SECTION 3 Operation
3B. Initial System Start-Up
1. With the AOP-S cover off, turn on pool pump.
2. Check to ensure the AOP-S system active indicator is on.
3. Check to ensure the AOP-S ozone module indicator is on.
4. Verify that ozone is being pulled into the injector by checking
for bubbles at the return. If an MDV is installed, check the
MDV for bubbles.
5. Verify the above steps for all system conditions (multi-speed
pump settings, etc.)
If you experience complications, see
Section 4E. Troubleshooting
Call 1-800-733-9060 or visit www.c-m-p.com for further assistance.
3C. System Shut-Down
If the system is to be shut-down for an extended period, disconnect
the AOP-S from the power source and disconnect the check valve
assembly tubing from the ozone output barb of the AOP-S. When
winterizing, ensure that all water is drained from the AOP-S.
4A. System Electro-Mechanical Overview
4A-1. DEL AOP-S Components
Ozone Module:
The ozone module is fully enclosed and
includes a power indicator light.
UV Lamp:
This is housed in a quartz tube, which is sealed
inside of the plumbing.
Electronic ballast provides power to the UV lamp.
Flow Switch:
Activates the power relay when adequate flow is
established through the AOP-S.
Power Relay:
Turns on the ozone module and ballast.
Before performing any maintenance, make
sure the DEL AOP-S is disconnected from the power
source, the pool pump is off, and water pressure is