Chapter 4: Setup of the antenna
To do the line up, do as follows:
1. Open an Internet browser and enter the IP address of the BDU (default IP address:
2. Activate a VSAT profile.
3. Click
Service > Line up
. The antenna must be in tracking mode and point to the
4. Wait until
Ready for lineup
5. Click the button
Activate Lineup
and wait until the
Status s
Antenna ready
Follow the instructions from your service provider for Azimuth and Elevation Offset.
6. Set the values as advised by the service provider:
• Azimuth
• Elevation
7. Follow the instructions from the service provider to make a P1dB compression test
(VSAT modem).
8. Click the button
to leave the line up procedure.
4.3.6 Fixed TX gain principle
The SAILOR XTR Ka uses a TX IF gain concept. After calibration it provides a fixed average
gain from the TX-port of the BDU to the input of the BUC. Advantages of the fixed TX IF
gain principle are:
• Average TX IF gain independent of antenna cable length
• Compatibility with the TX Power control feature
When installing the SAILOR XTR Ka you make a cable calibration. At that point every
installation adjusts to the same average TX IF gain regardless of the ADU cable length.
Additionally the SAILOR XTR Ka system also compensates for variations of the cable
characteristics or loss over frequency.
Figure 4-27: Service - Line up
The ship must not move during the line-up procedure.