Compass STCGE 05 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

Compass UK & Ireland 

Workplace Safety Management System

Safety Task Card


Unit Managers – use page overleaf to list any hazards and control measures specific to your site which are not listed below

Safe System of Work

1.  Make sure the operating switches are conveniently accessible.

2.  Rigger gloves and reinforced toe cap safety shoes should be worn when using the compactor.

3.  Only place waste items which the compactor is designed to compress into the machine.  

If you are in doubt, do not put it in the compactor.

4.  Do not put aerosol cans or other pressurised containers in the compactor.

5.  NEVER stand anywhere where you could become entangled or drawn into the compactor.

6.  Take care that loose clothing and hair does not become entangled or drawn into the compactor.

7.  The waste compactors must be isolated from the power supply before cleaning.

8.  Never attempt to remove an obstruction. Notify your manager immediately.

9.  The area around the waste compactor must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.

Use of waste compactors

If you have any concerns, stop and speak with your line manager before proceeding.

What are the hazards and how might they harm?

What other precautions should be taken?

What PPE should the individual wear?

Clean up any spillages immediately

Slip injuries from spillages, 

trip injuries from obstructions

Crush injuries, bruises, 

fractures and amputation 

caused by entrapment

Impact injuries from 

ejected objects

Explosion or fire when 

unsuitable items are placed  

in the compactor

Back and muscle strain

from manual handling

Cuts, puncture wounds,

lacerations from contact

with sharp items

