CML J250 Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for J250

Page 1: ...ModelJ250 Multi blade wood cutting machine w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 2: Safety measures Uftlng Positioning User security and reSidual risks Possible anomalies identifiCation and countefTT1easures Maintenance and deanlng Lubrication 8ectric diagrams Spares Enclosures Mo...

Page 3: ...T MOTOR POWER REDUCER TYPE 11 CML Srt Vials delle Induslrte 2818 1 20040 CAM81AGO MI Tel 1t 39 2 95 30 801 6 Fax 1139 2 95 30 80 03 CE standard maoong J250 9 Q f l W 0476 13 060 12 96 CERMET Via Aldo...

Page 4: ...10 Imnspottation or caused by electrical mlswiring breakage 01 blades breakdowns due to opemtor s misusage or resulting lrom repairs performed by unauthorimd personnel Forwarding charges 01 parts rep...

Page 5: ...respect ISO 7960 For sUlVey dala see altached Acoustic equivalent pondered pressure PA 95 db A Inslant sound power 100 db A Ambient correction factor K t 9 db NOTE the noise values shown must be rega...

Page 6: ...elled and capable of handling the welghl Thus proceed with the levelling 01 the machine by means 01 a precision level tool layed on the working surface Clamping the machineIsnotnecessary as the weight...

Page 7: ...of the machine The 200mm suction mouth must always be used oor1ng the normal operation of the machine The end of the tube whiCh connects the suction aspirating mouth must be flexible aboull 5 Mt 10 a...

Page 8: ...hine must be connected to the ground The wires section must be able 10han le Itlainstalled power see the following table Cut M 1 _ The ammeter shows the motor power consumption the above table shows t...

Page 9: ...handle I1e installed power see the following table 311OV 5otil 220V Sotil OIOto el do molot lIjoloroupp J Aul ileh 81 do m lO 1 1010 auppl Au ilCh ou on wl c on ng cumm i n ng wl mm tmm Z S 6 6 T g 5...

Page 10: ...osition 0 stop 1 leeding speed 2 fast feeding speed Ammeter Blades door timer blinking light Indicator Hand wheel fO lowering uppering group rollers pressure Pressing group height milllmitered scale I...

Page 11: ...h the pressing group It is important that the wood boards are made according to the attached drawing see attached Wood boards and made of undelormable wood Assemble heblades assya ld itsspacers oolyon...

Page 12: ...chine can get damaged and unsafety for the operator Unlockthe handle No 14006 than staTtJowering the blades shaft operaUngon the hand wI1eel LNo 1 4031 controlling at the same time the scale shown by...

Page 13: ...I P HO 2 1 1015 P bo I i 1 1016 E be lo 14011 FI 1IbIodendo 1401 SlNI l IOlt FtIlCt IQ riGot bott 1402S F CAIpIj STAflTIS 1 21 AIIftooj 1 00 MddI 11 9IocIIillilgIIwI WIIII 14C05 8IJdoo 1uIon i 11407 1...

Page 14: ...4 13 I noIl 141115 PMIOIOOIWIboaro j 14016 EIearicalbol loOl 14017 FnlbiadoO lo 14016 SIeoIfngen 1401 GldhotJor lWl F 14022 twde Ira l 1l3 lowOllflli kictbld 14024 PIololl Ji lOhoIdor 14025 F carpMSTA...

Page 15: ..._ i 14032 I 1409 1401 Hudtoo olr I I 1403 0 Ca pIj boct 14013 A 0 14 14031 IIo iIIiIWFJ t n tot ooI l 14032 OI 14031 C i 14042 tr b I lo104J CarpoIdoor j f i w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www...

Page 16: ...038 1409 14044 i 1404 I 1407 1404 J I9 11 111 1t 4 14011 CMpoI tJo i_ l aJl EIIodo lllinihondolwl 1 OIjQJIp liCW 110 _ I LocIIi 1ghW hool liOO1 BIodor lornll iPu c 14040 M otor i f f l i I w w w D a l...

Page 17: ...HJ tIIIIJOd cutting machif16 Wooden boards t I I _ I f I LL l ILl 1 if U 1 1 I I JL w J 1JJ _ _ __ mo __ _NN_ ____________ ______________ _ w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 18: ...Modo J250 Multi blade wood cutting machine Blad I STFlUC T10N MA U L w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 19: ...plank passage limiting disposal Fc5 see Mlcroswitches and emergeocy The fee ing truck can be Ql cluslvetystarted afterthe automaticswitching star delta 01 the motor that moves the blades shaft The hei...

Page 20: ...anti kick bac c fall in their proper position under their weight effect while operating the machine always wear safely shoes and a leath8f vest Atways use safety gloves and proper protectioo while as...

Page 21: ...olrol panel and on Ihe back 01 the machine Check all the magnelothermic swilches on Ihe electric board they musl be all set on the posi tion 1 Resel ON any eventual switch set OFF Check the In and OUT...

Page 22: ...cloor e 11ft the anti kick back disposal by means of the proper tool suppfiecF with the machine at the same time slip the board out of the machine pulling It backwards f press the Em9f geocy stop butt...

Page 23: C Use grease type ESSO INVAROL EP68 or ESSO NUTO HtOO or corresponding Nery 80 hours of work apply standard grease at the B location periodicaUy check the oil level of the feeding truck variatorbox...

Page 24: ...Model J250 MIJItI wood cutting machintl U st of components 20HP 380V 50Hz muttrblade E S w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 25: ...iad J IOOOd cutting machioo III Ust of components 25HP 3aOV 50Hz mulllblade E S SIEMENS TAl SIPI TRANSFQAMEA AUTOSWITCH INSTRUCTION MANUAL w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com w...

Page 26: ...s Jocatlon Pas 21 see attached 14ASOOI Pas 57 see attached 14A5002 Pos 14 see attached 14A5001 Pas 56 see attached 14ASOO3 Pas S see attached 14A5001 Pos 28 see anached 14A5002 Pas 49 see attached 14A...

Page 27: ...trot panel Pas 14039 Pos 14035 Control panet Pas 14025 Controt panel Pas 14016 Pos 44 see attached 14A5003 Pas 28 see attached 14A5000 Pas 81 see attached 14A5003 Guide holder Pas 14021 Sprocket suppo...

Page 28: ...0 2 0 0 J 8 I C 0 IL 0 0 0 0 5 0 I U I uL w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 29: ...r I r I f V L I 1 r j f a n 0 r o L U _ 00 rc L n J c 0 r U 1 A V 0 w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 30: ...r 0 li I 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 c s Ji r 0 r L w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 31: ...0 0 0 J 1 7 1 r J 0 0 0 i rls r r o iJ 0 IL 0 w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsWadkin com...

Page 32: ...DGl9 In _ _ i fI C 0 t _ 1 i 1 8 L 2 r r T g t 1 0 1 0 _ __ 1 li r Y i I c 4 j f _ _ __ 1 j i 0 i 5 I I 1 _ y lJ 1 0 _ 0 1 UI i w w w D a l t o n s W a d k i n c o m www DaltonsWadkin com www DaltonsW...

Page 33: ...l UTTORI TEU IIECIINI U I lC l 02510 HLEAUIIOItt IlLEH CANI_1 LC 21 0 i l _ HF1 _ T IV OAI ZZAT I I P IBER E21 l no o 1 I OAI ZZAT O E 18 21 2 un j I I _ I LC lKO Ol AEL 01 5 CORDAHlA FINDE 013 _ AEL...
