media is optimized for grayscale prints, while
is optimized for color
prints. If
is not giving you satisfactory results with grayscale images, you may
want to consider using
media for those applications.
Media variations between different production lots may produce subtle differences in image
quality and color. These variations most often occur in color ribbons and are characterized as a
slight color hue in grayscale images.
Codonics film media is designed to be viewed using a light box suitable for viewing medical
diagnostic images.
Codonics paper/white film media is designed to be viewed under coolwhite, fluorescent light.
Spectral differences and intensity variations in the viewing light sources can change the
apparent color of images printed on paper/white film.
Printed images that are subject to prolonged exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet light, or extreme
heat may degrade in image quality. (For example, printed sheets should not be stored in an
automobile on a sunny day.) Precautions should be used to avoid prolonged direct exposure.
Codonics Paper/White Film Media
The terms “white paper” and “white film” are synonymous references and used interchangeably in
this manual.
File Transfer via FTP and LPR
Different users who share a user name when transferring files to the imager may cause
unpredictable and erroneous printed output. The
imager associates
information with the user
name. Each user should have a unique user name when connecting to the imager via FTP and
Color Management
Image settings
—including gamma, contrast, Dmax, saturation, and MCM™ (Medical Color
are intended to compensate for differences that may occur between image
acquisition and image printing. These filters allow you to accurately render the final printed
image. You should use care when applying these filters to avoid over compensation.
The Default User Settings set at the control panel will potentially affect prints made by all users.
Use caution when changing the default settings.
Image Scaling
Scaling an image will filter the original image data and add or remove information, which may
affect the accuracy of the final printed image. The amount of information added or removed
will also vary with the magnitude of the scale factor applied. This can also affect the accuracy of
the final printed image. You should be aware of the properties and limitations of each scaling
algorithm and select the appropriate algorithm for the task.
Hardware Variations
Components used in the imager may vary, causing differences in image quality. The thermal
process of producing a print utilizes many components that are calibrated to provide
consistency between imagers. There are subtle differences between imagers that can cause print