Craftsman 113.177000 Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 113.177000

Page 1: ...iaJ numbers may be found on the handle You should record beth model and serJai numbers in a safe _lace for futu re use FOR YOUR SAFETY READ ALL _NSTRUCT_ONS CAREFULLY 2 or 16 GALLON FULL BLOWING WETIDRY VAC _ assembmy o operating o repair parts Sold by SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO Hoffmen Estates IL 50_79 US A Pert No SP5686 _ i t4 q _ ...

Page 2: ...he motor can ignite flam mable vapors or dust To avoid fire or explosion Do not vacuum or use this Wet Dry Vac nea r flammable or combustible liq uids gases or explosive dusts like gasoline er other fuels lighter fluid cleaners oil based paints natural gas hydrogen coal dust magnesium dust grain dust or gun powder Do not use Wet Dry Vac as a sprayer for any flammable or combustibIe liq uid Do not ...

Page 3: s rn _J_ aunl use the ioilowii_g table to chsose the ndn hum wi_e size extens o_t cord Exter_sion Cord Length Wire Size 0 50 feet No 14 50 100 feet No 12 Observe the folowing warnings that appear on the motet i_ousing of you Wet Dry Vsc m__ _ _ _DOt B _ INSULATED GROUND I lING NOT REQURED WHEN __ SLRv _C _ _ USE ONiv _DENT CA fq RLACEMENT PARTS ex_e to r_ t sto e _ d_ ors WARNI_IG E_ your o_ n ...

Page 4: ..._st the Cario_ _ Contents st Notfy your Sea_s Stole immed ately f any parts are damaged or missing Carton Contents List Key A B C D E F G H i J K De erUption Qty Vac AsseP_ y 1 Hose Asserr_biy Lft fly NoZZ e I ast_r 4 Owners M_ F_aal t Fi ter Red S_dpe 1 F_oat Filte_ Piate Filte_ Nut 1 i _I zi Caster O ster Feet Assembly 1 Tub ti e dust d_um upside down o_ the floor 2 nsert the castel feet rite fh...

Page 5: ... i_istrt c_io _s 3 _et_ fiite a _ tabs with the sotsir tl_ c _lte_ itr_g of the iid assembly I i _sh o _ the fiiter ceg_ t_tiJ the t_Ds sliao itit _he slots to a S k _etit I a_eiAly sde the filte ave the filte ca e siding 1 over tiie cei te_ ring coy er 9 t e 3 sots _ ti the fiber st ps agei st t_eld 2 P_aee the toie t e fiite piate over tivettd d sc_ ew o the fi ter cage _ Gently pHeh op fie fibe...

Page 6: ...outoft_efie b eiose Co_ectthesoft endof a second _ose accessory 9 17B20 Itatheswve endoftheolgnal hosebyforeng fhe sec ons togetler _ntithey fittight y To Store Your Accessories I Slide extensbn ha YJies and accesso _tee over _he rings on the caster feet I 1 4 acees_0Hea fit over the inz_e_ ring and the 21 2 accessories fit over lhe oute_ ring 2 _ o remove ham Jtes and accessories _ighity iotate a...

Page 7: ...outiet _ o _ ot change rise pug _ a y way Vacuuming Dry _ _aterials i Ti_e fiiter n _st be r co eclpostonat all times to avoid ieake and possible damage to vac 2 When _slt_ g your vac to pick Up very fine dust it wiil be necessa y for you _o amply the d_um and ciean the filial at _ore hequelit ir_tatv_ s to r_i_ tsi r_ peak vac pedo_rnarlce NOTE A d_y flite _s necessaly to pick up dry ma e_ia if y...

Page 8: ... I enough to lit cornlortably Cord Wrap _ _ r_ v cu m l _ is cornpl _te _mp _g lh_ Moving the Vac Shou d I become neces ss y10 pck the VSC up to move t _0 x_OT _ ck the vac u by the ik_ h ndles Blowing Feature _ urvac estu_es Fu_l _owng t _as t_ csf abiity Io bow ss wd _ s and oI be_ _b_ _ Foow the s_ _s b ow 1o use _ou_ vac as a b ower IWARNING A ways wear safe _ gog Igloo complying with ANSi Z87...

Page 9: ...ccu_ _ ated dust clean the f lte in an oper_area C_e_r_i_g SHOULD be done otltdoofs al_d llot ir_ the living quarte_ Aft _ filte_ rePiovai fron vae_ remove the dly de_ _is by get fly tapping the fil ie_ ag_i_e_ the reside wail o_ your dust drum and th debris will ioose _ and faii 4 For thorough clea_ _ir_gd dry fi_erwith fine qus_ _o debds you may run water t _ou_ _ r_as described urlder Wet Filte...

Page 10: ... No Description Key No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 t8 19 20 21 22 23 24 73180 818806 818602 1 820506 STD611 O07 820505 81 8793 818961 818413 2 15534 1 73352_ 819451 4 9 1 7816 73317 7331 6 9 16931 73102 73185 9 16922 73324 9 17820 73362 73349 814567 T 16 Gsgen 113 t77006 Pert No 4 73180 818806 818802 7 820506 STD611007 820505 818793 818961 8184132 f5634 1 73352 819450 4 9_17816 733i7...

Page 11: ...Repair P_rts 16 Ig 21 1I ...

Page 12: ... Departrnent throughout the United States Model and serial numbers may be found on the handle When ordering repair parts always give the fotIowing information PART NUMBER PART DESCRtPTION MODEL NUMBER 113 177020 12 Gallon 113 177000 f 6 Gallon NAME OF _TEM Wet Dry Vac All parts listed may be ordered from any Sears Service Center and most Sears stores If the parts you need are net stocked locally y...
