Installation of CL5510 Locks
Take time to be precise and finish the job quicker.
Installation holes must be drilled in exactly the correct positions and precisely at right angles to the door surface.
Lock components must be vertically and horizontally accurate in relation to each other and to the door.
1. Lightly mark a height line on the edge and both faces of the door and on the door jamb, to indicate the top of
the lock when fitted. Crease the template along one of the dotted lines - 60mm (23/8”) or 70mm (23/4”) latch -
and tape it to the door with the top in line with the height line. Mark the holes to be drilled. Mark the centre line
of latch on to the door edge. Apply the template to the other side of the door precisely against the height line and
the centre line of latch mark. Mark the holes to be drilled again. (See diagram A).
2. Keeping the drill level and straight, drill a 25mm (1”) hole in the centre of the door edge to accept the latch.
3. Keeping the drill level and straight, drill the holes in the door face. Drill from both sides of the door to increase
accuracy and to avoid damage to the other side when a drill goes right through.
4. Put the latch into the hole and, holding it square to the door edge, draw around the faceplate. Starting with the
top and bottom cuts, chisel a rebate to allow the latch face to flush with the door edge. (See diagram B).