Diagnostic Tools
Default Configuration
When the system is first powered on, the system ROM detects the un-configured state of the
hardware and provides default configuration settings for most devices. By providing this
initialization, the system can run Diagnostics and other software applications before running
the normal SmartStart and System Configuration programs.
Default Configuration Messages
If you chose to format and partition your boot drive before running
SmartStart and the System Configuration programs, this may prohibit creating a System
Partition and the off-line remote management features that it provides.
If you insert a System Configuration, Diagnostics, or SmartStart and Support Software CD in the
CD-ROM drive prior to powering on the Server, the system ROM will boot to that utility. If the
system ROM does not detect one of those CDs, you will be prompted for your intended
operating system. The system will reboot if any operating system-dependent configurations have
changed with the new operating system selection. If the selected operating system-dependent
configurations are the same as the current configurations, the system will boot normally. If you
enter a wrong choice, on subsequent re-boots you may change your operating system.
Utilities Access
The Compaq SmartStart and Support Software CD contains the SmartStart program and many of
the Compaq utilities needed to maintain your system, including:
System Configuration Utility
Array Configuration Utility
Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics Utility
ROMPaq Firmware Upgrade Utilities
Do not select the Erase Utility when running the SmartStart and
Support Software CD. This will result in data loss to the entire system.
Running Compaq Utilities
There are three way to access Compaq Utilities:
Run the utilities on the system partition.
If the system was installed using SmartStart, the Compaq utilities will automatically be
available on the system partition. The system partition could also have been created during
a manual system installation.