StorageWorks SDLT Tape Drive by Compaq Reference Guide
Operating the SDLT Drive
This chapter covers the following topics:
Power On-Self-Test
Compaq-approved cartridges
Operating the SDLT drive
Front panel indicators and buttons
Write-protecting a cartridge
Cartridge handling and storage
Power On Self-Test
When power is initially applied, the SDLT drive performs a Power On Self-Test
(POST). After the user powers up the drive, the green indicator flashes while POST is
performing. When the green indicator is illuminated, the drive is ready for operation.
If the amber indicator is illuminated, a problem has been detected. See Chapter 4,
“Troubleshooting the SDLT Drive.”
Compaq-approved Cartridges
Table 3–1 lists Compaq-approved cartridges:
Table 3–1: Cartridge Types and Formats
SDLT 110/220
SDLT 160/320
Media Compatibility
SDLT Tape 1
DLT Tape IV (Read only)
DLT Tape I: TRS13
Model (Read Only)
SDLT Tape 1
DLT Tape IV (Read only)
DLT Tape I (Read Only)