3.4 Use Your Coredy L900W Robot with the “Coredy Robot” APP
Before you start, make sure that:
To enjoy all available features, it is recommended to control your Robot via the Coredy Robot app.
1. Your smartphone or tablet is connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network
( Only support 2.4GHz network)
2. Your smartphone or tablet is running iOS 8.0 (or above) or Android 4.4 (or above).
3. Open the Coredy Robot APP and create a user account.
4. Tap the “+” icon to add Coredy L900W Robot to your “Coredy Robot APP”account.
5. Follow the instructions in the app to set up the Wi-Fi connection.
Coredy Robot
Coredy Robot
Scan the QR code as below to download the latest version of APP or download from the App Store
(iOS devices) or Google Play (Android devices).