5. Cleaning the pool floor
The vacuuming of the pool floor is carried out in FILTRATION position of the valve.
Switch the pump off. Use a hose clamp to connect a pool hose to the round suction plate of the pool skimmer
(See fig. 10). Alternatively place a pool hose into the bottom of the skimmer. This will demand a sucking hose
with a special muff connector. Make sure to remove all air from the hose before cleaning.
The air will come out by filling the hose with water when holding it in front of the inlet to the pool while the pump
is running.
The hose pipe of the floor cleaner must be completely full of water, so the pump does not suck air.
When this is done the pump can be started. If air enters the filter system, stop the pump, and purge the floor
Start the pump and move the cleaning devise slowly. Moving it too quickly will raise the impurities from the pool
When cleaning is finished follow it with the COUNTERWASH procedure.
Fig. 10