Please read manual before operatio n
Technic al Support Hours
Monday -Friday 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM EST, 1-800 -681-2629 o r 718-416-31 97
Saturda y- Sunday 9:0 0 AM - 5:30 P M EST, 1-8 00-727-3592
Or S end E-Mail to: te [email protected]
Coby Electr onics Corp.
56-65 Rust Street
Maspeth, NY 11378
www.ecoby .com
Package Contents
128M B Built-in Flash Memory
MP3, WMA Playback
Rem ovabl e Stor age Device (Music, Data and Pictu res)
Direct USB Port (No ca ble required)
Plug and Play (No installatio n software requir e for
Windows 2000 / Windows ME / Windows XP)
Mp3 p layer
Use r's Manual
Earphones w/ne ck strap
USB Cable
Installa tion CD
Safety Instructions
1. Do not exp ose the unit to high tem pera ture or humidity.
2. Do not subject the unit to severe impact, or place heavy
objects on it.
3. Do not use strong detergent or solvent to clean the unit.
4. Remove battery when the d evice is left unuse d for a
long period of tim e.
5. Do not try to disassemble and rep air the device you rself.
6. Do not exp ose to direct sunlight or heat sources.
7. Do not stor e in d usty a reas.
Hearing e xperts advise against the co nstant use of
personal stereo play ed at high volume. Constant high
volume s ue can lead to hearing loss. I f you experi ence
ringing in the ears or hearing los s, discontinu e use
and seek medi cal advice.
Protect your ears:
Battery(Not Included)
This unit operates on one alkaline battery( A AA size).
Inserting a Battery
1. Open the USB cap.
2. Open the battery cov er.
3. Insert the AAA b attery.
Make sure to match the + and - ends of the b attery with the
diagram inside the ba ttery compartme nt.
Handling the cords o n this product will expose you to le ad,
a chemical known t o the State of California to cause [cancer, and]
birth defects or othe r reproductive harm.
Wash ha nds after ha ndling.