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Related Publications
The following related publications are available by contacting the online Commscope Support
Center at
Ribbon Cable Breakout (RIBCBOUT) Kits User Manual (TC-96271-IP)
-- provides a
high-level overview of and basic installation instructions for the CommScope RIBC-
BOUT (Ribbon Cable Breakout) series ribbon fiber cable breakout kits utilizing expand-
able mesh sleeve material to provide protection and transportation for the fiber ribbons
from the point of exit from the cable sheath to the tie-down point on the fiber splice tray
or wheel. The kits are applicable for both standard matrix and “rollable” style fiber rib-
bons in slotted core, central tube, or loose buffer tube cable constructions, and for cable
counts ranging from 144-fiber to 3456-fiber.
Cable Clamp Kit Installation Drawings
- contain instructions for the cable clamps kits
listed in this user manual. These instructions ship with the kit, and can also be obtained
Product Description
General Description
The Flex Frame Splice Cabinet is a compact splice enclosure that provides a splicing interface
between “panel stubs” and facility cables.
In a Flex Frame application, panel stubs originate in the Flex Frame in pre-terminated Enhanced
High Density (EHD) or Compact High Density (CHD) panels. Panel stubs are covered with mesh
tubing rather than a sheath, and contain rollable ribbons, each with 12 fibers.
Facility cables are high-fiber-count cables, likewise containing rollable ribbons, and of a type
suitable for being routed indoors or outdoors as required.
The Flex Frame Splice Cabinet is also available in a stand alone kit with wall mounting brackets,
providing the option of mounting the cabinet on a wall. In this case, the cabinet can be used with
other types of panels and cables if they are comparable in function and structure to those used in
a Flex Frame application. Cables from non-Flex-Frame panels (called “right-entry cables” in this
user manual) may need to broken out per the instructions and breakout diagram provided in
The splice cabinet accommodates up to 24 splice trays, each with a capacity of up to 288 rollable
ribbon, mass fusion splices, for a total of 6912 splices. In a Flex Frame application, the capacity
is 5184 splices (for panels with LC connectors).
shows the interior components of the splice cabinet loaded with splice trays.
Table 1: Cable Clamp Documentation
Cable Clamp Kit
Installation Drawing