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Low Platform / High Rise Bed with Trundle
Assembly Instructions
Shown above is the Front of the Low Platform bed with the optional Slatted Headboard and optional Trundle Panel.
For terminology purposes, the Front of the bed is the Long Side (as shown in the picture above), the Back of the bed is
the Long Side opposite the Front. If you ordered a Headboard or Footboard, the Legs are made taller and are labeled
Leg Headboard Front/Back and Leg Footboard Front/Back. If you didn’t order a Headboard or Footboard then the Legs
are labeled Leg Left Front/Back and Leg Right Front/Back as you are looking at the Front of the bed. If you ordered a
Headboard or Footboard you will receive (2) Short Legs and (2) Tall Legs for the Headboard or Footboard end. If you
didn’t order a Headboard or Footboard you will receive (4) same height legs.
Rails go the (long) length of the bed, headers go the (short) width of the bed. If we sent you a picture of the bed while we
were building it please use that picture as a reference for assembly. Test fit all the pieces first without screws to see how
they all fit together. Just use the carriage bolts and a few screws to roughly assemble the main bedframe.
When assembling the bed it is very important that you place the Legs in the correct positions. Make sure you position
both head legs at the same end and both foot legs at the opposite end. Make sure you have the legs correct as to Front &
Back and Top & Bottom orientation.
The legs will be notched below the Front Rail to give you enough space to slide the Trundle Bed between the inside of the
legs. If the upper bed does not have a headboard then just the Front Legs are notched, if the upper bed has a Headboard
or Footboard then all four legs are notched.