CoolBot Factory Reset
Not Applicable to 2G Model (CoolBot with cables on top and side)
CoolBot Pro
From the CoolBot Pro Controller
1. On the CoolBot
, press the left arrow button until
the Program light
is solidly lit. You will see the
firmware version on the display (7.8, 7.9, etc.).
2. Press the Checkmark button
five times slowly,
until you see “P1” on the display.
3. Press the Left Arrow
a few times to get to the reset option you want:
: resets all settings (Same as “
Full factory reset of
CoolBot and Jumper
IF the
Jumper is connected.
Full factory reset of the
CoolBot only
, if the
Jumper is disconnected.
: escapes from this menu and returns to normal operation
: clears the Jumper’s (Wi-Fi radio)
settings only. The Jumper HAS to be connected to the CoolBot
CE: Wi-Fi Mode disabled
=Not using Wi-Fi,
=Using Wi-Fi (See
: clears the CoolBot’s settings to defaults but
keeps the Wi-Fi settings
the same.
: resets all settings (Same as “
Full factory reset of CoolBot and Jumper IF the
Jumper is connected.
Full factory reset of the CoolBot (ONLY), if
Jumper is disconnected.
4. Press
to select that reset option.
5. You will see a blinking
for “no”.
Press one of the arrow keys
to change it to
for “yes.”
6. Press Checkmark.
The CoolBot will reset the selected settings.
7. If you chose
P1, CJ,
Fr with the Jumper connected to the CoolBot Pro
, the CoolBot will switch to its
Wi-Fi Configuration mode. You should
see the code “E0”
on the display. This means it’s ready to
reconfigure Wi-Fi.
8. The CoolBot set temp has been reset to factory setting of 42F, change it to your desired room temp.
(continue on page 2)
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Store It Cold, LLC