Rings to Answer Call
Operates in the Automatic mode only.
This feature determines how many times an incoming phone call rings before it is answered by the ASAP 104. The factory
setting is 1 ring, to permit the ASAP 104 to answer and transfer calls as quickly as possible. Under normal circumstances, it
is not necessary to change this setting.
This feature has a range of 1 to 99 rings to answer a call. If this ring count is set higher than 1 ring and a call is answered
from an extension phone before the ASAP 104 answers, the single tone transfer is deactivated. The tone transfer access
codes still function only if preceded by the
The factory setting for the
Rings to Answer Call
is 1 ring. To change this feature, perform the following steps:
1. Take the phone in port P1 off-hook
2. Press
# * (three beeps) 4 0 _ _ * (three beeps) * (one beep)
(blank spaces represent the new Rings to Answer Call)
3. Hang up the phone
Rings to Port P1
This feature determines the number of rings that the ASAP 104 provides to port P1 with a range of 1-99 rings and operates
in either the Automatic mode or the Semi-Automatic mode.
The factory setting for the
Rings to Port P1
is 6 rings.
To change this feature, perform the following steps:
1. Take the phone in port P1 off-hook
2. Press
# * (three beeps) 4 1 _ _ * (three beeps) * (one beep)
(blank spaces represent the new Rings to
Port P1)
3. Hang up the phone
Rings to Port P2
This feature determines the number of rings that the ASAP 104 provides to port P2 with a range of 1-99 rings and operates
in either the Automatic mode or the Semi-Automatic mode.
The factory setting for the
Rings to Port P2
is 6 rings.
To change this feature, perform the following steps:
1. Take the phone in port P1 off-hook
2. Press
# * (three beeps) 4 2 _ _ * (three beeps) * (one beep)
(blank spaces represent the new Rings to Port P2)
3. Hang up the phone
Rings to Port P3
This feature determines the number of rings that the ASAP 104 provides to port P3 with a range of 1-99 rings and operates
in either the Automatic mode or the Semi-Automatic mode.
The factory setting for the
Rings to Port P3
is 6 rings.
To change this feature, perform the following steps:
1. Take the phone in port P1 off-hook
2. Press
# * (three beeps) 4 3 _ _ * (three beeps) * (one beep)
(blank spaces represent the new Rings to Port P3)
3. Hang up the phone