Connevans IR Swift+ Quick Manual Download Page 1

IR Swift+ Soundfield Quick Guide

The speaker

There are six
controls on the 
IR Swift



Once set, these
controls are
normally left alone
and should rarely
need adjusting.



Aux in


Mic B


Mic A


Aux Out


Aux In 


Aux Out


As the IR Swift


operates from an external power supply, the

IR Swift


automatically enters a low power standby state

when not in use. However, on environmental grounds, it is
still best to switch it off at the power socket when not in use.

Please refer to the IR Swift


user guide for help with

connecting external equipment such as whiteboards, TV etc.


The IR Swift


is a wireless infra-red soundfield system which benefits

both students and tutor ‒ a few minutes of your time will help you
understand how and why the system works so well. 

Try the system out with a colleague before using it in class. When setting the volume,
if you can hear your own voice clearly from the IR Swift


unit from across the

classroom then the volume is too loud! Make sure you experience the system by
listening to somebody else. Listening for yourself is the best way to understand why
the IR Swift+ system does not need to be set very loud to achieve an enhanced and
relaxing listening experience.

benefits the tutor

offering greatly reduced vocal
fatigue, improved class
discipline and attentiveness. 
Less repetition is required and
there is a generally less
stressed teaching day.

A soundfield system...

benefits the student 

offering improved speech clarity and verbal
recognition for all class members including
those with permanent or temporary
hearing loss. Academic performance has
been shown to improve with the
introduction of a soundfield system.

Siting the IR 



The IR Swift


unit is usually best positioned at the opposite end of the classroom to

the tutor, above seated head height. Although the IR Swift


is a single hyper-wide

dispersion speaker unit, when in use the system actually has two ʻspeakersʼ ‒ one is
the IR Swift


and the other is yourself i.e. a sound source at both ends of the room.

When set up properly, a soundfield system will actually reduce the overall noise level
in a classroom and because there is no need to ʻtalk loudlyʼ it gives a clearer more
natural sound to your voice. 

IR Swift+ remote volume adjust

The IR Swift+ has a remote volume adjust feature for use with a Swift



IR Classmate Pendant
microphone transmitter

System components

Belt worn transmitter
with lavalier

Aux in is for connecting an 'iPod, MP3 player,

laptop, PC etc.  3.5mm lead also included.





Belt worn transmitter
with collarworn

B45SWIFTQG2   V1.0

IR Swif



transmitter ‒ 5 alternatives

The lecturer needs to use an IR transmitter to pick up their voice. 
Our recommended choice is the Swift


pendant transmitter, because it

is exceptionally light and easy to wear and has excellent sound pick up.
The handheld transmitter is ideal for group discussion or guest use.
A useful feature of the Swift


is that you can remotely adjust the

soundfield volume level to respond to changes in classroom activity. 
The IR Swift


wall unit has two channels and can have two transmitters

in use simultaneously.
