Cordsafe LIFECORD Instructions And Safety Information Download Page 1

Included in the bag

Lifecord comprises four main parts: the vessel switch, battery enclosure, clasp and key. All 

are connected by a wire cord. Also included in the bag are seven clip heads, one toggle 

guide (2b), one clip head extraction tool and one lifejacket key.

Step 1 – select a clip head

Choose the clip head that will fi t the boat/engine’s kill switch to which Lifecord will be 

connecting. The clip heads are number stamped 1 - 7 and correspond 

to the boat/engine’s kill switch manufacturers’ list below. See diagram Step 1. If your boat/

engine is not listed below please contact your retailer for assistance.

Step 2 – fi t the chosen clip head to Lifecord’s vessel switch (For Mercury / Mariner toggle kill switch types see also Step 3)

Fit the clip head into the vessel switch ensuring the plunger passes through the hole in the clip head.  Squeeze the clip head’s locking legs together to ensure they both enter the 

vessel switch simultaneously. Push the clip head fi rmly into place ensuring the locking legs spring back outwards, clicking into the slots in the vessel switch, locking it into place. See 

diagram Step 2.

Step 3 – additional instructions for clip head (2a) Mercury / Mariner toggle switch type only, otherwise go to Step 4

For the Mercury/Mariner toggle kill switch type, a secondary part, toggle guide (2b), requires fi tting in conjunction with the clip head (2a).

While inserting the clip head (2a) into Lifecord’s vessel switch as described in Step 2, align the receiving hole in the toggle guide (2b) with the plunger as it passes through the hole in 

the clip head (2a) and into its loop. Push the toggle guide (2b) onto the plunger.


 Under normal use it is intended that once fi tted, the chosen clip head is left permanently locked into Lifecord’s vessel switch. Should for any reason the clip head need extracting, 

use the clip head extraction tool provided to squeeze the clip head’s locking leg catches back inside the vessel switch, enabling the clip head to be extracted. See diagram 8. Do not 

reuse the extracted clip head, replacements are available from our authorised distributors.


 Kill switch designs have historically, and may continue to be, subject to variation, modifi cation or change. Kill switch positioning on an engine or vessel equally may vary. 

If there is any doubt whatsoever in the required engagement between Lifecord and the vessel’s kill switch, always have it checked by a qualifi ed engineer. The responsibility for ensur-

ing that the chosen clip head and the kill switch engage as required, and that when using a Lifecord it will perform its function as intended, remains entirely with the user.

Step 4 – connecting Lifecord to the boat/engine’s kill switch

Push Lifecord’s vessel switch into the boat/engine’s kill switch with the clip head’s fl at face innermost. Lifecord will emit three audible tones and fl ash simultaneously to confi rm the 

connection. See diagram Step 4. Lifecord is designed to emit a series of audible tones and simultaneously fl ash orange LEDs every 10 seconds until it is connected to the pilot. The 

audible tones escalate in volume in 10-second intervals, the maximum volume being at 30-second intervals at which point it restarts its warning alarm cycle. These audible and visual 

warnings are intended to assist awareness in both pilot and crew that Lifecord is not connected to the pilot. 


 Under normal use, always hold the vessel switch to push on and pull 

off Lifecord from the boat’s kill switch. 


 Check that your boat/engine’s kill switch is working properly each time the boat is used and that your Lifecord kill cord has an unobstructed route to pull freely from the 

boat/engine’s kill switch at any angle should the pilot to which it is attached be ejected from the helm.

Step 5 – connecting Lifecord to the boat’s pilot

Lifecord should be worn around the pilot’s leg just above the knee using the clasp and key to provide the connection. Before wearing, adjust the position of the key on the coiled sec-

tion of the cord to ensure that when connected to the clasp it creates a loop that is comfortable to wear and equally provides enough tension when worn to silence the warning tones 

and hold around the leg without slipping. Adjustment is easily achieved by spinning the key along the coils of the wire cord until it reaches the desired position. The closer the key is to 

the clasp the smaller the leg loop.

Wrap the clasp round the leg until it meets the key.  Enter the key into the clasp at a 90-degree angle to the clasp, release the key and allow it to straighten through 90 degrees to the 

tensioned position, as shown in diagram Step 5. Please note the key is designed to insert one-way only into the clasp. Best wearing tip: whichever leg you wear it on, have the key on 

the right and the clasp on the left with the clasp’s key hole opening and thumb catch facing uppermost.


 Once the key is inserted into the clasp and under tension from being worn, the alarm warnings will stop.


Step 6 – pilot disconnection

Simply reverse the connection procedure by lifting the key back through 90 degrees. Depress the clasp’s thumb catch to allow the key to be extracted from the clasp. See diagram 

Step 6. Lifecord will alarm until either disconnected from the boat/engine’s kill switch or reconnected to the pilot.

Replacing the battery

Lifecord is fi tted with a CR2 3v lithium battery. When it reaches low power a yellow LED fl ashes once every fi ve seconds when Lifecord is in use indicating the battery requires replac-

ing. To replace the battery, undo the two screws from the battery hatch, then remove the hatch itself to expose the battery. When inserting the new battery ensure it is orientated cor-

rectly with the battery terminals as per the diagram inside the battery housing. Apply a light coating of petroleum jelly along the seal edge and in the screw fi xing holes before re-fi tting 

the battery hatch. Tighten the screws until they are tight enough to fully compress the battery hatch to the enclosure. Do not over tighten as this could cause distortion to the battery 

hatch. (Screw torque value no more than 10ncm). See diagram Step 7. It is important that the battery is checked before each use of Lifecord to ensure that it does not need replacing 

(Lifecord will not operate as intended without a working battery). Under normal use, annual battery replacement is recommended. NB See battery side for disposal/safety information.

Lifejacket key 

Lifecord is intended to be worn around the pilot’s leg. However, the lifejacket key offers an alternative method 

of securing Lifecord to a vessel’s pilot should the preference of the pilot be to wear their kill cord connected to 

their lifejacket. The lifejacket key can be permanently attached to a secure anchor point on the pilot’s lifejack-

et. Using this method to wear Lifecord the clasp connects to the lifejacket key in the same way as described in 

Step 5. When the clasp is connected to the lifejacket key, Lifecord ceases to emit its warning alarms.


 When using the lifejacket key, the lifejacket itself must be worn by the vessel’s pilot in accordance with its manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the chosen anchor point on 

the lifejacket is strong and secure and provides no risk whatsoever of the lifejacket key becoming detached from the lifejacket should the pilot be ejected from the vessel, nor that its 

attachment interferes in any way with the lifejacket’s own safe operation.

Product care

Lifecord is waterproofed to IP67 rating. To clean, wash in fresh water using mild detergent only if necessary, do not use solvents or caustic cleaning agents. Store out of direct 

sunlight. It is important that the user checks it for signs of accidental damage or wear before each use. Operating temperature parameters -20°C to +50°C. Please ensure that this 

product is checked at least once every 12 months after initial purchase by one of our authorised distributors. 


 Lifecord is a kill cord, a piece of equipment that requires being maintained in good condition, its integrity being key to its function as a kill cord. This product contains mag-

nets. Do not use or store the product around items that are sensitive to, are affected by, or can impact magnetic fi elds. Store above freezing when not in use.


 Alarm limitations: The alarm is loud at its highest volume. However, it still may be inaudible above noise from audio equipment, engine noise or any other general noise 

within its surroundings and might not be heard. People with impaired hearing may also not hear its tones.


 Cord poses risk of strangulation. 


 Keep out of reach of small children. Device contains a battery and includes other small components which may pose a choking hazard to small children. 


 In using Lifecord, you agree to abide by these instructions. In no event whatsoever shall Cordsafe or its affi liates, including but not limited to its distributors or suppliers, 

be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages to life, the environment, property or reputation (corporate or otherwise) arising from or related 

to the use of this device contrary to the instructions or its intended purpose, or consequent to improper maintenance, modifi cation or tampering in any way.


– We offer a one-year manufacturer’s guarantee - see for details, terms and conditions, or to obtain a hard copy please write to Cordsafe Ltd, Unit 8F 

Parkway Farm, Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom DT1 3AR. Warranty applies to intended use only.

Please note that we may make changes to our product at any time. The images on our instructions and labels are for illustrative purposes only and your product may vary slightly 

from these images.


 complies to ABYC Standard A-33 for Emergency Engine/Propulsion Cut-Off Devices, as Technically Amended July 2020.

UK patents GB2530121 and GB2563506, US patents US10062529 and US10957496, AU patent AU2015298807


 is a registered trademark in the United Kingdom UK3195087 & pending US Trade Mark. © 2022 Cordsafe Ltd.

Cordsafe Ltd, Unit 8F, Parkway Farm, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom DT1 3AR

Thank you for choosing Lifecord. Please read this instruction manual carefully 

before using this product and keep it for future reference.

Lifecord’s intended use is as a kill cord, providing a tethered connection between a boat/

engine’s ignition kill switch and the boat’s pilot. It is designed to be worn either around the 

pilot’s leg or connected to the pilot’s lifejacket using the lifejacket key while the lifejacket 

is being worn by the pilot. It is designed to trigger an audible and visual warning alarm 

should it be connected to the kill switch but not the pilot. Lifecord is only to be used for its 

intended use.


 Always wear a kill cord when driving a boat fi tted with an engine ignition kill 

switch. If the pilot is ejected from the boat’s helm and the pilot is not wearing a kill cord the 

boat’s engine will continue to run which can cause serious injury or death.


 Not intended for use on personal watercraft.

Lifejacket key

1  Honda

2a Mercury / Mariner (toggle switch type)

2b Toggle Guide (toggle switch type) 

3  Mercury / Mariner / Tohatsu 

4  OMC Evinrude  

5  Suzuki  

6  OMC Johnson / Evinrude 

7  Yamaha 



Also view ‘User Quick Guide’ video -
