HO Structure Kit
© 2015 Wm. K. Walthers, Inc., Milwaukee, WI 53218 waltherscornerstone.com I-933-3663 Printed in Germany
Thanks for purchasing this Cornerstone® kit. Please read these instructions and study the drawings before starting. PLEASE
NOTE: All plastic parts are made of styrene, and most simply snap in place. Some may require gluing as noted in the
instructions, using cement made for styrene (sold separately). For a more permanent and sturdy structure you can also glue
all parts together at the snap fit locations if desired. Doors and Windows are molded as complete subassemblies with “glass”
already in place, and windows can be detailed with the printed curtains, and/or the unique window lighting kit, both included
with your new model. If you wish to paint any parts, do so before starting construction using plastic-compatible paints.
Since ancient times mariners have relied on lighthouses to warn of hazards and as navigation aids. Coastal states originally
built and ran their own until control passed to the federal government in 1789 under the direction of the United States
Lighthouse Service (and since 1939, the US Coast Guard). While this led to standardized equipment and rules no two
lighthouses were alike as all were built by local contractors. Adding to their character, many were also painted with unique
contrasting colors to serve as “day marks” to assist passing vessels during daylight hours. Although a civilian agency,
lighthouse operations and regulations were modeled along those of the Navy, with each light staffed by a Keeper with duties
similar to a ship’s captain, and in some locations an Assistant Keeper. These jobs were not easy. The majority of lighthouses
were in very remote and/or offshore locations, which required living quarters for all personnel — with permission, married men
could bring their families, and wives and children frequently pitched in to assist with the never-ending maintenance. Rapid
advances in technology made it possible to abandon many lighthouses in the 20th century and to fully automate all remaining
US lighthouses by 1998. Many have since been preserved and restored as a living reminder of the past. See your local hobby
dealer, check out the current Walthers Model Railroad Reference Book or visit us online at walthers.com for additional figures,
scenery materials, vehicles and other details to complete your new model.
31 x2
PLEASE NOTE: Before completing each wall assembly, you may wish to add the printed-paper curtains, details, and/or
interior lighting (as shown on the Lighting instruction sheet). If desired, trim Printed Curtains and Details from sheet and
attach to the back of the “glass” on any window with a small piece of tape or white glue.
Living Quarters Assembly
1) Note the correct placement and insert Glass (2x 31)
behind windows in Front Wall (3). Insert Attic Window
Glass (32) as shown. Insert Front Door (18). Insert Front
Wall Foundation (8).
2) Note the correct placement
and insert Glass (4x 30; 2 per
wall) behind windows in Side
Walls (2x 2). Insert Side Wall
Foundations (2x 10).
3) Note the correct placement
and insert Glass (2x 33) behind
windows in Rear Wall (4). Insert
Rear Door (16). Insert Rear Wall
Foundation (9).
7 x4
34 x4
27 x4
Completing Structure
1) PLEASE NOTE: Glue Dormer Window Glass (4x 34) inside Dormers (4x 7). Glue Dormer
Roof (4x 27) to Dormers, glue completed Dormers to openings in Roof (26).
Glue Eaves (22, 23) to Roof (26). Insert Chimney (11) to Roof. Insert Roof Assembly to Wall
2) Insert Front Railings (20, 21) in Front Steps (15). PLEASE NOTE: Glue Front Eave (24) to
Front Roof (28). Glue completed Front Roof assembly to tops of Railings. Insert completed
Front Step assembly to Front Wall as shown.
3) Insert Glass (35) to Left Alcove Wall (5). Insert Left Alcove Wall Foundation (13). Insert
Alcove Door (19) to Right Alcove Wall (6). Insert Right Alcove Wall Foundation (12). Insert
Alcove Walls to Base. Insert Alcove Roof (29) to Walls. Insert Alcove Steps (14) to Base.
4) PLEASE NOTE: Several scenic details are included that can be used with your new model
or saved for future projects. If used, glue the Trellis Top Rail to the Trellis (A565) as Shown.
Glue the Umbrella to the Stand (A564). Glue Flower Boxes (A610) to windowsills.