Craftsman 247.374320 Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 247.374320

Page 1: ...g this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 08474 November15 2012 ...

Page 2: ...hcanwearoutfromnormaluse withinthewarrantyperiod such asmowerblades blade adapters belts filters orspark plugs Product damage resulting fromuser attemptsat product modification orrepair orcaused byproduct accessories Repairs necessary because ofaccident orfailureto operate ormaintain the product according to allsupplied instructions Preventative maintenance orrepairs necessary dueto improper fuelm...

Page 3: ...objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochetback towardtheoperator Tohelpavoidbladecontact ora thrownobjectinjury stayinoperator zone behindhandles andkeepchildren bystanders helpers andpetsat least75 feetfrom...

Page 4: ... CHILDREN Tragic accidents canoccuriftheoperatorisnotalertto thepresence of children Children areoftenattractedto themowerandthemowingactivity Theydonot understand thedangers Never assume thatchildrenwill remainwhereyoulastsaw them Keep childrenoutof themowingareaandunderwatchfulcareof a responsible adultotherthantheoperator Bealertandturn moweroff ifa childentersthearea Before andwhilemoving back...

Page 5: ...e Check fuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracks or leaks Replace if necessary Donotcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved Maintainorreplace safetyandinstructionlabels asnecessary Observe properdisposal lawsandregulations Improper disposal of fluids andmaterials canharmtheenvironment According to theConsumer Products SafetyCommission CPSC andtheU S Environmental Protection Agency EPA thisproduc...

Page 6: ... hands and feet away from rotating parts DANGER THROWNDEBRIS Remove objects that can be thrown by the blade in any direction Wear safety glasses DANGER SLOPES Use extra caution on slopes Do not mow slopes greater than 15 WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Eng...

Page 7: ... gaugewith the object SeeFigure1 andFigure2 4 Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 _O _daShed _ fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a major factor relatedto tip over and roll overaccidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess o...

Page 8: ...OM CARTON 1 Lift unitfromtherearto detachit fromunderlying cartonmaterialandroll unitoutof carton 2 Check cartonthoroughlyforanyotherlooseparts Loose Partsin Carton Grass Catcher SideDischarge Cover Engine Oil Assembly Attaching TheHandle I Remove anypackingmaterialwhichmaybebetweenupperandlower handles a Remove wingnutsandcarriage boltshandleasshownin Figure I Donotloosen or remove adjacent hexhe...

Page 9: ... to therightsideof theupperhandle Loosen the wingknobwhichsecures theropeguide Refer to Figure 6 a Holdbladecontrolagainst upperhandle b Slowlypullstarterropehandlefromengineandslipstarterropeinto theropeguide SeeFigure 6 c Tighten ropeguidewingknob d Use cabletiesto secure bladecontrolcableto lowerhandle Attaching the Grass Catcher 1 Followstepsbelowto assemble thegrasscatcher Makecertainbagistur...

Page 10: ...otmulching Adjustments CuttingHeight There isacutting heightadjustmentleverlocated above thefrontandrearright wheel 1 Pulltheheightadjustment leveroutwardtowardswheel unitwill tendto fallwhenleverismoved outward SeeFigure 10 2 Moveleverto desired positionforachangeincuttingheight SeeFigure 10 3 Release levertowards deck IMPORTAN_ Allwheels mustbeplacedinthesameposition Forroughoruneven lawns movee...

Page 11: ...terport onitssurface aspartof itsdeck washsystem Use thedeckwashto rinsegrassclippings fromthedeck sunderside Mulch Cover Themulchcoverisusedfor mulching purposes Instead of collectingthegrass clippings in agrass catcherorusingthesidedischarge chute somemowermodels havetheoptionof redrculating theclippingsback to thelawn Thisiscalled Keephandsandfeet awayfrom the chuteareaoncutting deck Referto wa...

Page 12: ... Donot mix oilin gasolineor modify engineto runon alternatefuels Thiswilldamagethe enginecomponentsandvoid the enginewarranty J Figure 13 Fuelmustmeettheserequirements Clean fresh unleaded gasoline Octane ratingof 87 R M 2orhigher Research Octane Number RON 90octaneminimum MethylTertiary ButylEther MTBE andunleaded gasoline blend max15 MTBE byvolume areapproved Gasoline with upto 10 ethanol gasoho...

Page 13: ...ently thrownbythemowerin anydirectionandcause serious personal injury totheoperatorandothers Theoperationof anylawnmowercanresult inforeign objects being thrown intothe eyes which candamageyour eyesseverely Always wearsafety glasses while operating the mower orwhile performingany adjustmentsor repairson it Figure14 UsingasMulcher Formulchinggrass remove thegrass catcher andsidedischarge chutefromt...

Page 14: ...vots andwheels 3 Underside of mowerdeck I Engine oil ff 2 AirCleaner f I Spark plugf I Fuelsystem Followthemaintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks Tolocatethenearest Sears Service Center orto schedule service simplycontactSears at 1 800 4 MY HOME Check Tighten orreplace Check Clean Change Clean Lu...

Page 15: aChampion QC12YC sparkplug 3 Check thegapwitha wiregauge SeeFigure 15 Spark pluggapshouldbe 0 030in 0 76mm If necessary resetthegap 4 Installandtightenthesparkplugto therecommended torque 20ft lb 27 am 5 Attachthesparkplugcapto thesparkplug Air Cleaner Adirtyaircleaner will restrictairflow to thecarburetorandcause poorengine performance Inspect thefilter eachtimetheengineisoperated Youwill need...

Page 16: ...tainer nextto theengineto catchtheusedoil 3 Remove theoilfill dipstickanddraintheoilintothecontainer bytippingthe enginetowardtheoil filler neck SeeFigure 17 Oil Fill Dil f Figure17 Used oil isa hazardous wasteproduct Dispose of usedoil properly Donot discardwith householdwaste Checkwithyourlocalauthoritiesor Sears ServiceCenterfor safedisposal recyclingfacilities 4 Withtheenginein alevelposition ...

Page 17: ...thebladeadapter for cracks especially ifyoustrikeaforeign object Replace whennecessary Followthestepsbelowfor bladeservice 1 Disconnect sparkplugbootfromsparkplug Turnmoweronitssidemaking surethat theairfilter andthecarburetor arefacingup 2 Remove theboltandthebladebellsupportwhichholdthebladeandthe bladeadapter to theenginecrankshaft SeeFigure 20 3 Remove bladeandadapterfromthecrankshaft 4 Remove...

Page 18: ...ange theoil Remove sparkplugandpourabout1oz of engineoilintocylinder Replace sparkplugandcrankengineslowlytodistributeoil Clean engineof surface debris PreparingThelawn mower Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly asdescribed inthelubrication instructions Donotusea pressure washer orgardenhoseto cleanyourunit Coat mower s cutting bladewith chassis grease to prevent rusting Refer to Preparing theEngi...

Page 19: ...positioned correctly 2 Dull blade 1 Engage blade control 2 Connect wire to spark boot 3 Fill tank with clean fresh gasoline 4 Prime engine as instructed in the Operation section 5 Clean adjust gap or replace 6 Wait a few minutes to restart 7 Contact your Sears Parts Repair Center to have fuel line cleaned 1 Connect and tighten spark plug boot 2 Fill tank with clean fresh gasoline 3 Clear vent 4 Ru...

Page 20: ...Craftsman Mower Model No 247 374320 13 20 42 20 ...

Page 21: ...eck 21 Hinged Mulch Plug Assembly Torsion Spring LH Blade Adapter Mulching Blade m 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 N A 710 1044 731 07531 731 07533 738 04419A 712 04217 720 04130 720 04123B 736 0524B 712 04064 634 04630 946 1130 710 04683A 731 07203 731 07174A 732 1014C 787 01818A 0637 911 04144A 911 04143B 710 04995A 738 04278 921 04041 731 07487 Screw 3 8 24 x 1 50...

Page 22: ...x Flange M6 Cover Breather Kit Breather Filter Seal Oil Washer Flat Dia 13Mm O D Seal Oil Clip Governor Shaft Camshaft Assembly Dowel Cylinder Head Ring Set Kit Piston m 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 018 11 S Retainer Piston Pin 14 067 02 S 14 561 14 S 14 041 30 S 17 030 12 S 14 014 95 S 14 014 97 S 14 014 99 S 14 014 101 S 14 014 121 S 14 340 01 S Rod Connecting Assembly Crankcase Gasket Breather Cover...

Page 23: ...9 S 14 032 07 S 25 086 293 S Screw Hex Flange M6 Tube Assembly Oil Fill O Ring Cap O Ring Oil Fill Tube Kit Pan Oil Screw Hex Flange M6 Seal Oil Screw Hex Flange M6 w 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 m 14 1O0 08 S 25 086 166 S 14 089 14 S 14 126 53 S 14 090 18 S 14 079 20 S 14 089 44 S Nut Hex Flange M6 Screw Rectangle Head M6 Spring Gov 2800 3300 Rpm Bracket Assembly Fixed Speed Control Kit Governor Lever Li...

Page 24: ...Craftsman Engine Model No PH T675 2044For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 374320 CYLINDER HEAD BREATHER GROUP CRANKCASE 3 VALVE SEAL ALSO iNCLUDED iN GASKET SET 4 19 24 ...

Page 25: ... 159 14 041 01 S 14 100 01 S 14 072 02 S 14 018 02 S 14 089 02 S 14 032 08 S 25 086 140 S 14 318 07 S 14 380 06 S 14 755 11 S Valve Intake Valve Exhaust Kit Head Gasket Rod Push Plate Pushrod Guide Arm Rocker Pivot Rocker Arm Cover Va Ive Screw Hex Flange M6 Gasket Valve Cover Nut HexJam Stud Rocker Arm Retainer Valve Spring Spring Valve Seal Valve Stem Screw Hex Flange M8 Kit Cylinder Head Dowel ...

Page 26: ... 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 14 15 16 17 18 14 112 07 S Spacer 14 072 12 S 14 100 10 S 14 109 04 S 17 157 06 S 14 025 10 S 14 219 12 S 14 314 25 S 14 072 13 S 14 584 04 S 14 132 11 S 25 086 145 S Stud Nut Flywheel W Serrations Cup Starter Drive Fan Flywheel Flywheel Assembly Cast Iron Brake Assembly Guard Finger Stud Module lgn Cast Iron Std Ign Plug Spark 12Mm Rfi Screw Hex Flange M6 26 ...

Page 27: ... 56 S 14 227 20 S 14 112 27 S 14 041 16 S Filter Fuel In Nipple Clamp Hose Non California Hose Fuel Low Permeation Cky Kit Carburetor Fuel Tank Cap Assembly Fuel Kit Spacer Gasket Spacer Use 14 041 24 S m M w 15 16 17 18 19 22 m 14 079 25 S 14 1O0 08 S 14 072 23 S 25 086 277 S 14 187 10 S 25 326 08 S 14 041 31 S Linkage Wire Choke Nut Hex Flange M6 Stud Carburetor Screw M4 Thread Forming Arm Assem...

Page 28: ... 118 S 25 086 145 S 14 083 16 S 14 096 119 S 14 094 27 S Hose Breather Cover A C Base Breather Gas Screw Hex Flange M6 Element Air Cleaner Foam Cover Air Cleaner Kit Air Cleaner Base m M w 8 9 10 11 12 17 041 03 S 41 037 10 S 14 1O0 08 S 14 068 15 S 25 086 430 S Kit Intake Gasket Nameplate Service Nut Hex Flange M6 Kit Muffler Assembly Screw Shoulder 28 ...

Page 29: ...del No PH T675 2044For CraftsmanMower Model No 247 374320 BLOWER HOUSmNG STARTmNG GROUP _ _ _ 3 w 1 3 4 5 6 m 14 100 08 S 14 112 07 S 14 072 12 S 14 072 13 S 14 096 122 S Nut Hex Flange M6 Spacer Stud Stud Cover Engine 29 ...

Page 30: ...o PH XT675 2044For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 374320 iDENTiFiCATiON GROUP 1 J A WARNING 4j J m 1 14 450 03 S Tag Hang Oil Warning 2 14 113 71 S Decal Name Xt6 75 3 41 037 10 S Nameplate Service 4 14 113 57 S Decal Warning 30 ...

Page 31: ...CraftsmanMower Labek Model No 247 374320 777S33353 AVOIDSERIOUSINJURY ORDEATH 777S33350 777D14313 777D18526 31 ...

Page 32: ... AirlnductionSystem Aircleaner Intakemanifold c IgnitionSystem Spark plug s Magneto ignition system d Catalyst System Catalytic converter Exhaust manifold Airinjectionsystem orpulsevalve e Miscellaneous ItemsUsed in Above Systems Vacuum temperature position timesensitive valves andswitches Connectors andassemblies 2 Lengthof Coverage Sears warrantsto theinitialownerandeachsubsequent purchaser that...

Page 33: ...lwalk behind lawnmowerisused20to 25 hoursperyear Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of anenginewith anintermediateratingwouldequateto 10to 12years TheAirIndex isacalculated numberdescribing the relative levelof emissions for aspecific enginefamily Thelowerthe Air Index the cleaner the engine Thisinformation isdisplayed ingraphical formonthe emissions label After July 1 2000 Look For Emissio...

Page 34: ...solution phonesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund...

Page 35: ...duranteelperiodo degarantia talescomo cuchillas de cortadora adaptadores paracuchillas correas filtros deaire y bujiasdeencendido Producto dafios resultantes delosintentos delusuario demodificaci6n delproducto reparaci6n ocausados poraccesorios deproductos Reparaciones necesarias debido alaccidente opotnooperar omantener elproducto segOn lasinstrucciones provistas Mantenimiento preventivo oreparac...

Page 36: ...losquepodriatropezar o quepodrianserarrojados porlacuchilla Los objetos arrojados porlam_quina pueden produdrlesiones graves Planifique elpatr6nenelquevaair descargando el recorte paraevitarqueladescarga dematerialserealicehadaloscaminos lasveredas losobservadores etc Evite adem_s descargar materialcontralasparedes yobstrucdones que podrianprovocar queelmaterialdescargado rebote contrael operador ...

Page 37: ..._sped altopuedeocultar obst_culos Siempre est_seguro desuequilibdo Sitropieza ycaepuede lesionarse gravemente Sisiente quepierde elequilibno suelte nmediatamente lamanija decontrol delacuchilla ylacucMladejar_ degirarentres 3 segundos No haga Io siguiente Nocorteelc_sped cerca depozos hundimientos bancos podr a perderel equlllbrlo Nopodependientes mayores de15grados comoIoindicael medidor de pendi...

Page 38: ... yreempl_celos s61o con partesdelosfabrkantesdeequlpos originales O E M listadas eneste manual Lautilizad6ndepartesquenocumplanconlasespeciflcadones de equipos originales podriatenercomoresultado unrendimlento ncorrecto y adem_s lasegurldad podriaestarcomprometida Nocambielaconflgurad6n delregulador delmotorniacelere demadado el mismo Elregulador controlalaveloddadm_ximasegura deoperad6ndel motor ...

Page 39: ...RO Escombros Lanzados Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_mina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO Cuestas Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas mayores que 15 ADVERTENClA DESPIDA Para reducir el riesgo de incendio mantenga la m_quina limpia de pasto hojas y de acumulaci6n de otros escombros ADVERTENCIA VAPORES TOXICOS Nunca encienda un motor en espaci...

Page 40: ... Ajuste el pendiente de calibre arriba o haciaabajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 15 Pendiente Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provoca...

Page 41: ...riorparasepararla del materialdelacaja quequededebajoyhagarodarlaunidadfueradelacaja 2 Verifique cuidadosamente sienlacajaquedaalgunapartesuelta Piezassueltasdentro de lacaja Colector dec_sped Tolva dedescarga lateral Aceite del motor Montaje Montaje de la manUa I Retireelmaterialdeempaque quepudiera estarentrelasmanijas superior einferior a Quitelostornlllosytuercas demarlposa transporte desde el...

Page 42: ...r VealaFigura 6 a Sostenga lamanijadecontroldelacuchilla contrala manijasuperior b Jale lacuerdadearranque parasacarla del motor Suelte elcontrol delacuchilla c Deslice lacuerda dearranque enlaguia d Laataduradecableusoparagarantizar cableparabajardemanejar Conexi6n de la olectora de _sped I Para ensamblar elcolectordec_sped desernecesario Haga elderto bolsoesdio vueltaa laderecha elladoantesdereu...

Page 43: ...nando Ajustes Altura de corte Hayunapalanca deajustedealturadetorte situadoencima delaruedadelantera derecha ytrasera 1 Presione lapalanca hacialarueda unidadtender_ acaercuando sesueltala palanca 2 Mu_vala acualquier delasposiciones paralaalturadetortedeseado Veala Figura 10 3 Liberelapalanca hadalacubiertadelapodadora IMPORTANTE Tantolasruedas delanteras ytraseras debencolocarse enlamisma posid6...

Page 44: lateral Unapalanca deajusteseencuentra enlaruedatrasera derecha yel otrose encuentra enlaruedadelantera derecha Los dospalancas tienenqueestarenla mismaposici6n relativaparaasegurar uncorteuniforme Para ajustarlaalturade corte serefierena lasecci6n deMontaje Lavadode ia Plataforma Laplataforma desupodadora est_equipada conunpuertodeaguasobre su superficie comopartedelsistema delavadodelaplatafo...

Page 45: ...eite Gasolina Noutilke gasolinasnoaprobados talescomoE15 E20 o E85 Nomezcleel aceiteenlagasolinao modificarel motor parafuncionarconcombustibles alternativos Estodahar_loscomponentesdel motor y anularla garant a del motor Figura 13 Decombustible debecumplirestos requisitos Limpia fresca lagasolina sinplomo Octanaje de87 R M 2o superior Investigaci6n octanaje RON 90octanos comominimo Metiltercbutil...

Page 46: ...jados acddentalmente porlacortadora encualquier direcd6nyprovocar lesiones personales graves al operador ya otraspersonas AIoperarunacortadoradec_spedesposiblequeobjetosextraffossean arrojadosa losojos Iocual puededaffarlosgravemente Utilicesiempre galasdeseguridaddurantela operaci6nde lacortadoradec_sped o mientraslaajusta o repara f J Figura 14 UsocomoAbonadora Para abonar elc_sped quiteelcolect...

Page 47: ... 2 Ajustar oreemplazar 3 Verificar 4 Limpie 1 Cambiar 1 Limpiar oreemplazar 2 Lubricar conaceite ligero 3 Limpie Anualmente o50horas 1 1 Cambiar 2 2 Reemplazar Anualmente o 100horas 1 1 Reemplazar Antesdealmacenar 1 1 Hacer funcionar elmotorhastaquesedetenga potfaltadecombustible o affadirestabilizador deuntanqueIlenodecombustible nuevo antesdesualmacenamiento f Limpiom_sa menudo encondidones polv...

Page 48: ...urador ycausar_ el funcionamiento defectuoso delmotor Inspeccione elfiltro cadavezqueopereel motor Necesitar_ limpiarconm_sfrecuencia elfiltro si ustedoperaelmotoren _reas muypolvorientas Limpioelfiltro deairecada25horas delaoperaci6n o unavezportemporada Reemplace elfiltro deaireanualmente o50horas Nuncaarranqueu opereei motor si removi6ei conjuntodei fiitro deaireo el fiitro deaire NOTA Nouseair...

Page 49: falta decombustible 1 Con elmotorapagado peroauncaliente desconecte elcabledelabujiay mant_ngalo adistandadelabujia 2 Coloque unrecipiente adecuado cercadelmotorpararecoger elaceiteusado 3 Quitelatapa varillamedidora del niveldeaceiteydreneel acelteal redpienteinclinando el motorhadaeltubodeIlenado delaceite Yeala Flgura 17 Elaceiteusadoesunresiduopeligroso Elimineel aceiteusado adecuadamente N...

Page 50: ...sped Asegurese dequeel canaldedescargadelapodadoraNOESTI eORIENTADO enla direcci6nenqueseencuentranlacasa el garaje losvehkulos estadonados etc 2 Enrosque elacopledemanguera embalado conelManualdelOperador de sutractor enelextremo delamanguera dejard n 3 Unaelacople delamanguera alpuertodeaguaqueseencuentra enla superfidedelaplataforma Yeala Figura 19 4 Abraelsuministrodeagua 5 Arranque el motorco...

Page 51: ...irdaffosa la cortadoradec_sped y se puederomper causando asilesionespersonales 4 Saque lacuchilla deladaptador paracomprobar elequilibrio Balancee la cuchilla sobreundestornillador deeje redondo parainspeccionarla Saque metaldel ladopesado hastaquequedebienequilibrada Cuando afile la cuchilla sigael_ngulooriginaldelamuelacomoguia Afilecadabordede corteporigual paramantener elbalance delacuchilla 5...

Page 52: ...etr61eo Quitelabujiayvlertaaproximadamente 1ozdeaceitedemotorenel dlindro Vuelvaacolocar labuj ayhagagirarelmotorlentamente para distrlbulrelacelte Limpieel motordeescombros superfidales Preparaci6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped LimpJe ylubdquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasJnstrucdones de lubdcad6n Noutiliceunalavadora a presibn ni unamanguera dejard nparalimpiarsu un dad Cubra lacuchilla delacortad...

Page 53: ... la tapa del combustible est_ obstruida 4 Agua o suciedad en el sistema del combustible 5 Elfiltro de aire est_ sucio 6 Linea de combustible bloqueada 1 Engrane el control de la cuchilla 2 Conecte el cable al capuch6n de la bujia 3 Llene el tanque con gasolina limpia y nueva 4 5 6 7 I 2 3 Cebe el motor tal como se explica en la secci6n de Funcionamiento Limpie ajuste la separaci6n o cambie la buji...

Page 54: ...ador Balancee la cuchilla 2 Cuchilla abollada Cambie la cuchilla 1 C6sped humedo No corte el c6sped cuando est6 mojado espere hasta que sea m_s tarde para hacerlo C6sped demasiado alto 3 La cuchilla de la cortadora no est_ afilada 1 La posici6n de las ruedas no es correcta Corte desigual 2 La cuchilla de la cortadora no est_ afilada 1 2 1 2 3 1 Corte una vez a altura de corte elevada luego vuelva ...

Page 55: ...tdefectos Los defectossejuzgande acuerdoconel funcionamiento normalde un motor Lagarantianoest_ relacionada conunapruebadeemisiones en uso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientes sondisposiciones espedficas relacionadas conla cobertura de lagarantiapara defectosenel controldeemisiones Esun affadidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresno reguiados qu...

Page 56: ...y25horasporafro PorIotanto el Periodode Duraci6nde Emisiones deunmotorconuna clasificaci6n intermediaser a equivalente aentre10y 12afros Laclasificaci6n deaire esunnOmero calculado paradescribir elnivelrelativodeemisiones paraungrupodemotoresen particular Cuanto menorsealaclasificaci6n deaire mayor eslalimpieza delmotor Lainformaci6n sepresenta deforma gr_ficaenlaetiquetadeemisiones Oespu_s del 1 ...

Page 57: ...n R_pida elapoyotelef6nico deun Chamusca alrepresentante Piense ennosotros comoelmanual deundueffohablador UnavezadquiridoelAcuerdo puedeprogramar elservidocontan s61o realizarunaIlamada telef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodeldfao delanocheoprogramar unservk oen Ifnea ElAcuerdo deProtecd6n deReparad6n esunacomprasinfiesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteelpeffodode garantfa deproducto prop...

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