– Airmaster Q1
Installation Guide
– V1.0 – MANY1032A.EN.00
CMC NV, Industriezone Klein Frankrijk, Klein Frankrijkstraat 40, 9600 Ronse, Belgium
Airmaster Q1 hardware Installation Guide
Version 1.0
Do not operate the Airmaster Q1 until you and all personnel concerned have read
and understood this installation guide. Failure to follow instructions could result
in death or serious injury.
Important notes
This document serves as installation guide for all Airmaster Q1 products of CMC NV.
Installation and startup may only be done by trained personnel according to safe
engineering practices and with the observance of all relevant local health and safety
requirements and regulations.
A requirement of fault-free operation and fulfillment of any rights to claim under
guarantee is that the documentation is observed. In case of doubt please contact CMC.
This document could be subject to changes. Please contact our factory in case of doubt
in order to ensure that you have received the latest version.
The Airmaster Q1
is further referred to as the “controller”.
This document serves as a manual for the installation of the controller. Remark that the
controller always acts as a component of a complete system in which it is integrated. As
such other documentation for the installation related to the integration of the controller in
the complete system will have to be consulted as well. Reference to such other
documentation is not possible from within the scope of this document. Regardless of the
content of any other documentation, the content of this documentation needs to be fully