ISFD737 is a full scale replica of the Integrated Standby Flight Display located in the aircraft
cockpit. The ISFD737 is an electronic aircraft instrument intended to serve as backup in case of
failure in a glass cockpit instrument system, and thus is designed to operate as reliably and
independently as possible from the aircraft’s main instrument system, with provisions for
backup power, and embedded sensor when possible.
The ISFD is designed to combine the functions of separate mechanical instrument that had
previously been included as backup in a cockpits, including altimeter, airspeed and attitude
ISFD737 is fully compatible with Prosim737 and Project Magenta. Due to the continue evolution
of flight simulation field we constantly update the compatibilities. Please verify the current state
of the compatibility at our CPflight website.
The CPflight modules are produced to meet requirements from the hobby market. The use of
our products in professional or commercial environments is not permitted without the approval
of CPflight management; please contact us at
products in these fields.
It is important to know that the hardware has not its own intelligence on board, it establishes an
interface with the connected software; logics, operating modes and aircraft behavior are
managed by the software itself.
Note: This manual contains the latest information at the time of drafting. Due to the continuous
evolving of the product some features could be been modified. Eventual later information can
be found at CPflight website
The ISFD737 require an Ethernet connection. The hardware is provided with a 3 mt Ethernet
cable and the power supply adapter.
When the ISFD is powered and connected to your Ethernet switch the DHCP mode inside the
ISFD will automatically assign a new ip address choosing by one of the free ip in your system.
After few seconds a CPflight screen saver will appear on the display.
Please push and hold pushed the APP button to enter into configuration menu. When the menu
will appear on the display release the APP button. Into this window you will be able to set the
Options ( DHCP Yes/Not, ip address ( only if disables the DHCP mode ) and Port. If you leave
the default configuration ( suggested ) take note of the ip address because is the address that
you will have to assign to the used addon to interface with the hardware.
Note that if you exit saving the new setting the system will reboot to load the new configuration.
Pushing RST button you can also verify the upgrade. The firmware inside the ISFD will
automatically connect to CPflight web site to verify if there is a newer version……
….. And if a new upgrade will be found the firmware will be upgraded. Differently a message
will communicate that on the hardware is already installed the newer version.
In case of upgrade the system will reboot.
If for some reason the ISFD can’t connect to the web site a Network unreachable warning will
appear on the ISFD monitor. In case verify your connection and try again.
From the screen saver windows pushing the knob for about 2 second the instrument will
enter in demo mode where will be showed an animated demo window.
A connection with a client ( addon ) will cause the stop of the screen saver and the
instrument will start to show the normal window waiting the new date from the client to
animate the screen
A disconnection from the addon will cause to come back to screen saver mode:
In any moment a long pressure of RST button will cause the ISFD shut down. ( Press
again RST button to active again the ISFD ). In this case wait some second until the
screen saver appears.
High resolution 1200x1200 OLED Display.
Ethernet connection
High intensity backlight
RST, APP, HP/IN pushbuttons
+ and – pushbuttons to regulate the display brightness
Encoder for standby altimeter setting.
Encoder Pushbutton for STD standby setting
Compatible with Project Magenta and Prosim737
Configuration menu for online firmware upgrade
DHCP for automatic ip address assignment
Power supply and Ethernet cable provided
Powered by Raspberry Linux microcomputer 1,2GHz
This manual is intended for Flight Simulator use only and may not be used in any real
world aviation application. The authors are not responsible for any errors or omissions.