User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 32
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
Then press "Open" in the file selection
dialog, and then again "Open" in the import
dialog. Make sure that in the user
management the rights to use such an
additional option can be set separately for
each user.
F i r mw a r e U p d a t e
As the software evolves, you may be prompted to update the firmware when you connect the
hardware. This means that the software, which is stored in the processor of the hardware module,
must be adapted to the state of the PC software. This happens automatically.
First open the hardware dialog via menu-> configuration-> hardware.
The following dialog opens:
The module to be updated must be in the upper part of the
list. If this is not the case, but the module is in the lower
part, as in the picture on the right, select the module and
then confirm the "Disconnect" button. This disconnects
the machine from the software and the module is placed
in the top list as unused.
Click on the button "Update" to start the update of the