Serial setup for iDirect iNFINITI & Evolution
Appendix C: VMU settings
• Stop bit: 1
The SAILOR 900 VSAT High Power ACU will log in to the modem using root and user
passwords. The default passwords are:
• Root: P@55w0rd!
• User: iDirect
Supported commands
After login to the modem the ACU will issue commands to the modem every second. The
following commands are supported by the SAILOR 900 VSAT High Power ACU:
• rx snr
• options show FREQ_TRANS
• rx freq
• tx freq
• latlong <lat> <long>
The signal strength command: rx snr is issued every 2 seconds. The rest of the commands
are issued one by one every 2 seconds between each signal strength command. Meaning
each of the other commands is issued every 8 seconds.
The signal strength in the ACU display and web interface is shown as dB., e.g: 8.5 dB. The
minimum value for Internet connection is around 2-3 dB.
VSAT modem option file
The option file of the VSAT modem must also include the following information:
Receive frequency of the transponder. Used with “rx freq” command
Transmit frequency if known otherwise just a dummy tx frequency (e.g.
1.450 MHz). Used with “tx freq” command.
The modem provides RX and TX frequency information via a data
connection to the SAILOR 900 VSAT High Power.
The single-cable solution makes it possible to configure the VSAT modem
to use any LO frequency in the range from 9.6 GHz to 11.3 GHz. The
SAILOR 900 VSAT High Power will tune to the correct Ku-Band frequency
and provide the correct L-Band frequency to the VSAT modem.
The SAILOR 900 VSAT High Power has an extended 8 Watt BUC with LO
up conversion frequency of 12.8 GHz.
The iDirect modem must be set to mobile unit and receive the GPS
information from the ACU with the command “latlong <lat> <long>”.
Tx handshake must be disabled in the iDirect modem.
Table C-6: Requirements for VSAT modem option file, Serial Page 14 Monday, July 18, 2016 12:44 PM