Craftsman 1450 Series Operator'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 1450 Series

Page 1: ...all 1 800 4 MY HOME CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ES PAI i IO L Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www craftsman com FORM1 O 769 05040 5 4 2009 ...

Page 2: ...uncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproperoperationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding theengine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbut not limitedto electrical...

Page 3: ...rallowchildrenunder16yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children16andovershouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Keepbystanders pets andchildrenat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Neverrunanen...

Page 4: ...diameterstick Donot useyour handsor feet Ifthe impellerstrikesa foreignobjector if yourmachineshould start makinganunusualnoiseorvibration immediately shut the engineoff Allowthe impeller to cometoa completestop Disconnectthe sparkplugwire grounditagainstthe engineand performthe followingsteps a Inspectfor damage b Repairor replaceanydamagedparts c Checkfor anyloose partsandtightento assurecontinu...

Page 5: ...INE Toavoidseriousinjuryordeath donot modifyenginein anyway Tampering withthe governorsettingcan leadto a runawayengineand causeit to operateat unsafespeeds Nevertamperwithfactorysetting of enginegovernor NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS EngineswhicharecertifiedtocomplywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulations for SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment are certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline and ma...

Page 6: ...enings while machine is running There are rotating blades inside BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders pets and children at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation Stop machine if anyone enters the area WARNING THROWN DEBRIS Never operate without the chute deflector properly attached to the machine EYEPROTECTION Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles when operating this machine I_ ARNIN...

Page 7: ...ipper Chute and Discharge Chute while the engine is running Rotating cutting blades inside these openings will cause serious personal injury if contacted Material being rocessed may bounce back from inlet openings or be thrown from the discharge chute Long hair or loose clothing may be pulled sucked into the inlet openings Do not place branches over 1 2 inch diameter into the large Shredder Hopper...

Page 8: ...arts LOOSE PARTS IN CARTON HopperAssembly Bag ChuteDeflector ChipperChute Tamper SafetyGlasses EngineOil Owner sManual ATTACHING THE HOPPER ASSEMBLY 1 A Removesixhex nutsandwashersfromthe weldstudson the impellerhousing Do not removesupportplate SeeFigure1 B Placehopperassemblyinto positioninfrontof impeller housing aligningholesinhopperassemblycollarwithweld studs C Slidehopperassemblyonto weldst...

Page 9: ...hute deflector spacersfit insideof hinges SeeFigure4 B Placesecondspaceroverhex boltinsideotherhingeand securewithhex locknut C Securebothsidesof chutedeflectorto impellerhousingusing wing knobspreviouslyremoved ATTACHING THE CHIPPER CHUTE A Removethe threecuppedwashersandhex nutsfromweld studsaroundthe openingonthe sideof the impellerhousing SeeFigure5 B Removethe hexbolts flatwashers and locknut...

Page 10: ... top of the braceandattachbraceto chipperchutewithhardware previouslyremoved The flatwashersshouldbe placedunder the bolt headsandagainstthe insidesurfaceof the plastic chipperchute Tightensecurely SeeFigure7 B Tightenthe boltssecuringthe supportbraceto the frame C Tightenthe threenutsonthe weld studsholdingthe chipper chuteto the impellerhousing ATTACHING THE BAG 1 Toattachthe bag A Placethe open...

Page 11: ...intothe impellerfor chippingandshredding Materialcan berakedintohopper assemblyby loweringthe hopperassembly SeeFigure9 RELEASE ROD The releaserodis locatedon the impellerbracketassemblyandit is usedto releaseorlockthe hopperwhen raisingor lowering See Figure9 CHUTE DEFLECTOR Chippedandshreddeddebrisis dischargedout thechutedeflector Theunit maybeoperatedwithorwithoutthe collectionbagattachedto th...

Page 12: ...ap fromthefuel tank 2 Makesurethe containerfromwhichyouwill pourthegasolineis cleanandfreefromrustor foreignparticles Neveruse gasoline thatmaybestalefromlongperiodsof storagein itscontainer Gasolinethathasbeensittingfor anyperiodlongerthanfour weeksshouldbeconsideredstale 3 Fillfuel tankwithclean fresh unleadedregulargasolineonly Do not usegasolinecontainingMETHANOL Replacefuelcap Alcoholblendedf...

Page 13: ...sof debrisintothe hopperat a time Do not overloadthe hopper Allowthe materialin the hopperto bedrawnintothe bladesand shreddedbeforeaddingadditionaldebristo the hopper Failureto dueso mayresultin acloggedhopper cloggedchutedeflectoror a stalledengine CHIPPING Branchesupto 3 in diametercan befed intothe chipperchute Observethe followingguidelineswhenchippingbranches Keepbothhandsfirmlyonthe brancha...

Page 14: ...uel oradda gasolineadditiveto the gas in thetank Alwaysstopengineanddisconnectsparkplugwire beforeperforming I anymaintenanceoradjustments Alwayswear safetyglassesduring operationor whileperforminganyadjustmentsor repairs GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Alwaysobserveallsafetyrulesfoundonproductlabelsandin thisoperator smanualwhenperformingany maintenance Safety rulescan befoundonthe productlabelsandin thi...

Page 15: ...tarting If overthe FULLmarkon thedipstick drainoilto reduce oil levelto FULLmarkondipstick Change Engine Oil Onlyuse highqualitydetergentoil ratedwithAPIservice classificationSF SG orSH Selecttheoil s SAEviscositygrade accordingto the expectedoperatingtemperature Refertoopera tion sectionfor viscositychart Changeengineoil afterthe first fiveto eighthoursof operation andeveryfifty hoursoreveryseaso...

Page 16: ...rshredderthoroughlyaftereachuse Washbagperiodicallywithwater Allowto dry thoroughlyin shade Ifthe flail screenbecomesclogged removeandcleanas instructedbelow NOTE Cleaningwitha forcefulsprayof wateris not recommended as it couldcontaminatethefuel system Figure14 Beforeperformingany typeof maintenanceonthe machine waitfor all partsto stopmovinganddisconnectthe sparkplugwire Failure to followthis in...

Page 17: ... impelleras semblyand removethe shredderplate The shredderplatecan be identifiedby referringto item29in the partsliston page20 21 Impeller Blade J Figure15 Weld Studs Flail Housing Figure16 IMPORTANT When reassembling the shredderblade tightencenter boltto between550and700in Ibs andthe twooutsideboltsto between250and350in Ibs NOTE Whenreassembling the shredderplate makecertainthe embossedtab faces...

Page 18: ...he oil SeeChangeEngineOil in SERVICEANDMAINTENANCE section 3 Removesparkplugand pourapproximately 1oz 30ml of clean engineoil intothe cylinder Pullthe recoilstarterseveraltimesto distributethe oil andreinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleanengineof surfacedebris PREPARING THE CHIPPER SHREDDER Whenstoringthe chippershredderinan unventilated or metal storageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe non painted su...

Page 19: ...positionof dischargedmaterialchanges 2 Foreignobjectlodgedin impeller 3 Lowengine RPM 1 LowengineRPM 2 Chipperbladedull 1 Movethrottleleverto START RUN position 2 MoveCHOKEto theCHOKEposition 3 Connectwireto sparkplug 4 Clean adjustgap or replace 5 Filltankwithclean freshgasoline 6 Obstructionlodgedin impeller Disconnectspark plugwire andremovelodgedobject 7 Waita fewminutesto restart 1 Movechokel...

Page 20: ...Craftsman Chipper Shredder Model No 247 77638 _ 2O ...

Page 21: ...37 17 681 04095 ImpellerAssembly 38 18 912 0411 HexLockNut5 16 24 39 19 712 0266A Nut JamLock 3 8 16 40 20 719 04308 FlailBlade 41 21 738 04286 ShoulderPin 5x 2 625 710 3008 736 0247 942 0571 710 1254 681 0004A 0721 710 0825 781 0515 0637 781 0574 0637 681 0104 0721 932 0306A 936 0117 914 0104 HexCapScrew5 16 18x 75 FiatWasher3 8 x 1 25 ShredderBlade HexCapScrew3 8 24x 2 25 OuterImpellerHousingAss...

Page 22: ...Craftsman Chipper Shredder B IViodel No 247 77638 22 ...

Page 23: ...r 28 IDx 74OD 23 10 736 0242 BellWasher 340 IDx 872OD 24 11 912 3010 HexNut5 16 18 25 12 749 1004 0721 SupportBrace 26 13 712 3004A HexLockNut5 16 18 27 14 710 3180 HexCap Screw5 16 18x 1 75 936 0170 BellWasher5 16 x 1 0 950 0786 Spacer 738 0813 AxleAssembly 737 0298 Pipe Oil Drain 634 04009 WheelComplete 10 0x 4 0 Gray 726 0214 PushCap 681 0183B 0721 Frame 936 0451 Washer 320 IDx 93 OD 710 0502A ...

Page 24: ...r Shredder Model No 247 77638 110_8OPERATORSMA 0A I 48S OmB OOK I I 1329_EP AOEMENTENG NEI I 13_9_E_A _A 0A 5o5 _ 615 _ 616 396 397 529 _ 12 24_j Y 718 __b J _ 718A 1427 _ 1194 746 742 _ 22 12 32 30 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 2O 51A 163 12 868 1022 24 ...

Page 25: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 204312 0529 For Chipper Shredder IViodel No 247 77638 1095 VALVE GASKET SET _22 51A 1O22 632 _o9 _ 188 _ 25 ...

Page 26: ...4312 0529 For Chipper Shredder IViodel No 247 77638 633 3 C _ 51A 130 127 95 117 369 i_ 105 0 137 53 118 _ 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 127 0 51A 163 633 o_ 1127 _ _ _ 967 I _ 445 161 I i _ _s 957 _ t_ _ _ s i_72A 24O 613 190 _ 26 ...

Page 27: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 204312 0529 For Chipper Shredder IViodel No 247 77638 37 78 _ 306 1005 363 1070 332 334 356 774 635 356A C_ 12 1211 592 55 65 27 ...

Page 28: 37 790730 Guard Flywheel 42 499586 Keeper Valve 45 690977 Tappet Valve 46 790958 Camshaft 48 N A Short Block 51 51A 53 55 58 59 6948740 6948750 794830 695288 693389 805957 D O I Gasket Intake Gasket Intake Stud Carburetor Housing Rewind Starter Rope Starter Insert Grip 60 490652 Grip StarterRope 65 699228 Screw RewindStarter 78 795026 Screw FlywheelGuard 81 794817 Lock Muffler Screw 95 690718 S...

Page 29: ...irCleanerCover 445 491588s Filter Air CleanerCartridge 446 794941 Spring Retainer 455 794867 Cup Flywheel 456 459 493 5O4 5O5 529 692299 281505s 691177 695383 691251 791822 D I It Plate Pawl Friction PawI Ratchet Bracket Mounting WasherSet Friction Nut GovernorControlLever Grommet Cylinder 552 694674 Bushing Governor Crank 562 793216 Bolt GovernorControlLever 592 690800 Nut RewindStarter 597 69169...

Page 30: ...t Rocker Cover 1023 697691 Cover Rocker 1026 695177 Rod Push 1029 690972 Arm Rocker 1036 Label Emissions 1058 MS3797 Operator sManual 1070 794821 Screw FlywheelFan 1095 695440 GasketSet Valve 1100 791959 Pivot Rocker Arm 1127 695407 Screw FloatBowl 1138 694255 Nut ControlBracket 1194 691876 Seal ORing Plug 1210 498144 Pulley Spring Assembly Pulley 1211 498144 Pulley Spring Assembly Spring 1329 204...

Page 31: ...d Discharge Chute wbge the engine is running Rotating cutting bJades inside these openings wiJJcause serious persanaJ injury if contacted Material being processed may bounce back from inJet openings or be thrown from the discharge chute Long hair or Jooseclothing may be puJJedor sucked into the inlet openings Do not place branches over 1 2 inch diameter into the large Shredder Hopper Branches over...

Page 32: ...sare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand MaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonl...

Page 33: ...ind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July 1...

Page 34: ...we call itRapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Once youpurchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall isall thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreement isa risk freepurchase Ifyou cancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill providea full refun...

Page 35: ...causadosporobjetosdesdeelexterior talescomoclavos espinas tocones o de vidrio Cambiode neum ticos o ruedasde reemplazo o la reparaci6n comoconsecuencia dedesgastenormal accidente o de lamalaoper aci6no mantenimiento Las reparaciones necesariasdebidoa los abusosdeloperador incluyendo perono limitadoa los da_oscausadosporobjetosque impactandoblarel marcoo cig Je_al o situaci6nde excesodevelocidaddel...

Page 36: ...y cornprenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny las reglas de seguridadcontenidasen estemanual y tarnbi_ndebenser capacitados y estarsupervisados porunode los padres Nuncaperrnitaquelos adultosoperenestarn_ quina sin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Mantengaa los transeQntes ayudantes rnascotas y ni_osal rnenosa 75piesde la rn_ quina rnientras est operando Detenga la rn_ quina si alguienentraenla...

Page 37: ...ra latornade alirnentaci6n y lac_ rnara de corteest_ n vacbs y sin desechos Inspeccionerninuciosarnente todoel materialquedeseatriturar y saquelos objetosrnet_ licos piedras botellas latasuotros objetosextraSosquepuedenocasionarlesionesodaSarla rn_ quina Sies necesarioernpujarel materialporlatolvade latrituradora useunpalode di_ rnetro pequeSo No utilicelas rnanosni los pies Siel motorgolpeaunobje...

Page 38: ...rundistribuidorde servicio autorizadoparacerciorarsede quetodoslos sisternasrnec_ nicos y de seguridadfuncionancorrectarnente y no tienenexcesivo desgaste Si noIo hace puedenproducirseaccidentes lesiones o rnuerte Sidebevaciarel tanquedecombustible h_ galo al airelibre Respetelas norrnasreferentes a ladisposici6ncorrectay las reglarnentaciones sobregas combustible etc paraprotegerel medicarnbiente...

Page 39: ADVERTENClA GIRANDO HOJAS Mantenga manos fuera de aperturas de cala y descarga mientras m_iquina corre Alli giran hojas adentro ESPECTADORES Mantenga a espectadores los animales favoritos y los ni_os por Io menos 75 pies de la m_iquina mientras est 1 en la operaci6n Pare m_iquina si cualquiera entra el _irea ADVERTENCIA ESCOMBROS TIRADOS Nunca operar sin el deflector de tobog_in conect6 apropia...

Page 40: ...olsa Canaldeflector Pis6n Anteojosde seguridad Canaldela cortadora Aceitede motor Manualde Operador INSTALACION DE LA TOLVA IVIONTAJE 1 A Saqueseistuercashexagonales y arandelasde los esp_ r ragosde la soldadurade lacaja delmotor Nosaquela placa de sost_n Veala Figura1 B Coloqueel rnontajedela tolvaen posici6ndelantede lacaja del motor alineandolos agujerosdel rnontajedelarc de la tolvacon losesp_...

Page 41: ...isagras Veala Figura314 B Coloqueel segundoseparadorsobreelbul6nhexagonal dentrode laotra bisagray ajOstelo con la tuercadeseguridad hexagonal C Ajusteamboscostadosdel canaldeflectora a lacaja del motorutiNzando las periNas a mariposaque habfasacado anteriormente COLOCACl6N DEL CANAL DE LA CORTADORA A Saquelastresarandelascurvasy las tuercashexagonales delos esp_ rragos dela soldaduraqueest_ n alr...

Page 42: ...nser colocadas bajolascabezasdecerrojoy contrala superfMeinteriordel pl sficochippertolva Ajustebien Veala Figura7 B Ajustelos bulonesqueunenlatrabade sost n al bastidor C Ajustelas trestuercasde los esp_ rragos de la soldaduraque sostienenel canalde lacortadoraa la cajadelmotor COLOCAClON DE LA BOLSA 1 Paraadosarla bolsa A Coloquela aberturade labolsacompletamente sobreel canaldeflector B Tirede ...

Page 43: ...aal deflectordelcanal Veala Figura9 PIS6N Esteenchufees insertadoenla tolvachipperparaempujarramitasy peque_asramashacialas I_ minas de aspasin poneren peligrosus manos AI operarunacortadoratrituradorapuedeserqueobjetosextra_os seanarrojadosa los ojosIo cualpuededa_arlosgravemente Utilice siemprelos anteojosde seguridadprovistoscon estaunidado protectoresparaojos antesde picaro triturar el materia...

Page 44: ...t calienteoen marcha Apaguecigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesdecombusti6n GASOLINA 1 Saquela tapadelcombustibledeldep6sitodel mismo 2 Verifique queel recipiente delquevaa verterlagasolinaest_ limpioy librede6xidoo deobjetosextra_os Nousenunca gasolinaquepuedaestarviejaporhaberestadoalmacenada en su recipiente porlargosperiodos Lagasolinaquehaestadoestacio nadapot unperiodosuperioracuatrosema...

Page 45: ...ra enun pationormal hojas rarnas picasde los pinos etc Evitarla trituracidnlasplantasfibrosas cornolasvidesde tornate hojasde palrna etc hastaqueest_ncornpletarnente secos Frescas visas notriturebieny tiendena envolverse en todoel irnpulsory flails Coloquecantidadesrazonables de desechosen la tolvaporvez Nosobrecarguelatolva Perrnitaqueel materialque seencuentraen latolvasea atrafdo hastalas cuchi...

Page 46: ...gidohastaqueestose parea faltadelcombustibleoaSada un aditivodegasolinaal gas enel tanque Siernpredetengael motory desconecteelcable dela bujiaantes de hacercualquiertipo demantenirniento o ajustes Utilicesiernpre pnteojos de seguridaddurantela operaci6no rnientras ajustao reparaesteequipo RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES Alwaysobserveallsafetyrulesfoundonproductlabelsandin thisoperator smanualwhenperfor...

Page 47: Del Aceite Del Motor Usesolamenteun aceitedetergente de altacalidadcuya clasificaci6nde servicioAPI seaSF SGo SH Seleccioneel gradode viscosidadSAEdel aceitesegQnlatemperaturade operaci6nesperada Consultelasecci6ndeoperaci6nparavetla tablade viscosidad Cambieelpetr61eo de motordespu6sdelas cincoa ocho primerashorasde laoperaci6n y cadacincuentahoraso cadatemporadaa partirdeentonces Cambieel pet...

Page 48: ...rninado Antesde realizarcualquiertipo del rnantenirniento en la rn quina esperetodaslaspartesa dejarde rnoverse y desconectar el alarnbre de bujfa El fracasode seguirestainstrucci6npodrfacausarla herida ersonalo el da_oa lapropiedad EXTRACCION DE LA PANTALLA DE DES GRANADO Si lazonade descargase tapa saquelapantaNa de desgranadoy Nrnpie lazona cornose indicaa continuaci6n f i Figura13 1 Detengael ...

Page 49: ...ornpruebe que la aletagrabadamirehaciaadentrohaciael motor 6 Saquelas dos perillasa rnariposaque unenel canaldeflectory lev_ ntelo 7 Inserteuntubo de 1 2 o 3 4 de di_ rnetro a travesde la pantalla dedesgranadohaciaelinteriordelmotorparaevitarqueel rnisrnogireo saquelapantallade desgranadoe inserteuntrozo de rnaderaenla aberturadel canal 8 A Saquelosdos tornilloshexagonales internos lasarandelasde ...

Page 50: ...combustiblepuedenser alrnacenados hastaseisrneses 2 Mientrasel motorest todavfacaNente carnbiarel aceite Wase Carnbiode aceitedel motorenla secci6nSERVICIO Y MANTEN IMIENTO 3 Retirela bujfay viertaaproxirnadarnente 1oz 30 rnl de aceite de motorlirnpioen elcilindro Saqueel arranquevariasveces paradistribuirel petr61eo y volvera instalarlabujfa 4 Lirnpieel motorde escornbrossuperficiales Alrnacenand...

Page 51: ...cio RUN dirigido 2 Pongaelinterruptoren laposici6nCHOKE obtura ci6n 3 Conecteelcable a labujfa 4 Lirnpie ajusteladistanciadisruptivao carnbie 5 Lleneel tanquecon gasolinalirnpiay fresca 6 Hayunaobstrucci6nen el motor Desconecteel cablede labujiay retireel objetoatascado 7 Espereunosrninutosparareactivarse 1 Carnbielapalancade obturaci6na la posici6nOFF apagado 2 Conectey ajusteel cablede la bujia ...

Page 52: ... 2 Recortesde peri6dicodehierbalirnpiosy escorn brosdealrededordelas aletasde refrigeraci6n del motory alojarnientodesoplador 1 Quitela bujiay ajusteel hueco 3 Sustituyala bujiay ajusteel hueco Lirnpieo carnbieel filtrodeaire Detengael motorde inrnediatoy desconecteel cabledela bujfa Contacteconsu centrode partesy reparaciones Sears Detengael motorde inrnediatoy desconecteel cabledela bujfa Lirnpi...

Page 53: ...r defectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdocon elfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosquese encue...

Page 54: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire mayor es JaJimpieza deJmotor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del 1 d...

Page 55: ...nR_pida el apoyotelef6nicode unCharnuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprograrnar el serviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlarnadatelef6nica PuedeIlarnarencualquier mornento deldia o dela nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es unacornprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garant...

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