ...isfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoll onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated If possible avoidstorage areas with highhumidity Keep theenginele...

Page 21: ...tloose ordamaged 2 Unitfailsto discharge snow 1 Chuteassembly clogged 1 2 Foreign objectlodgedin auger 3 Augercablein needof adjustment 4 Augerbeltlooseordamaged S Shear pin s sheared 7 Connect oneendof theextension cordto theelectric starteroutlet andtheotherendto athree prong120 volt grounded AC outlet 1 Movechokeleverto RUN position 2 Clean fuel lineandfill tankwith fresh cleangasoline 3 Run en...

Page 22: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 881701 22 ...

Page 23: ...xBolt 3 8 16x 1 50 AB Screw5 16 18x 750 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 ShoulderSpacer Spiral Pin PushOn Nut m M 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 731 04218B 932 0611 736 0174 938 0281 941 0245 941 0309 950 04191 684 04358 784 0434 0637 790 00075 918 04292B 684 04113A 0637 684 04114A 0637 684 04166A 4043 714 04040 731 04870 936 0351 738 04124A 741 0...

Page 24: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 881701 24 ...

Page 25: ...tWasher ShoulderScrew1 4 20 ShoulderScrew1 4 28 Hex FlangeBearing Hex FlangeBearing CableRoller m M 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 51 52 53 54 55 56 784 o419C 4O43 790 00223A 0637 790 00224 934 04282B 734 04322 710 0627 736 0242 738 04321 910 0224 710 0654A 710 0696 710 1245B 931 04162A 736 0247 736 0505 748 04067A 950 1355 950 1356 954 04013 954 04014 956 04024 756...

Page 26: ...I 9NIOIAU IS H0 9NI99013Nll 3HO_3B03ddOlS 3MH SlUVd9NIAO_llVlilNn S310NVH ONIH t8 NIV_BU QNV INIDN dOlS SUBA3I H31nl3 IDVgNBSIO _ 31nH3 39UVH3SIO 501ONROlI001IRO NV310 3SR Z 133d ONV SONVH31Vlrld_V NV3U39nVUOU_113d_i HIiM 1OVlN0O U39fiV 0NVH3 l 13d_l9NilVl0_l _0U I IVMV d33H L 777S32236 777i23249 777D16340 777i22138 S 777X43688 eONOT USEE85 ORFUEL COHTAiHiHG MOBE THAH 10 ETHAHOL 777122164 i 122164...

Page 27: ...or SnowModel 247 881721 24 23 m 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 951 11282 710 05001 751 14190 951 11289 712 04214 710 04915 951 I0642B D _ o w Muffler Assembly Stud M8x36 Muffler Stud Kit Exhaust Pipe Gasket Nut M8 Bolt M6x12 Muffler Shield 27 ...

Page 28: ...21 41 _42 0 37 35 34 35 36 37 39 4O 41 42 43 951 10634 712 04213 951 11284 951 10757 951 10637 731 05632 951 10640 951 10635 710 04943 D _ o 0 Air Cleaner Housing Nut Choke Knob Throttle Control Knob Key Switch Key Choke Push Rod Heater Box Bolt M6x28 28 ...

Page 29: ...Craftsman EngineModel265 SUA For SnowModel 247 881721 132 Gasket Kit Complete 133 Gasket Kit External 134 Complete Engine 63 62 29 ...

Page 30: ... Pin Bolt M6x12 Air Shield Connecting Rod Assembly Governor Arm Shaft Washer 5 2xl 9 Governor Seal Cotter Pin Camshaft Assembly Radial Ball Bearing 6205 Woodruff Key Crankshaft Kit Incl 62 64 74 79 Governor Gear Shaft Assembly Dowel Pin 7x14 Dowel Pin 9x14 Crankcase Cover Gasket Crankcase Cover Crankcase Cover Kit Incl 62 68 74 Bolt M8x32 Oil Fill Plug Assembly O Ring 15 8x2 5 Oil Seal 25x41 25x6 ...

Page 31: ...Craftsman EngineModeJ265 SUA For SnowModeJ247 881721 48 15 44 13 10 6 17 132 Gasket Kit CompJete 133 GasketKit External 134 CompleteEngine 31 ...

Page 32: ...A 951 10661B 952Z265 SUA D _ 0 Bolt M6x16 Valve Cover Breather Hose Breather Hose Clamp Valve Cover Gasket Valve Spring Retainer Intake Rocker Arm Assembly Nut Pivot Locking Adjusting Nut Valve Rocker Arm Bolt Pivot Exhaust Lash Cap Valve Spring Retainer Exhaust Valve Spring Valve Seal Intake Bolt M8x55 Push Rod Guide Cylinder Head Assembly In cl 4 14 16 17 21 27 29 44 48 49 Spark Plug F6Rtc Gaske...

Page 33: ...Craftsman EngineModel265 SUA For SnowModel 247 881721 27 28 3O 135 Carburetor Kit 31_ w 33 ...

Page 34: ...x117 Stud M6x105 Carburetor Insulator Gasket Carburetor Insulator Carburetor Gasket Primer Assembly Primer Bulb Ca rburetor Assembly Carburetor Gasket Plate Choke Control Carburetor Kit Incl h n o p q r s t v x Choke Shaft Choke Plate Throttle Shaft Throttle Plate Screw M3x6 LockWasher Gasket Throttle Plate Idle Jet Assembly 0 34 Idle Speed Adjusting Screw Primer Pipe Primer Hose Hose Clamp Carbur...

Page 35: ...6 951 11110 710 04940 710 04919 951 12416 951 10934 951 10911 712 04209 710 04915 951 10663A 736 04455 710 04974 951 14151 D o o Ignition Coil Assembly Air Flow Shield Bolt M6xlO Bolt M6x25 Flywheel Cooling Fan Starter Cup Nut Special M14xl 5 Bolt M6x12 Blower Housing Gasket 6 Bolt M6xlO Recoil Starter 35 ...

Page 36: ... Governor System Shield Governor Spring Throttle Linkage Spring Throttle Linkage Governor Arm NutM6 Governor Arm Bolt Fuel Hose Clamp Fuel Line Kit Bolt M6x12 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 951 11914 710 04905 710 04915 951 11913 951 11381 951 10656 951 11904 951 12482 951 12533 951 11933 951 10653B D _ o o Dipstick Decoration Cover Bolt Bolt M6x12 Oil Fill Tube Assembly O Ring Oil Fi...

Page 37: ...22 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 710 04914 951 11680 951 11114 712 05015 710 04935 710 04965 710 05182 715 04088 951 I0645A 710 04915 951 11109 D o o Bolt M6xlO Wire Clip Switch Housing Mounting Bracket Nut M6 Bolt M4x60 Bolt M4x55 Bolt M6x32 Dowel Pin 8x8 Electric Starter Bolt M6x12 Blower Housing Shield 37 ...

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Page 39: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Page 40: ...placement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering ...

Page 41: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 42: ...reparaciones porpinchaduras con objetosexternoscornoclavos espinas toconeso vidrios Reernplazo o reparaci6nde neurn_ ficos o ruedascornoresultado del desgastenormal unaccident o funcionarniento o rnantenirniento incorrectos Reparacionesrequeridascornoresultado del uso inadecuadopot partedeloperador incluyendo entreotrosel da_oocasionadoporobjetos queirnpactanla rn_ quina y quetuercenel bastidor el...

Page 43: ...e No perrnitanuncaque los ni_osrnenoresde 14a_osutilicen estarn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osen adelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny norrnasdeseguridad contenidaseneste manual y en la rn_ quina ydebenser entrena dosy supervisados porun adulto Nuncaperrnitaquelos adultosoperenestarn_ quina sin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Losobjetosarrojadosporla rn_ quina puedenproducirle...

Page 44: ...ndose lassuelta Nuncaoperela rn_ quina si faltaunrnontajedelcanalo si el rnisrnoest daSado Mantengatodoslosdispositivosde seguri daden su lugaryen funcionarniento Nuncaenciendaelmotorenespacioscerradoso en unazona con pocaventilaci6n Elescapedel motorcontienernon6xidode carbono ungas inodoroy letal Noutilicela rn_ quina bajola influenciadelalcoholo las drogas Elsilenciadory el motorse calientany p...

Page 45: ... barrena irnpulsor SegOn laCornisi6nde Seguridad de Productosparael Consurni dorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Protecci6n Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediadesiete 7 a_os 660 horasdefuncionarniento AI finalizarlavida Otilmedia adquieraunarn_ quina nuevao hagainspeccionaranualrnente _staporun distribuidordeservicio autorizadoparacerciorarsede quetodoslos...

Page 46: ...turas de descarga mientras la m_iquina corre Alli hacen girar I_iminas dentro LA ADVERTENCIA TALADRO ROTATIVO No ponga manos o pies cerca del giro de partes en el alojamiento de taladro aspa o asamblea de tolva Contacto con las partes rotativas puede amputar manos y pies OBJETOS LANZADOS POR ADVERTENClA Esta m_iquina puede recoger y lanzar objetos que pueden causar la herida personal seria GASOLIN...

Page 47: ...elabarradecontrolinferior VealaFigure 22 comoreferencia IMPORTANTE Para evitarquesedaffee cableresuitar_necesario levantarlabarra decontrolsuperiormientras sedesliza estaunidndecablehadaarriba 3 Eleve labarra decontrolsuperior yubiquela sobre labarra inferior alineando losorificios deloscuales seextrajeronlas perillas dealetas 1 VealaFigure 21 Figure20 Tenga cuidadodenodobiar nitorcer loscables 4 ...

Page 48: ...a laszapatas antideslizantes a laposid6ndeseada Vea la Figure 23 Pasadores de cuchilla Su m_quina quitanieve traeunpar depasadores decuchilla delabarrena y pasadores dechaveta conuni6n curva de reemplazo Almac_nelos enunlugar seguro hasta quelos necesite Herramienta de iimpieza La herramienta delimpieza del canal viene ajustada def_brica alapartesuperior delacaja delabarrena conunpasador deensambl...

Page 49: ...gasolina Lagasolinaessumamente inflamable ysusvaporespuedencausare plosiones Nuncaagregue combustibleala m_quinaeninterioresni mientrasel motor est_caliente oenfu ncionamiento Apaguedgarrillos dgarros pipasyotras fuentesde combusti6n Vistasuperior delindicador de niveldecombustible Figure 25 Verificad6ndel niveide aceite Elmotor seenviaconaceiteenel motor Sinembargo debecontrolarel nivel deaceitea...

Page 50: ...nun_reabienventilada arranque el motordelam_quina quitanievesegun seindicaenlap_gina10bajoelencabezado Encendido del motor resedequeel regulador seencuentre enlaposici6n FAST r_pida 3 Parado enlaposici6n deloperador detr_s delaunldad engrane la barrena 4 Dejelabarrena engranada duranteaproximadamente diez 10 segundos antesdesoltarelcontroldelamlsma Replta estaoperaci6n varlasveces 5 Con el motorfu...

Page 51: y su_ltelo para desengranarlas Nuncarealice ajustesalmontaje del canala menosqueloscontrolesdela barrenay latransmisi6nest_ndesengranados yel operadorest_parado junto a la unidad IMPORTANTE Consulte laInformaci6n sobrelaprueba decontroldelabarrena en lasecd6nMontajeyAjustes deestemanual antesdehacer funcionar lam_quina quitanieve Leaycumpla todaslasinstrucciones concuidado yrealice todoslos aju...

Page 52: ...dor Elcontroldelregulador est_i ubkadoenelmotor Regula laveloddad delmotor y Ioapaga cuando sepresiona hadaabajocompletamente Laimagen deladerecha representa lasveloddades delcontroldelregulador ycoincide conlaetiquetaubkada enelmotor Las im_igenes acontinuaci6n ilustran ladefinici6n decada s mbolo Herramienta de limpieza Nuncauselasmanosparadespejarunmontaje decanaltapado Apagueel motory permanez...

Page 53: ...cualquier longitud perodebeestar clasificadopara15amperiosa 125voltios tierra y clasificadoparasuuso al aire fibre NOTA Dejequeel motorsecalienteduranteunosminutostraselarranque Elmotor nodesarrollar_ todasupotencia hastaquealcance temperaturas operativas 1 Asegurese dequeelcontroldelabarrenayelcontroldelatransmisi6n est_n enposici6n desengranada sinpresionar 2 InsertelaIlavedeencendido enlaranura...

Page 54: ...edimiento paraquitarlanieve Revise la zonaquedesealimpiar paradetectarla presendadeobjetos extraffos Retirelossi loshay 1 Endenda elmotorsiguiendolasinstrucdones deencendido 2 Deje queelmotorsecalienteunosminutosyaqueelmismonodesarrolla la potendam_xima hastaquealcanza latemperatura defundonamiento 3 Gire elconjuntodelcanalhadaladirecd6ndeseada lejosdetranset_ntes o edificios 4 Asegurese dequenoha...

Page 55: ... paraquelospasadores se quiebren si labarrena golpearaunobjetoextraffoo untrozodehielo Silasbarrenas nogiran verifiquesi lospasadores sehanquebrado VealaFigure 29 NUNCA cambielospasadoresdecuchilladelasbarrenaspototra cosaque lospasadores decuchilladerepuestodel fabrkante del equipooriginal NO de pieza 738 04124 CualquierdaEoquesufra lacaja deengranajesdela barrenaocualquierotto componentepot resp...

Page 56: ...d6ndeaceite S elnivelesbajo agregue lentamenteaceitehastaqueel nivelregistrado est enunpunto ntermedio entrealto H ybajo L VealaFigure 30 4 Vuelva acolocar eltap6n la varillademedki6ndeaceKe bienajustados antesdeponerenmarcha elmotor Cambiode aceite del motor NOTA Cambie elaceitedelmotordespu s delasprimeras dncohoras de fundonamiento y enIosucesivo unavezportemporada ocadadncuentahoras 1 Vadeelco...

Page 57: ...gaste osiel aislante est_agrietado o astillado Limpielabujiaconun cepillodealambre sisevaa reutilizar 3 Midalaseparaci6n debujiaconuncalibrador Corrija desetnecesario torciendo elelectrodo lateral Veala Figure 33 Laseparaci6n debe establecerse entre0 02y0 03pulgadas 0 60 0 80 mm Electrodo 9 e 0 02 0 03 pulgadas 0 60 0 80 ram Figure33 Verifiquequelaarandela delabujiaest_enbuenas condiciones yenrosq...

Page 58: ... quitanieve est_diseffada demaneraquelos pasadores sequiebran si golpeaunobjetoextraffo o unabarradehielo Consulte la Figure 34 Silasbarrenas nogiran verifiquesilospasadores sequebraron Siesnecesario reempl_celos potpasadores decuchilla adecuados Consulte el ntimerodepieza correcto enlalistadepiezas deestemanual IMPORTANTE Noreemplace NUNCA lospasadores decuchilladelasbarrenas por pasadores osujet...

Page 59: ...egasolina delcarburador enestepunto debehaberhecho fundonarel motorhastavadarel depdsito de combustible comoseindic6previamente I Inclinelam_quina quitanievehadaarribay hadaadelante demanera que quedeapoyada sobre lacajadelabarrena Retireelguardacorrea comose indkaenla Figure 38 Regrese lam_quina quitanieveasuposici6n vertical paracompletarlossiguientes pasos 2 Deslice lacorrea delabarrenafrontalf...

Page 60: ...d6n de laAsamblea parAjustedelcabledelabarrena Siga el cronograma demantenimiento quesepresenta acontinuad6n Algunos ajustes debenserrealizados peri6dicamente paraelmantenimiento adecuado delaunidad Revise peri6dicamente todoslossujetadores ycompruebe queest_nbienajustados Controle sucalendafio demantenimiento completando elcampo Fechas delos servkios queaparece acontinuad6n Antes derealizartareas...

Page 61: ...aceiteentodaslas_ireas que pueden llegaraoxidarse Almacene enunsectorlimpio seco ybienventilado lejosdecualquier artefactoquefundoneconunallamao luzpilotocomounhomo calentador deaguaosecador deropa Evite cualquier sectorconunmotorel ktricoque produzca chispas odondeseutilicenherramientas el ktricas Nuncaaimacenelam_iquinaquitanieveconcombustibleeneltanque en unespaciocerradooen_ireas conpocaventil...

Page 62: ...a unajuste 4 Lacorrea delabarrenaest_floja odaffada 5 Elo lospasadores decuchilla est n quebrado s Launidadnodescarga lanieve 1 Ponga elcontroldel cebador enlaposid6nON encendido 2 Conecte elcablea labuj a 3 Limpiela ajusteladistanciadlsruptlva o c_mbiela 4 Lleneeltanquecongasolina limpiayfresca 5 Cebe el motortal comoseexplic6 enlasecd6nFundonamiento 6 InsertelaIlavetotalmentedentrodelinterruptor...

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Page 65: ...ificaciones no aprobadas Usted es responsable de presentar su motor al centro de distribuci6n o servicio t_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc tan pronto como aparezca el problema Las reparaciones cubiertas por la garantia se deben Ilevar a cabo en un lapso razonable que no exceda de 30 dias Si tiene alguna pregunta respecto de la cobertura de la garantia p6ngase en contacto con el Departamento del Se...

Page 66: ...eparaci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otro modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_ ser excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el motor es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa de la necesidad de reparaci6n o reemplazo ...

Page 67: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 68: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...
