December 2020, Version 1.2
7. Linux
7.1. Overview
A Linux image can be easily created with the help of the Buildroot tool [RD-6]. It automatically builds a toolchain
and includes a wide range of user selectable software packages. This chapter will show how to get started with
Buildroot and how to load and execute a Linux image on hardware using GRMON.
Cobham Gaisler provides a BSP for NOEL-ARTYA7-EX which is included in the Buildroot version downloadable
from https://www.gaisler.com/NOEL-ARTYA7. The Buildroot BSP contains additional driver support for Linux.
7.2. Step by step instructions
Download the Buildroot distribution with the NOEL-V BSP from https://www.gaisler.com/NOEL-ARTYA7 and
extract it.
tar xf noel-buildroot.tar.gz
Go into the directory:
cd noel-buildroot
Generate the default config:
make noel32_defconfig
make noel64_defconfig
You can now make any changes you want to the configuration. For example, you could include additional software
make xconfig
Figure 7.1. Buildroot configuration dialog