PABX mode
After dialling at telephone – outgoing phone call
For outgoing phone calls initiated by dialling the channel manually, after dialling on the VoIP phone
can be enabled.
Interfaces > IAX
Activate the checkbox
After-Dial from telephone
for the respective channel via which the call to
the phone shall be set up (therewith, e.g. ending a conversation by pressing the button “#” at the
telephone is enabled for an outgoing phone call built up by dialling the channel manually).
Dynamic call transfer – outgoing phone call
Subscriber > General >
Dynamic call transfer for outgoing phone calls via CCT 800
In the field
Secretary Number
, enter the call number for each channel of the call transfer chain to
which calls shall be transferred.
In the field
Secretary Waiting time when busy [s]
, enter the timeout in seconds for the last chan-
nel of the call transfer chain after which the transfer of the call along the configured transfer chain
has to be started again (in case this channel is busy too). For this last channel of the chain, configure
the 1st channel of the chain as “secretary number”.
In addition to the “chef-secretary transfer chain”, an entitlement for the automatic call transfer for the
“calling subscriber” and for the “called subscriber” has to be configured.
Subscriber > Entitlements
For the subscriber calling into the chain (which is dialling a channel of the transfer chain), activate
the checkbox
Call transfer as calling station
For the channel from which the call shall be transferred (for all channels of the transfer chain), acti-
vate the checkbox
Call transfer as called station
ATTENTION: Secretary function
When configuring the 1st channel of the chain as “secretary number” for the last channel (as
described), the “secretary waiting time” (for the last channel) must be configured too.