BBG1040ACO-OM (V1.4)
Setup/Operating Instructions
BBG-1040-ACO Function Menu List and Descriptions
Audio Detect Events Setup Controls
Sets audio level screening and thresholds for audio
silence/presence event alerts on embedded audio in.
When an audio events occur, the event(s) can be used
by the Events Setup function to invoke input routing or
other changes.
Table 3-2
BBG-1040-ACO Function Menu List — continued
Any combination of embedded input channels can be selected to be screened for silence or presence. In the example here,
Audio Detect Event 1 is set to trigger if audio on both channels Emb Ch 1 and Ch 2 fall below the selected threshold for an
interval exceeding the selected threshold. Status indicators for each channel show silence (S) / presence (P) status based on
the configured thresholds.
Up to eight independent audio silence/presence events can be set to be screened (with descending priority of consideration from
Event 1 down to Event 8). This status here can be propagated to the Events Setup tab controls to issue a GPO, preset engage,
or other command when audio silence events are detected.
• Audio Failover Threshold sets the dBFS level at which channel content is considered to be silent, and correspondingly also
a transition back to an untriggered condition with resumption of audio for the selected embedded channels. If the selected
channels maintain levels above the selected Audio Failover Threshold, no triggering is invoked.
• Trigger Holdoff sets the period of time in which selected channel silence must occur before an Audio Silence Event trigger
goes true.
• Release Holdoff control sets the time in which the trigger is revoked upon an event false condition.
Note: • Default threshold and holdoff settings shown here are recommended for typical use.
• “Don’t Care” setting may be labeled as Don’t Care, DC, or DSBL (disabled). All notations mean ignoring the channel
from event triggering.
• Selections other than Don’t Care work as an AND function. Where multiple selections are set, a true (trigger)
condition is not propagated unless all selected channels experience the configured criteria.
(In the example shown above, both channels Emb Ch 1 and Emb Ch 2 need to experience a Silence event for a
trigger to be propagated.)