Rod Wipes
Q: Why do I need Athletix Guide Rod Wipes?
It is important to keep the rods on weight machines
clean and lubricated so that the weight plates can move
smoothly up and down. Some cleaning methods allow
the cleaning fluid to seep down between the weight
plates, causing the weight plates to stick together. Some
cleaning fluids remove necessary lubricants causing the
weight plates to chatter as they move up and down.
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes have been specifically
engineered with the right cleaning/lubricating fluid and
the convenient wiper applies just the right amount of
protective lubricant while removing the dirt and
What type of equipment needs this type of
Any weight equipment that has guide rods to control
the weight plates as they move up and down. Also use
them on elliptical tracks, seat slides, and other sliding or
rolling mechanisms. Never apply lubricants to handgrips,
seating surfaces, pads or friction surfaces such as fly
wheel brakes or resistance brakes.
Q: How do I use these wipes?
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes are effective and easy to
use. Simply dispense a wipe from the handy canister and
completely wipe the guide rods above the weight stack –
it’s that easy. The wipes will remove dust and built-up
grime, leaving the rods clean, lubricated and protected.
Depending on the cleanliness of the machine’s rods, one
may get multiple uses out of the same wipe.
Q: How often do I need to clean the rods with
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes?
For best results and the greatest protection, the
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes should be used regularly. For
an average club, treatment is recommended once a week.
For more heavily used equipment, the wipes should be
used more frequently to maintain protection.
Q: Have Athletix Guide Rod Wipes been
tested by any equipment manufacturers?
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes were co-developed with
and tested by a leading weight equipment manufacturer.
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes have shown to be safe and
Q: What’s in it?
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes contain PTFE. A
complete MSDS can be found on our website.
Q: Is it harmful to the equipment?
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes are formulated to meet
the specific needs of health club equipment – they will
clean and lubricate without harming the rods or weight
Q: Is this something that members can use?
No, this is a maintenance product and should be
applied by your staff or maintenance technician during
off-peak hours.
Q: Is it harmful to the maintenance person?
Athletix Guide Rod Wipes are very safe when used
as directed. As with any chemical solution, gloves
should be worn when using the wipes. Please review
our MSDS to learn what to do in the event that skin or
eyes are exposed to this product. The MSDS can be
found on our website.