5 Firmware
5.1 Normalmode
After turning on the labeler, the DIL-switches are scanned to figure out the working mode.
The dispensing of a label is triggered by the negative edge of GSC1 (Goods scanner input).
READY must not be active (12 Volt). The stop of the labelling is triggered by the detection of
the gap (LSC) and performing the remaining steps for the predispensing.
The timing diagram of the signals is shown in figure 23:
Figure 23: Timing diagram of the GSC1, LSC and FEED signals
1. Speed dependent position delay
2. Length of the predispensing
If the predispensing is increased, it is executed immediately. If it is reduced, it is executed after
dispensing the next label.
To generate the holding torque, the motor is powered all the time.
If, for any reason, no negative edge is detected on the LSC-input, the labelweb is automatically
stopped after approximately 2 meters.
At speeds faster than 10 m/min, the steppermotor is driven in the fullstep-mode. For slower
speeds, in the halfstep-mode.
The minimum speed is 3 m/min. The maximum speed is 20 m/min.
5999.515-01E 12.06.2007 WM
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