Page 1: ...ess lt will be found on the rear center of lhe Base Top Always menlion this Model Number when communicating with us regardir g your Drill Press or when ordering Pails This lisi is valuable li will assure your being able to obtain proper parts service at all times We suggest you keep it wiih other valuable papers SEARS ROEBUCK AI D CO ...
Page 2: ...ons may result lr he coun erehaf and idle pulley are o be used rl e motor should revol e ii d counreFcloclwise direc ion when acin9 he pulley end Bolt rhe Drill Press to the bench 6nd attach the counterohafl in position as shown Locate the molor pulley on the sh ft wirh he large end oul and directly under the counrersha t Bolt the motor o lhe bench put he belt in the desired groove and the Drill P...
Page 3: ...drills equipped th d laPered sPiidle it is ne essBrv to remove the Jacobs chuck and rhe rhreaded collar immedialely above t To remove Jacobs chuck from spindle place he sleel wedse bet een the chuck ano the knurled collar and sirike tle wedee a sharp blow rrh a hammer See Fiq l The chuck should be caush wirh rhe le hand in perlormins thk operalion The coller chuck L PIaced on the taDer and he thre...
Page 4: ...t2 sb ino lnol il si led i oin cord s5 Ratcher Piwl Knob 20 TABLE ASSEMBLY 63 48 63 66 BD3A 5 BD3A 53 50 taj 6a 32 6C 5 51 52 BD3C A 50 48 605 60 6A 8D2B 7 63 t4A 60 t7 50 18 50 20 6l 21 63 22 60 24 60 25 60 26 50 31 60 32 50 38 60 3t 50 4t 60 42 BDIA 42 4t 43A BD 44 50 44 4l 45 803 45 50 45 63 45 BrJIA 51 st 52 BD3A 53 60 55C 5t 55 63 62 6l 64 63 65 63 66 5l 99 sD3 105 j ls7 9 2r4 1 729 PARTS LIS...