R E C E S S E D P O W E R - T R A C
R e c e s s e d P o w e r- Tr a c H o u s i n g t o
A c h i e v e t h e “ D e s i g n e d - I n ” L o o k
For a clean, flush-to-ceiling “designed in”
trac lighting look. Unique Recessed Power-
Trac Housing accommodates Halo Minia-
ture (single circuit) or Halo-2 (two circuit)
Power-Trac sections. It is compatible with
drywall, suspended standard 15/16” or
9/16” T-grid, tegular ceilings, and most
other ceiling materials.
See drawings A, B, C.
Offered in 4’ or 8’ lengths. Channel lengths
can be field cut to suit application. Housing
will accommodate straight runs L, T, or X
configurations. System allows power feed
connections from live ends or connectors.
Lightweight housing is easy to install.
Complete system can be installed by one
person before making electrical
connections. First, the Power-Trac housing
is installed to the finished ceiling. Power
supply connections are made. Then the
Miniature or Halo-2 Power-Trac sections are
placed in the housing.
Recessed Power-Trac Housing can also be
used as a raceway with L937 Raceway
Cover accessory. This allows additional
Power-Trac sections to be fed from one
outlet box. Perfect for commercial or long-
run installations!
S i z e
Recessed Power-Trac Housing is
1 17/32” (39mm) deep with a 3 3/8” (86mm)
wide flange area.
F i n i s h
Available in white.
C o n n e c t o r s / H o u s i n g s
Single circuit and two circuit connectors
available. L’s, T’s and X’s allow track to be
assembled in any pattern.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Housing is extruded aluminum with .070”
nominal wall thickness.
L1651, L1652
Halo Recessed Power Trac housing
accommodates Miniature or Halo-2
Power-Trac section.
• L1651
–4’ Housing Recessed Channel - actual
length 44” (1118mm).
Finish: White (P)
–8’ Housing Recessed Channel - actual
length 92” (2337mm).
Finish: White (P)
C e i l i n g D e t a i l
Housing layouts conform to standard ceiling grid
modules and track lengths. Housing may be
spaced on modular or non-modular intervals.
A . D r y w a l l
Mount as shown. Use Lathing Tab to
fasten Housing to ceiling support
members. Set housing so flanges
overlap finished ceiling.
B . S t a n d a r d Ti l e
Mount as shown. Use Recessed
Housing Hanger to suspend housing.
Set housing so flanges overlap
finished ceiling.
C . R e g u l a r Ti l e
Mount as shown. Use Recessed
Housing Hanger to suspend housing.