FCC/IC Radiation Exposure statement
WLAN: Transceiver Unit (when separated from the Antenna Unit):
This equipment complies with FCC and IC radiation exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated at a distance greater than 20 centimeters (8 inches) between
the transceiver unit and yourself or any bystander to comply with the Radiation Exposure Requirements.
Déclaration de l’IC sur l'exposition aux radiations
WLAN: L'émetteur-récepteur (quand séparé de l'antenne) :
Le présent appareil est conforme aux limites de l’IC sur l'exposition aux rayonnements établies pour un
environnement non-contrôlé. Le présent appareil doit être installé et utilisé à une distance minimum de
20 centimètres (8 pouces) entre l'émetteur-récepteur et l'utilisateur ou tout autre individu pour être
conforme à la réglementation en matière d'exposition radiologique.
Safety note from battery supplier
Korean text:
경고 : 발열 , 화재 , 폭발등의 위험을 수반할 수 있으니 다음 사항을 지켜주시기 바랍니다 .
• 화기에 가까이 하지 말 것
• 분해 , 압착 , 관통 등의 행위를 하지 말 것
• 높은 곳에서 떨어뜨리는 등 비정상적 충격을 주지 말 것
• 전지 단자에 목걸이 , 동전 , 열쇠 , 시계 등 금속 제품이 닿지 않도록 주의할 것 ( 휴대컴퓨
터용 전지가 아닌 경우 생략 가능 )
• 60°C 이상의 고온에 노출하지 말 것
휴대 기기 , 제조업체가 보증한 리튬 2 차전지 사용할 것
English translation:
Warning: Hazards such as high temperature, fire or explosion can happen. To avoid such hazards, observe
the following directions and recommendations.
• Keep away from fire.
• Do not disassemble, break or penetrate the battery.
• Do not drop the battery.
• Do not touch the terminals of the battery with conductive materials such as coins, keys, watches etc.
• Do not expose the battery to temperatures above 60
• Only use Li-Ion batteries that are approved by the manufacturer.