Compaq Smart Array 5i Plus Controller User Guide
Writer: Amy L. Laffitte File Name: b-ch.1-features
Codename: Executor Part Number: 266328-001 Last Saved On: 4/18/02 2:33 PM
Has a Battery Backed Write Cache Enabler
Supports these additional features:
RAID (0, 1 + 0, 5)
Online RAID migration between any two levels
Online array capacity expansion
Adjustable stripe size
Performance monitoring with
Compaq Insight Manager
S.M.A.R.T. paging
Drive pre-failure notification
Tagged command queuing
Multiple logical drives per array
Compaq Pre-Failure Warranty and Pre-Failure Notification for Compaq
drives (requires Compaq Insight Manager)
Easy-to-use Compaq Array Configuration Utility (ACU) and browser-based
Compaq Array Configuration Utility XE (ACU-XE)
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays (ORCA) Utility
Redundant ROM
Battery Backed Write Cache Enabler
A Battery Backed Write Cache Enabler is included with the Smart Array 5i Plus
Controller. Also called the battery module, this component enables write cache,
provides transportable data protection, increases overall controller performance, and
maintains any cache data for up to 72 hours.
The data protection (and the time limit) also applies if a power outage occurs. When
power is restored to the system, an initialization process writes the preserved data to the hard