Audio streaming
Avoiding double recordings
By switching channels in parallel to a master channel, it is possible to avoid double recordings of the
same audio signal. This feature is available for all recordable audio signals, i.e.: conversations, alarms,
all calls and group calls as well as conferences and radio conferences.
Example of a conversation between two subscribers configured for speech recording for the calling
subscriber (master) as well as for the called subscriber (slave).
Possibility 1: To each subscriber, a separate recorder is assigned – the conversation will be recorded
Possibility 2 (recommended): To both subscribers, the same master recorder is assigned (further re-
corders are switched in parallel to this master recorder) – the conversation will be recorded only
Mandatory recording
Audio signals of a subscriber can be recorded mandatory, i.e. this subscriber can only set up e.g. a con-
versation if a recorder is available.
If no recorder is available, the busy tone is switched on (at the initiator) instead of setting up the re-
spective audio signal (e.g. conversation or initiation conference).
For a mandatory recording, it is necessary to differentiate between master/initiator and slave/
Mandatory recording is possible for the calling subscriber (master) and the called subscriber (slave).
Conference and radio conference
Mandatory recording is possible for the initiator and the receiver (of a conference or radio conference).
Example of a 7T conference recording:
Possibility 1: The initiator of a conference is configured for speech recording.
Possibility 2: The receiver of a conference is configured for speech recording.
All call, group call and alarm
Mandatory recording is possible for the Initiator (of an all call, group call or alarm).
Speech recording configured for receiver:
An all call and group call as well as an alarm for which a receiver is configured will be started al-
though no recorder is available.
If during an existing all call, group call or alarm a recorder becomes idle (i.e. available), the all call,
group call or alarm will be recorded as of that point of time.
Restart Intercom Server
At a restart of the Intercom Server in which the Gx-IAX card is located (e.g. due to a failure of a connec-
tion link), e.g. a conversation with mandatory recording will be stopped.
ATTENTION: Simultaneous recording
The number of possible simultaneous recordings of audio signals depends on how much recorders
are available.
NOTE: Mandatory recording
If e.g. all conversations over a S0 connection or via a Gx-TEL card shall be recorded, the mandatory
recording has to be configured for the respective interface.