Atena Easy Addressable Fire Alarm Panel – Installation and Programming Manual
7.4.1 Set Address
In this submenu the installer can directly set addresses to new devices in the system. The procedure is same with that
for self addressing. It is suitable when the installer needs to add single devices to the system configuration at free
addresses. The detectors and sounders must not be mounted to the bases; the call points and modules must not be
connected to the loop.
To set address to a device, enter in the
installer’s menu - 4. ADDRESSING - 4.1. SET ADDRESS. The device must be
prepared for connection to the panel (loop 1 or loop 2).
The system automatically shows the first address in the system. Use the button ‘CHANGE’ to switch to loop 2 if present
in the system
The address is free if ‘SAVE’ button is active.
To find a free address use the up and down arrows to scroll over the address numbers.
The free address in the system configuration is recognized with active ‘SAVE’ functional button (2) in the last row of the
screen. Take the new device and connect it to the system - mount the detector or siren to the base or connect the
module to the loop. Press the ‘SAVE’ button and wait for a couple of seconds. If the addressing is successful the
message ‘SUCCESSFUL’ starts blinking on the screen. If the message is ‘ERROR’ then there is a problem - the device
is not properly connected; there is no communication with the panel. You can proceed with setting the next address or
escape with ‘CANCEL’ button.
7.4.2 Change Address
In this submenu the installer can change the address number of a device. To change address of a device, enter in the
installer’s menu - 4. ADDRESSING - 4.2. CHANGE ADDRESS.
The system automatically shows the first address in the system. Use the up and down arrows to select the address of
the device you want to change.
se the button ‘CHANGE’ to switch to loop 2 if present in the system.
Press the right arrow button to switch to ‘NEW ADDRESS’ field.
Press right arrow button to move to field
Use again the up and down arrows to find a free address in the system configuration -
the active ‘SAVE’ functional
button (2) in the last row of the screen will appear. Press the ‘SAVE’ button and wait for a couple of seconds. If the
address changing is successful the message ‘SUCCESSFUL’ starts blinking on the screen. You can proceed with
changing other address or escape with ‘CANCEL’ button.
7.4.3 Self-Addressing
In this submenu the installer can perform self addressing procedure of devices to the system configuration. The self
addressing procedure is suitable when there are great amount of devices to be connected to the panel.
The new devices are prepared for connection to the system configuration - the loop line is ready but the devices are
not installed (the detectors and sounders are not mounted to the bases; the call points and modules are not connected
to the loop).
To perform self addressing, enter in the
installer’s menu - 4. ADDRESSING - 4.3. SELF ADDRESSING. The panel
shows the first free address for every of the loops. Now the installer can start mounting detectors and modules one by-
one. The panel will set the displayed address number to the mounted device and automatically proceeds with next free
address in the system.