Compaq Hot-Pluggable Wide Ultra2 Installation Poster Download Page 1


See Other Side for Additional Information

© 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.

Compaq, ProLiant, and ProSignia,
registered United States Patent and Trademark Office.
First Edition (June 1999)
Part Number 386195-002

Software Requirement for Intel Servers: 

Support Software CD

Software Requirement for Alpha Servers: 


Tools Requirements: 


Installation Overview:

1. Verify correct drive carrier support - Verify that the server or disk

enclosure supports Wide Ultra2 SCSI drive carriers. Refer to the
documentation included with the system.

2. Review Important Guidelines - When replacing a failed drive, refer to the

documentation included with the server or disk enclosure system to identify
and remove a failed drive. See "Important Guidelines for Replacing Hot-
Pluggable Hard Drives" included on this poster.

3. Remove failed drive - Follow the steps shown on this card to remove the

hard drive. See the Installation Steps included in this document.

4. Install the hot-pluggable hard drive - Follow the steps shown on this card

to install the hard drive. See Installation Steps included in this document.

5. Configuration - If this is an upgrade or new installation on a ProLiant based

system, run the Compaq System Configuration Utility found on the Software
Support CD.


   For the latest information and instructions on Compaq Hard Drives, such as

Hard Drive Compatibility tables, Important cards, and updated installation instructions, refer to
the Technical Information area at the following Compaq website:

Availability of Japanese Documentation

To view or download Japanese versions of Compaq SCSI hard drive
documentation, go to the following Compaq website:

To order a hard copy of Japanese Compaq SCSI hard drive documentation,
please contact the COMPAQ Customer Call Center and provide them with an
HDD kit number and a serial number.

Compaq Customer Call Center:       0120-101589

This is a toll free call number. The center is available Monday thru Friday
9:00 – 12:00/13:00 – 17:00 (Except during National Holidays).

Figure 1.  Drive Replacement Conditions

OK to remove drive if not part
of fault-tolerant configuration

OK to remove failed drive


 remove drive


 remove drive


 remove drive


 remove drive



Drive Access

Drive Failure


Important Guidelines for Replacing
Hot-Pluggable Hard Drives

Follow these guidelines when replacing drives:


Never remove more than one drive at a time.
When a drive is replaced, the controller uses data from the other drives in the
array to reconstruct data on the replacement drive. If more than one drive is
removed, a complete data set is not available to reconstruct data on the
replacement drive(s) and permanent data loss could occur.


Never remove a working drive.
Drives that have been failed by the controller are indicated by the amber
Drive Failure LED on the drive carrier. Permanent data loss will occur if a
working drive is removed while replacing a failed drive. See Figure 1.


Never remove a drive while another drive is being rebuilt.
A drive’s Online LED will be flashing green while it is being rebuilt. A
replaced drive is rebuilt from data stored on the other drives.  See Figure 1.


Never turn a disk enclosure off while the initiator or controller is powered
on or active.
Doing so may cause the initiator or controller to mark the drives as “failed.”
This could result in permanent data loss.


If the system has an online spare drive, wait for it to complete rebuilding
before replacing the failed drive.
When a drive fails, the online spare will become active and begin being
rebuilt as a replacement drive. After the online spare has completed Automatic
Data Recovery (The Online LED will be continuously lit), the failed drive
should be replaced with a new replacement drive. Do not replace the failed
drive with the online spare. See Figure 1.


If a drive is replaced while the system is Off, it may be necessary to rebuild
the replaced drive.
Follow the instructions on the screen or the instructions outlined in the
system's reference guide.
