September 10, 2020 | 296742-ENG R00 11
3.8.2 LED Lighting - LED Option
LED lighting offers significant advantages over the fluorescent lighting packages, including:
Decreased wattage consumption yields significant energy savings.
Reduced overall maintenance costs due to the longer life of LEDs.
Reduced heat production during operation, which reduces demand on the cooling
system and allows the light to be closer to the plants.
Reduced sensitivity to temperature variations.
3.8.3 Ceramic Metal Halide Lighting
– CMH Option
Ceramic metal halide (CMH) lamps are commonly used to provide an optimal spectrum including
abundant far red.
3.9 Closed Loop Dimmable Lighting System
Lamp canopies incorporate dimmable ballasts. Automatic adjustment of the light intensity can be
set within the programmed range for as low as 10% for fluorescent, 10% for LED, or 40% with
CMH lamps, to the maximum intensity. Incandescent lamps are controlled in light levels.
Prior to operating dimmable fluorescent lamps, run the lamps at full intensity for a period of 100
hours to burn off impurities on the filament ends of the lamps left the during manufacturing
Contact Conviron for LED light bar replacement.
DO NOT look directly at the ceramic metal halide lamps while in operation.
High intensity light can be harmful to your eyes. Use caution when working with high
intensity light equipped chambers.
Use adequate eye protection for the concerned wavelengths of Actinic UV, Blue
Light and Infrared. Also wear protective clothes and gloves.
Alternatively, the operator may turn off the ceramic metal halide lamps through the
control panel user interface while accessing the cabinet.
Failure to burn in the fluorescent lamps before dimming will significantly reduce the life
of the tubes.