CORFLEX Ranger ER Application Instructions Download Page 1


Ensure that any open wounds and/

or surgical sites are properly covered 
before applying the sling.  


Release top hook closure at 

shoulder strap buckle allowing front 
panel of sling to open fully.  While 
supporting affected arm at 90


gently place arm into sling with elbow 
positioned as far back as possible in 
sling pocket.  


Edge of sling should extend to first 

knuckle (PIP joint) on the pinkie finger. Adjust sling length as needed 
for an optimal fit (see Sizing the Sling at left for details). 


Position thumb loop to help maintain wrist and hand in a neutral 

position. Secure hook closure to front panel of sling.



Applying the Sling



Adjusting Strap Lengths


There are two adjustment points for sling shoulder strap length. 

Large adjustments should be made at the elbow end of the strap 
(backside). After initial fit this closure is typically not adjusted. A more 
precise fit can be controlled by the front tab adjustment.  


On the front strap, release the hook closure and tighten the strap 

until the arm is positioned at approximately 90



Slide the padded neck tube along the strap until it is in the optimal 

position for patient comfort.  


Final adjustments to the shoulder strap length should be made 

once the abduction pillow is in place. 

Sling is configured for use on the right arm/shoulder. For left arm 
application: properly orient sling, unbuckle strap at wrist end of sling 
and rotate before reinserting. Check that strap is not twisted and that 
front shoulder strap hook adjustment is accessible from front of strap.

Sizing and Applying the Sling

Shoulder sling features a universal design that accommodates a 
wide variety of patients, fitting a forearm length from 9”-20”. Length 
is measured from wrist to elbow. Sling comes shipped as a typical 
medium right arm sling. 



Sizing Sling Length and Thumb Loop


Release front hook closure 

at shoulder strap buckle. Adjust 
sling length by removing the 
forearm section and reapplying 
in the desired position. 


 Proper fit: Edge of sling 

should extend to first knuckle 
(PIP joint) on the pinkie finger, 
ensure elbow is positioned as far 
back in the pocket as possible. 


Release thumb loop strap and 

align bottom fold of strap with  
third metacarpal. 


Thumb should rest 

comfortably inside loop when 
properly fit.  


 Hand should rest fully along 

the bottom of the sling and 
never be suspended by the 
thumb loop. 


Trim excess strap and secure 

to hook at top. 


Reapply front hook closure to 

secure the front panel for use.


CORFLEX.COM  |  800 426 7353


Remove the 2” x 9” mesh strap 

and set aside.  


Orient pillow so that curved 

surface is toward body and exercise 
ball is at front of pillow. For use on 
left arm remove elastic ball holder 
and rotate 180°, reattach to front 
end of pillow. 


Apply foam pillow at patient’s 

waist on their affected side. Wrap 
strap around the patient’s waist and 
secure buckle at the front of pillow. 



Fitting the Pillow

Pillow Application



 ER Shoulder 

Pillow w/Sling

Application Instructions
