> CL1200 Programming Operating Instructions
CL1200 Programming & Operating
CODES – The Basics
The Cabinet Lock has three code levels available:
i) Master Code
ii) Sub-Master Code
iii) User Code
The Cabinet Lock is supplied with two factory set codes:
Master Code: 11 33 55 77
User Code: 22 44
When fitted
change the Master Code and User Code
All Master Codes and Sub-Master Codes are 8 digits long
All User Codes are 4 digits long
The lock ‘open’ time is set at 4 seconds
Before programming select the most appropriate function for the application.
A) Repeated Use
Important Note:
This is the default function and is already pre-programmed in new locks.
This is the most common function and is used where the same code will be repeatedly used.
B) Single User (Locker Mode)
The User enters a single use code which will lock and then open the lock once only and then be
This function is used for short term, multi occupancy applications e.g. a locker in leisure centre.
The lock will now remain open until the next single use code is entered into the lock.
The Cabinet Lock has a 10 button keypad and a
badged bar button. The badge bar
button is hidden beneath the handle when in the locked position.
The lock has the following code levels:
Master Code
Open the lock
Change the Master Code