Copyright © 2015
, All rights reserved.
Kambukka bvba | Torenplein 7.16.1 | 3500 Hasselt | Belgium
Care and use instructions
Product is NOT designed for hot liquids. Use only with cold liquids.
Not for use with carbonated or pulpy beverages.
Prior to drinking, make sure the lid is properly threaded to the body and screwed on
Avoid accidental depressing of the AUTOSEAL® button by keeping the button free
and clear of other objects.
DO NOT overfill. Fill liquids to just below the threading in the body.
DO NOT microwave or freeze.
DO NOT use cleaners containing bleach, chlorine, abrasives, and/or other harsh
DO NOT continue to use product if damaged.
The AUTOSEAL lid that came with your new purchase is designed to only fit your
Contigo® water bottle. Not for use with other products.
Use the bottle’s lock feature to avoid unintended depressing of the AUTOSEAL®