This function is active as default. To disable this functions, send "Apspace+off" to tracker. Send "Apspace+on" to tracker, when need to active this function.
Alarms under Arm State
Door Open Alarm
When the door open during arm mode, the device will send sms “door alarm +lat/long” to Authorized no. in 3
minutes interval; Siren beeps 30 seconds continuously
Disarm the device to stop.
Acc Alarm
The tracker will send SMS “ACC alarm+lat/long” to the authorized numbers in 3 minutes interval when the engine of
the car is turned on, that is the key is rotated to ACC.ON position to start the car in arm state; send disarm command
“password” to stop it.
Shock Sensor Alarm (Option)
The tracker will send SMS “Sensor alarm+lat/long” to the authorized numbers in 3 minutes interval when the sensor is
triggered in arm status; the siren beeps 5 seconds if shock sensor alarm is triggered one time in 15 seconds and beeps
30 seconds if it is triggered two times in 15 seconds, send disarm command “password” to stop it.
Auto Photograph (Option)
When the tracker terminal device detects DOOR/ ACC / SOS / alarm, the tracker device will be automatically ready
for photo during sending the alarm and then shoot camera to upload the photo to the monitoring platform (web
server).Meanwhile, the device will send SMS including http link to all authorized cell phone numbers, photo can be
also requested from web server by sending command. All photos will be automatically saved in the SD card, and
viewed after copied to computers through card reader,
Alerts Resend
When vehicle enters GSM blind areas, the siren beep in Non-quiet mode if DOOR/SHOCK SENSOR/ACC, OIL
alarms are triggered, and all these alarms will be stored and send to authorized numbers or web server after GSM
signal recover.