Safety summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation,
service and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific
warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and
intended use of the equipment. Thrane & Thrane A/S assumes no liability for the customer's
failure to comply with these requirements.
Microwave radiation hazards
During transmission the Above Deck Unit (antenna) in this
system radiates Microwave Power.This radiation may be
hazardous to humans close to the Above Deck Unit. During
transmission, make sure that nobody gets closer than the
recommended minimum safety distance.
The minimum safety distance to the Above Deck Unit
reflector on the focal line is 30 m, based on a radiation level
of 10 W/m
. No hazard exists >25° below the Above Deck Unit’s mounting plane. Refer to the
drawing below.
No-transmit zones
In order to protect personnel no-transmit zones can be programmed. For further information
Blocking zones with azimuth and elevation
Distance to other equipment
Do not move the Above Deck Unit closer to radars than the minimum safe distance specified in
Interference from radar, GPS and other transmitters
on page 3-13 — it may cause
damage to the Above Deck Unit.
No personnel within safety distance
Safety distance:
30 m, 10 W/m
SAILOR900Ka-IM-98-146706.book Page iii Thursday, July 16, 2015 11:07 AM