Technical Manual
Page 26
Issue : B
Rev. : 1
Date : 23/10/13
Doc. i/d : 0109/6
Ref. : 090028
7.8.6. Fault Condition
To display the current fault condition, press the
key while this is displayed. This display mode is
automatically selected by the instrument should a fault condition occur. The following fault conditions are
recognised by the instrument.
no fault condition
Ch’A’ > Low
low detector level
Ch’B’ > Low
low detector level
Ch ‘B’ >range<
software gain <16 or >240
5. Comms Failure
loss of communications between DDU & SPU
Fault Condition
By pressing the arrow key the previous fault condition can be observed.
4 Previous Fault
ChB >Range<
If a fault condition exists, the minutes, hours & days averages will not be updated
7.9. Set-up Mode
All operating parameters - averaging times, output settings, normalisation parameters, path length, calibration,
etc. - can be changed from this mode. To prevent any unauthorised changes, the user must enter a four number
code before the mode can be entered.
After this mode has been selected, the instrument will suspend its operation and the Data Valid
LED will extinguish. If no key is pressed within 5 seconds after selection of this mode, the
instrument will revert to the normal operating mode.
Press the
key until the number 5 is displayed in the top left-hand corner. After the security code has
been correctly entered, there are 5 sub-modes of operation from which the set-up parameters may be changed,
these are:
Set Averages
. The four averaging stack times (seconds, minutes, hours & days) may be set as required and
also allows the four averaging stacks to be reset.
Configure O/P1
. Analogue output set up - origin, units, span, rolling average & fault condition.
Configure O/P2
. Analogue output set up - origin, units, span, rolling average & fault condition.
Alarm Hi
Rolling average, units, level.
Alarm Lo
Rolling average, units, level.
. The following are set from this mode: security #, identity #, separation, cross sectional area and
data rate.
. The calibration of the instrument can be set.