PABX mode
Phone call by direct outward dialling
Subscriber > Attendant contacts
Right-click on the telephone interface and select “Add attendant contacts”.
Subscriber > Attendant contacts > station number >
Right-click on the blank background to the right and select the option “Add output”. This output is
used as dummy output.
Click on
Configure PA
. A dialogue appears.
Enter the up to 4-digit call numbers (max. 41 entries per output contact).
Accept each entered number by clicking on
Enter “Wildcards” with “*” (max. 4-digit, e.g. “4***” or “63**”).
If all required numbers are entered, click on
. The entered numbers are indicated in the field
PA numbers in CCT 800
After-dialling at the telephone (outgoing phone call)
For outgoing phone calls initiated by dialling the interface manually, after-dialling on the telephone can
be enabled as follows:
Interfaces > TEL
Activate the checkbox
After-Dial from telephone
for the telephone interface over which the call
to the telephone shall be set up. In this way, e.g. cancelling a conversation at the telephone with “#”
is enabled – for an outgoing phone call set up by dialling the interface manually.
Common functions of the telephone interface
NOTE: Direct outward dialling
This function is only available for max. 4-digit telephone numbers (e.g. PABX subscribers).