BBG-1034-AUDPRO-OM (V1.1)
BBG-1034-AUD-PRO Functional Description
Video Quality Events Detect Function
provides a
Video Quality Events
user interface and an
user interface for setting an area of concern across the program raster
which can be monitored for frozen or black video events. Threshold controls
allow setting the sensitivity of the function, while engage and disengage
threshold timing controls allow setting how fast the event detection engages
and releases when triggered. The
Event Triggers
user interface allows
instructing the device as to the action to take upon an event (such as go to a
changed signal routing, activate a GPO, send an automated email, or go to a
user-defined preset).
Event Triggers
user interface can detect Closed Caption Presence and
Closed Caption Absence events. The
Event Triggers
user interface in turn
allows instructing the device as to the action to take upon an event (such as go
to a changed signal routing, activate a GPO, send an automated email, or go to
a user-defined preset).
Ancillary Data Processor
provides full VANC/HANC ancillary data de-embedding and
embedding for 3G/HD/SD-SDI streams. Direct access to DID and SDID
locations allows extraction or insertion of user data such as camera PTZ,
SCTE 104, closed-captioning read/insert, GPI/GPO via ANC, or other
specialized user payloads. Data can be extracted and inserted within the
device (Bridge mode), or inserted and/or extracted to and from the device via
serial or IP interfaces connecting to external devices/systems.
This option also provides SMPTE 337 embed/de-embed, which allows serial
user data to be embedded and de-embedded over unused embedded audio
Audio Processor Description
The audio processor operates as an internal audio router. This function
chooses from the following inputs:
16 channels of embedded audio from the SDI video input (default
1-to-1 routing to SDI output)
Up to 16 channels (8 pairs) of discrete AES input
Up to 4 channels of balanced analog audio input
(See Figure 1-4.) The audio processing subsection is built around an internal
16-channel audio bus. This 16-channel bus receives inputs from an input
routing crosspoint that routes de-embedded, and discrete AES and analog
audio inputs, over the 16-channel internal bus. Correspondingly, at the output
end of the 16-channel bus is an output routing crosspoint that in turn
distributes the 16-channel bus signals to embedded, and discrete AES and
analog audio outputs.
1. Discrete audio I/O channel count is dependent on model. Not all models may support maximum
number of available discrete channels.