GraphiteVPX/GbE 16+4-Port - Managed Carrier Ethernet Switch
Users Guide
Document: CTIM-00461
Revision: 0.02
Page 13 of 26
Connect Tech Inc. 800-426-8979 | 519-836-1291
Date: 2016/10/27
CLI Management Interface
CLI Access via the RS232 Serial Port
To use the CLI management on the VPG you must connect to the RS-232 external management serial port (P3)
or through the backplane serial port connection. Only TX, RX and GND connections are needed for operation.
You then must open the serial port in a terminal program such as: RealTerm, Putty, HyperTerminal, minicom,
etc. The COM port must be set up to run with a baud rate of
115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity
Note: the VPG external serial port is compatible with RS-232 Input/Output Levels (NOT TTL or CMOS).
RS-232 Serial Parameter
Baud Rate
115200 bps
Data Bits
Stop Bit
Output Voltage Swing
±4.2 V
Input Voltage Range
±15 V
Input Threshold Low
0.8 V
Input Threshold High
2.4 V