Craftsman 247.375900 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 247.375900

Page 1: ...his product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY o ASSEMBLY o OPERATION o MAINTENANCE o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 09383 November25 2013 ...

Page 2: ...hcanwearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod such asmowerblades blade adapters belts filters orspark plugs Product damage resulting fromuserattempts at product modification orrepairorcaused byproductaccessories Repairs necessary because ofaccident orfailuretooperate ormaintain theproduct according toallsupplied instructions Preventative maintenance orrepairs necessary dueto improper fuelmixture...

Page 3: ...objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochetback towardtheoperator Tohelpavoidbladecontact ora thrownobjectinjury stayinoperator zone behindhandles andkeepchildren bystanders helpers andpetsat least75 feetfrom...

Page 4: ... CHILDREN Tragic accidents canoccuriftheoperatorisnotalertto thepresence of children Children areoftenattractedto themowerandthemowingactivity Theydonot understand thedangers Never assume thatchildrenwill remainwhereyoulastsaw them Keep childrenoutof themowingareaandunderwatchfulcareof a responsible adultotherthantheoperator Bealertandturn moweroff ifa childentersthearea Before andwhilemoving back...

Page 5: ...e Check fuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracks or leaks Replace if necessary Donotcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved Maintainorreplace safetyandinstructionlabels asnecessary Observe properdisposal lawsandregulations Improper disposal of fluids andmaterials canharmtheenvironment According to theConsumer Products SafetyCommission CPSC andtheU S Environmental Protection Agency EPA thisproduc...

Page 6: ... hands and feet away from rotating parts DANGER THROWNDEBRIS Remove objects that can be thrown by the blade in any direction Wear safety glasses DANGER SLOPES Use extra caution on slopes Do not mow slopes greater than 15 WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Eng...

Page 7: ... gaugewith the object SeeFigure1 andFigure2 4 Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 _O _daShed _ fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a major factor relatedto tip over and roll overaccidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess o...

Page 8: ...ROM CARTON 1 Lift unitfromtherearto detachit fromunderlying cartonmaterialandroll unitoutof carton 2 Check cartonthoroughlyforanyotherlooseparts Loose PartsIn Carton SideDischarge Cover Grass Catcher Engine Oil Assembly Attaching TheHandle I Remove anypackingmaterialwhichmaybebetweenupperandlower handles a Remove wingnutsandcarriage boltshandleasshownin Figure I Donotloosen or remove adjacent hexh...

Page 9: ...ingnutsandcarriage boltsremoved earlierintolower holesof handle asshownin Figure 5 4 Theropeguideisattached to therightsideof theupperhandle Loosen the wingknobwhichsecures theropeguide Refer to Figure 6 a Holdbladecontrolagainst upperhandle b Slowlypullstarterropehandlefromengineandslipstarterropeinto theropeguide SeeFigure 6 c Tighten ropeguidewingknob d Use cableclipsprovided to secure bladecon...

Page 10: ...sothat it restsonthegrasscatcher Toremove grasscatcher lift reardischarge dooronthemower Lift grass catcherup andoff theslotsinthehandlebrackets Release reardischarge doortoallowit to close rearopeningof mower Attaching SideDischargeCover Your mowerisshipped asa mulcher Toconvertto side discharge makesuregrass catcher isoff oftheunitandreardischarge doorisclosed I Onthesideof themower lift themulc...

Page 11: ...verto desired positionforachangeincuttingheight SeeFigure 10 3 Release levertowards deck HandlePitch Forconvenience of operation youmayadjustthepitchofthehandleasfollows I Remove starknobsandcarriage boltsfrom handle SeeFigure 11 2 Position thehandlein oneofthethreepositions that ismostcomfortable SeeFigure 11inset 3 Secure intopositionwithstarknobsandcarriage boltsremoved earlier Lower Figure10 J...

Page 12: ...ove theleft rearwheel Toadjust thecuttingheight referto theAssembly Section DeckWash Themulchingcoverisusedfor mulchingpurposes Instead of collecting thegrass clippingsinagrasscatcher orusingthesidedischarge chute somemowermodels havetheoptionof recirculating theclippingsbackto thelawn Thisiscalled mulching Side DischargeCover Yourmoweris shipped asamulcher Todischarge thegrass clippingsto theside...

Page 13: ...tover fill Use asyntheticor non synthetk 4 stroke oranequivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotor oilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobilemanufacturer s requirements for service classification SG SEMotoroilsclassified SG SF will showthisdesignation onthecontainer SAE 30isrecommended for general alltemperature use Ifsingleviscosity oil is used selecttheappropriate viscosity fortheaverage temperat...

Page 14: ... storedfor longperiods NEVER mixoilwith fuel DONOT usefuelcontainingMethanol WoodAlcohol NOTE Beforerefueling allowengineto cooltwo minutes 1 Clean aroundfuelfill before removing capto fuel 2 Filltankuntil fuelreaches 1 2 inchbelowthebottomof thefiller neck to allowspace forfuelexpansion Becarefulnotto overfill 3 Replace thegasoline capandtightensecurely Wipeupspilledfuelbefore startingengine If f...

Page 15: ...ardischarge doorwill close Whenyouremove thesidedischarge chute themulchingcoverwill close Foreffectivemulching donotcutwet grass Ifthegrasshasbeenallowedto growinexcess of fourinches mulching is notrecommended Usethegrass catcher to bagclippingsinstead f J Figure15 UsingGrass Catcher Youcanusethegrass catchertocollectclippingswhileyouareoperatingthe mower 1 Attachgrasscatcher followinginstruction...

Page 16: ...anister Filterf 1 Fuelsystem Followthemaintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks Tolocatethenearest Sears Service Center orto schedule service simplycontactSears at 1 800 4 MY HOME 1 Check 2 Tighten orreplace 3 Check 4 Clean 1 Change I Check 2 Lube with light oii 3 Clean I Change I Replace 2 Replace ...

Page 17: ... If necessary resetthegap 5 Check thatthesparkplugwasher isin goodconditionandthreadthespark pluginbyhandto preventcross threading 6 Afterthesparkplugisseated tightenwith asparkplugwrenchto compress thewasher NOTE Wheninstallinga newsparkplug tighten1 2turn afterthespark plugseatsto compress thewasher Whenreinstallingausedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4 turn afterthesparkplugseats to compress thewasher I...

Page 18: ...o theengineto catchtheusedoil 3 Remove thedrainpluganddraintheoil intothecontainer bytippingthe enginetowardtheoil fill dipstick SeeFigure 18 Used oil is a hazardous wasteproduct Dispose of usedoil properly Donot discardwith household waste Checkwithyour localauthoritiesor Sears ServiceCenter for safedisposal recyclingfacilities 4 Reinstall thedrainplugandtightenit securely 5 Refillwith therecomme...

Page 19: ... Remove hoseclampfromfuellineandremove fuellinefromtankoutlet See Figure 22 3 Pulloutoldfuelfilter fromtankoutlet Replace whendirtyordamaged 4 Grasp newfuelfilter fromshouldered endandinsertit completely to the shoulder intothetankoutlet 5 Replace fuellineandhoseclamp Clean Engine Dailyorbefore everyuse cleangrass chafforaccumulated debrisfrom engine Keep linkage spring andcontrols dean Keep areaa...

Page 20: ...erforcracks especially if youstrikeaforeign object Replace whennecessary Followthestepsbelowfor bladeservice 1 Disconnect sparkplugbootfromsparkplug Turnmoweronitssidemaking surethat theairfilter andthecarburetor arefacingup 2 Remove theboltandthe bladebellsupportwhichholdthebladeandthe bladeadapter to theenginecrankshaft See Figure 25 3 Remove bladeandadapterfromthecrankshaft 4 Remove bladefromth...

Page 21: ...itting away fromthehandle Unhook thecableandremove the metalbushing fromtheplasticdrive handle SeeFigure 27 Replace bushing inthelowerholeandreattachthecablethroughthe bushingandlowerholeinthehandle SeeFigure 28 Rgure28 5 Reinsert thedrivecablefitting intotheupperhandle androtateit downward 6 Startthemowerandcheck the functionof thedrivehandle _ AUTION If thedriveisengaged withoutpushing onthe han...

Page 22: ... fuelcanbestoredupto 24months Whileengineisstill warm change theoil Clean engineof surface debris PreparingTheLawnMower Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly asdescribed inthelubrication instructions Donotusea pressure washer orgardenhoseto cleanyourunit Coat mower s cutting bladewith chassis grease to prevent rusting Refer to Preparing theEngine forcorrectenginestorage instructions Store mowerinad...

Page 23: ...y orgaptoowide 1 2 Dirtyaircleaner 2 Excessive vibration 1 Cutting bladeloose orunbalanced 1 2 Bentcuttingblade 2 1 Engage bladecontrol 2 Connect wireto sparkboot 3 Filltankwithdean freshgasoline 4 Prime engine asinstructed intheOperation section 5 Clean adjustgap orreplace 6 Waitafewminutes to restart 7 Contact yourSears Parts Repair Center to havefuelline cleaned 1 Connect andtightensparkplugboo...

Page 24: clogging driveoperation 2 Stopengine disconnect sparkplugboot andclean outdebris 3 Damaged orwornbelt 3 Inspect andreplace belt 4 Drlvecontroloutofadjustment 4 AdjustdrlvecontroI See Drlve Adjustment inService Maintenance section Highpullback effort 1 Pulling mowerbackwards before transmission 1 Allowtheunitto rollforwardslightlywithoutthedrivelever s disengages engaged before pullingbackwards ...

Page 25: ...fects warranty Defects arejudgedonnormalengine performance The warrantyisnotrelatedto anin useemission test Soars Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowingarespecific provisions relativeto yourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage It isinadditionto theSears enginewarrantyfornon regulated engines found in theOperating andMaintenance Instructions 1 Warranted Parts Coverage under...

Page 26: ...solution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund...

Page 27: ...usoduranteelperiodo degarantia talescomocuchillas de cortadora adaptadores para cuchillas correas filtrosdeaire y bujias deencendido Producto dafios resultantes delosintentosdelusuario demodificaci6n delproducto reparaci6n ocausados potaccesorios deproductos Reparaciones necesarias debido alaccidente opotnooperar omantener elproducto segOn lasinstrucciones provistas Mantenimiento preventivo orepar...

Page 28: ...losquepodriatropezar o quepodrianserarrojados porlacuchilla Los objetos arrojados porlam_quina pueden produdrlesiones graves Planifique elpatr6nenelquevaair descargando el recorte paraevitarqueladescarga dematerialserealicehadaloscaminos lasveredas losobservadores etc Evite adem_s descargar materialcontralasparedes yobstrucdones que podrianprovocar queelmaterialdescargado rebote contrael operador ...

Page 29: ..._sped altopuedeocultar obst_culos Siempre est_seguro desuequilibdo Sitropieza ycaepuede lesionarse gravemente Sisiente quepierde elequilibno suelte nmediatamente lamanija decontrol delacuchilla ylacucMladejar_ degirarentres 3 segundos No haga Io siguiente Nocorteelc_sped cerca depozos hundimientos bancos podr a perderel equlllbrlo Nopodependientes mayores de15grados comoIoindicael medidor de pendi...

Page 30: ... yreempl_celos s61o con partesdelosfabrkantesdeequlpos originales O E M listadas eneste manual Lautilizad6ndepartesquenocumplanconlasespeciflcadones de equipos originales podriatenercomoresultado unrendimlento ncorrecto y adem_s lasegurldad podriaestarcomprometida Nocambielaconflgurad6n delregulador delmotorniacelere demadado el mismo Elregulador controlalaveloddadm_ximasegura deoperad6ndel motor ...

Page 31: ...RO Escombros Lanzados Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_mina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO Cuestas Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas mayores que 15 ADVERTENClA DESPIDA Para reducir el riesgo de incendio mantenga la m_quina limpia de pasto hojas y de acumulaci6n de otros escombros ADVERTENCIA VAPORES TOXICOS Nunca encienda un motor en espaci...

Page 32: ...2 Ajuste el pendiente de calibre arriba o haciaabajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 15 Pendiente Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provoc...

Page 33: ...rparasepararla del materialdelacaja quequededebajoyhagarodarlaunidadfueradelacaja 2 Venfique cuidadosamente sienlacajaquedaalgunapartesuelta Piezassueltasdentro de lacaja Tolva dedescarga lateral Colector dec_sped Aceite del motor Figura 2 Montaje Montaje de la manUa I Retireelmaterialdeempaque quepudiera estarentrelasmanijas superior einferior 2 a Quitelostornillosytuercas demadposa transporte de...

Page 34: ...colocar tuercas ypernosdetransporte retirarseantesen unareducdbndelosagujeros delamanijacomosemuestra enla Figura 5 Lagu adelacuerda queest_conectada alavarilladesost_n seencuentra sobre el ladoderecho dela manijainferior VealaFigura 6 a Sostenga lamanijadecontroldelacuchilla contrala manijasuperior b Jale lacuerdadearranque parasacarla del motor Suelte elcontrol delacuchilla c Deslice lacuerda de...

Page 35: ...Para quitaral receptor dehierba levante lapuertadedescarga trasera enel cortac_sped Ascensor c_sped yfueradelasranuras enel mangoentrepar_ntesis Elreverso deliberaci6n descarga lapuertaparapermitirqueellocerrara laapertura trasera delcortac_sped Conexi6nde Canalde DescargaLateral Supodadora hasidoenviada comoabonadora Sihacelaconversi6n adescarga lateral asegurese dequeelcolectordec_sped est_fuera...

Page 36: ...ortedeseado Veala Figura 10 3 Liberelapalanca hadalacubiertadelapodadora lnclinaci6n de la manija Porconvenienda delaoperad6n puedeajustarlainclinad6ndelamanijadela siguiente manera I Quite lostomillos ytuercas demariposa transporte demanejar VealaFigura 11 2 Coloque el mangoenunadelasiresposidones quesesientam_sc6modo VealaFigura 11inserd6n 3 Fijelaposid6ncontuercas ypernosdetransporte eliminadoa...

Page 37: ...aplataforma paralavarlaparteinferiordelaplataforma yquitarlosrecortes de c sped Clavija Para Abono Figura J 12 PalancadeAjustede iaAIturadetorte Lapalanca deajustedealturadecorteseubka porendmadelaruedaizquierda trasera Para ajustarlaalturadecorte serefierenalasecd6n deMontaje ClavijaParaAbono Eladaptador paraabonoseutilizat_nicamente paraprop6sitos deabono Envez derecolectar losrecortes delc_sped...

Page 38: ...e enlatablapordeardbadelaviscosidad adecuada paralatemperatura media desuzona f _ 20w iml ll lllll_ n3o 20w40 __Ow50 _ ___llb I v 15w40 15w50 m_ ___mllb 10w40 __ ____ I v Ow30 __ ___ C 30 200 10 0 10 200 300 400 F 200 0 200 400 600 800 100 J Vedfkad6n del nivel deaceite NOTA Asegurese decomprobar elaceitesobreunasuperficie nivelada yconel motorapagado 1 Retire eltap6ndeIlenado deaceite lavadlladem...

Page 39: ...dones NOusegasolina conplomo Elcombustible debesetfresco y limpio NUNCA use el combustible sobrante delatemporada pasada oalmacenados durantelargosperiodos NUNCA mezcle elaceiteconel combustible NOutilicecombustible quecontenga metanol alcohol demadera NOTA Antesde cargar deje que el motor se enfrie dosminutos 1 Antesde sacar la tapa para cargarcombustible limpiealrededor 2 Cargueel dep6sito hasta...

Page 40: ...rdec sped yelcanaldedescarga lateraldela m_quina Para unabonoefidente nocortec_sped ht_medo SIel c sped hacreddo m_sde10 2cm 4pulg noserecomienda el usodelapodadora comoabonadora Enesecaso useelcolectordec sped paraembolsar losrecortes f Figura15 Usodei Colectorde C sped Puede utilizarelcolector dec_sped pararecoger dichosrecortes mientras operala podadora 1 Acopleelcolector dec_sped siguiendo las...

Page 41: ...Verificar 4 Limpie 1 Cambiar 1 Verificar 2 Lubricar conaceite ligero 3 Limpie 1 Cambiar 1 Reemplazar 2 Reemplazar 3 Reemplazar 4 Reemplazar 1 Hacer funcionar elmotorhastaquesedetenga potfaitadecombustible o affadirestabilizador deuntanqueIlenodecombustible nuevo antesdesualmacenamiento Limpiom_sa menudo encondiciones poivorientas o cuando losescombros aerotransportados est_npresentes Sustituya elf...

Page 42: ...abujiausada apriete1 8 1 4devueltaunavezquela bujiaseencuentra colocada ensulugarparacomprimirlaarandela IMPORTANTE Labujiadebeestarfirmementeasegurada Una bujiaqueno seencuentre bienasegurada puedecalentarse mucho ydaffarelmotor 7 Coloque elcapuch6n dela buj a Filtrodeaire Losfiltrosdepapelnopueden serlimpiados ydebensersustituidos unaveza afro ocada100horas deoperaciones m_sa menudo deserusado e...

Page 43: ... I Con elmotorapagado peroafincaliente desconecte elcabledelabujiay mant_ngalo adistandadelabujia 2 Coloque unrecipiente adecuado cercadelmotorpararecoger elaceiteusado 3 Retireeltap6ndedrenaje ydreneelaceite al recipiente inclinando el motor haciaeltubodellenadodelaceite VealaFigura 18 Elaceiteusadoesunresiduo peligroso Elimine el aceiteusado adecuadamente NoIoarrojejunto conlosresiduos domidliar...

Page 44: ...ubiertaexteriordel motor Filtro de Combustible Elfiltro decombustible nopuede setlimpiadoydebesersustituido unaveza afroo cada100horasdeoperaciones m_samenudo deserdHgidoconviejagasolina 1 Quitetodoelcombustible deltanquedirigiendo elmotorhastaqueestose pareafaltadelcombustible 2 Quitelac abrazadera delaffneadecombustible yquitelaI nea de combustible delasalidadetanque VerlaFigura22 3 Saque elviej...

Page 45: ..._sped Asegurese dequeel canaldedescargadelapodadoraNOESTI _ORIENTADO enla direcci6nenqueseencuentranlacasa elgaraje losvehkulos estadonados etc 2 Enrosque elacopledemanguera embalado conelManualdelOperador de sutractor enelextremodelamanguera dejard n 3 Una el acople delamanguera alpuertodeaguaqueseencuentra enla superficie delaplataforma Yeala Figura 24 4 Abraelsuministrodeagua 5 Arranque el moto...

Page 46: ... la cuchilla sobreundestornillador deejeredondoparainspecdonarla Saque metaldelladopesado hastaquequedebienequilibrada Cuando afile la cuchllla sigael_ngulooriginaldelamuelacomoguia Afilecadabordede corteporlgualparamantener el balance delacuchllla 5 Lubrlque eldgiieffaldelmotorylasuperficie lnternadeladaptador dela cuchllla conacelteligero Deslice eladaptador delacuchllla sobre el dgiJeffal delmo...

Page 47: ...6ndedistandadesde elmango Desenganchar elcabley retireelcasquillo met_lico desde elasadelaunidad depl_stico VeaFigura 27 Reemplace casquillo enelorifido inferioryvuelva a colocar elcableatrav6s delcasquillo yelorifido inferiorenel mango VeaFigura 28 Figura28 5 Vuelvaacolocar elaccesorio decabledelaunidadenlabarrasuperior ygire hadaabajo 6 Inicielam_quina ycompruebe elfundonamiento delapalanca de a...

Page 48: ...macenados hasta24meses Mientras elmotorestodavia caliente cambio el petr61eo Limpieel motordeescombros superficiales Preparaci6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped Limpieylubriquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasinstrucciones de lubricad6n Noutiliceunalavadora a presi6n ni unamanguera dejard nparalimpiarsu unidad Cubra lacuchi a delacortadora congrasaparachasis paraimpedir la oxidaci6n Refi_rase alaPreparac...

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Page 50: ... Linea decombustible bloqueada 1 Elniveldeaceite delmotorest_i bajo 2 Flujo deairerestringido 1 Poca separad6n deloselectrodos delabujia 1 Engrane elcontroldelacuchilla 2 Conecte elcablealcapuch6n delabujia 3 Llene eltanquecongasolina limpiay nueva 4 Cebe elmotortalcomoseexplica enlasecci6n de Funcionamiento 5 Limple ajustelaseparad6n oeatable labujia 6 Esperar unosminutos parareactivarse peronoce...

Page 51: ... cuando est_mojado espere hasta quesea m_stardeparahacerlo 2 Corteunavezaalturadecorteelevada luegovuelva acortarala alturadeseada o haga unsendero decortem_sangosto 3 Afileocamble lacuchllla 1 Afileocamble lacuchllla 1 Compruebe lacorrea paravetsilapoleaest_bieninstalada yse mueve correctamente 2 Detenga elmotor desconecte elcabledelabujiayIimpielos desechos 3 Inspecdone ycambie elperno 4 Ajuste ...

Page 52: ...arantiapordefectos Los defectossejuzgande acuerdoconel funcionamiento normaldeun motor Lagarantianoest_ relacionada conunapruebade emisiones en uso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientes sondisposiciones espedficas relacionadas conlacoberturade lagarantiapara defectosenel controldeemisiones Esun a_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresno regula...

Page 53: ...n R_pida elapoyotelef6nico deun Chamusca alrepresentante Piense ennosotros comoelmanual deundueffohablador UnavezadquiridoelAcuerdo puedeprogramar elservidocontan s61o realizarunaIlamada telef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodeldfao delanocheoprogramar unservk oen Ifnea ElAcuerdo deProtecd6n deReparad6n esunacomprasinfiesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteelpeffodode garantfa deproducto prop...

Page 54: ...Estapgginasemarch6intencionadamente enblanco 54 ...

Page 55: ...Estapgginasemarch6intencionadamente enblanco 55 ...

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